Medical Journal of Babylon-Vol. 9- No. 1 -2012 مجلة بابل الطبية- المجلد التاسع- العدد الاول- 2012

Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Hekmat Abdulrasol / M.B.Ch,B., FRCS
Prof. Dr. Yassar M. Alshama'a / M.B.Ch,B., PhD Physiology
Prof. Dr Husain S. Al-Janabi / M.B.Ch,B., FRCP Medicine
Prof. Dr. Mufeed J. Ewadh / BSc, MSc, PhD Clinical Biochemistry
Prof Dr. Nada Abdulsahib Alalwan / M.B.Ch,B., M.B.C Pathology
Prof. Dr.Jamal Rashed Alrawi / M.B.Ch,B., FICMS
Prof. Dr.Ayad Ali Alber / M.B.Ch,B., FRCS
Prof. Dr. Amera Hassan Shubber / M.B.Ch,B., FRCP

Medical Journal of Babylon - Volume 9 - Number 1 - 2012

Table of Contents

Article / Pages
Evaluation of Citrobacter freundii as a Heat Labile (LT) Enterotoxin Producer
Dhia Shanan Al-Hissnawy, Salman Azez Al-Jibouri and Azhar Ammran AL-Thahab / 1-7
The Correlation between Nasal Staphylococcus aureus and Persistent Allergic Rhinitis in Comparison with Atopic Dermatitis
Ouday Hussein K. AL-Janabi / 8-13

The Effectiveness of Right Iliac Fossa Ileus AS A Helpful Clinical Finding in Acute Appendicitis

Ahmed A.R. Essa and Wadah M. AL-Bader / 14-20
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Teucrium polium L. and the Relation with Antibacterial Activity
Ali M. A. AL-kufaishi and Lamia A. M. Al-Mashhedy / 21-26
Immunohistochemical Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and its Relation to Laboratory and Clinical Findings
Raheem Mahdy Raheem / 27-35
An Attempt to Utilize One Gel Double Staining Technique to Visualize DNA – Seminal Proteins Interactions
Mohammed Baqur Sahib Ahmed Al-Shuhaib, Ali Hmood Al-Saadi and Mahanem Mat Noor / 36-42
Risk Factors for Left Ventricular Disorders in Chronic Haemodialysis Patients
Ala Hussain Abbase Haider / 43-50
Protection from the Acute Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity by Simvastatin in Rats
Al-Thamir, S. N. K., Al-Shalah, H. H. andbBairam, A. F. H. / 51-59
Assessment of Depression for Adult Patients with Hemodialysis
Hussein Hadi Atia, Amean A. Yasir and Khalida Mohammed Khuder / 60-69
The Incidence of CT Scan Finding of Concha Bullosa in Sinonasal Disease
Safa Saheb Naji / 70-73
Molecular Study of Sortase Enzyme and Characterization of Some
Virulence Factors in Streptococcus pyogenes
Mohammed Sabri A. Razak and Rafah Fakri Al-JeboriMolecular / 74-83
Evaluate of Malondialdehyde Level and Antioxidant Systems in
Asthma Patients
Rana Abd Al-Aly / 84-89
Article / Pages
Nutritional Assessment of Elderly Persons in Babylon
Hadeel Fadhil Farhood / 90-97
Physiological study on Coronary Artery Disease Risk Factors: in Type 2 Diabetic Patients with Normal and Abnormal ECGs
Abdul-Majeed H. Al-Saffar, Muhammad O. Almuhammadi and Mouayad A. Alwash / 98-108
Comparison between the Efficiency of Liposome and Dimethylsulfoxide
to Induce Transfection of the Rabbit’s Sperm
Mohammed Baqur Sahib Ahmed Al-Shuhaib, Ali Hmood Al-Saadi and Mahanem Mat Noor / 109-119
Hirsutism: A Clinical and Biochemical Study among Iraqi Women
in Hilla City
Zena Saeed Al-Fadhily / 120-131
Correlation of Body Mass Index (BMI) With Cardiac and
Ventricular Repolarization Parameters in Young Healthy Students
Affan Ezzat Hassan / 132-139
In Vivo Efficacy of Nigella Sativa Aqueous Seed Extract Against Metacestode of Echinococcus Granulosus
Kasim Sh. Al-Mayah, Nada M. Al-Bashir and Bader M. Al-Azzawi / 140-151
Study of Vibrio Cholerae with its Virulence Factors Isolated from Diarrheal Patients in Babylon Province
Shaimaa O. Hasson, Zaitoon A. Al-Khafagi and Nada K. K. Hendi / 152-158
The Measurement of Intact Parathyroid Hormone and Serum Electrolytes and Their Relation with Renal Stones in Hilla City
Rana A.M. Shaker, MoaedE. Al-Gazally and Emad H. Al-Jaff / 159-165
Relationship between Anemia and Diastolic Dysfunction of the Heart
Mohammed Abd Abdul Hussein / 166-181
Intralesional Triamcinolone Injection in the Management of
Cutaneous Hemangiomas in Children
Arkan Hadi Ahm, Ashraf Hashim Ahmed and Fadel Abbas Alhamami / 182-187
The Effect of Selenium and Vitamin E on Male Infertility
Mohammad Ridha Judi Abbood / 188-192
Effectiveness of Glucosamine Treatment on the Modulation of Some Immunological Parameters in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis
Rusul Ali Kadhum, Sabah N. Al-Thamir and Ali M.H. Al-kazzaz / 193-199
Effect of Weight Reduction Drug Chitocal Contained Gymnema sylvester Extract on Body Weight, Lipid Profiles, Kidney Function and Histological Structure of Kidney and Intestine in Male Albino Rats
Jabbar H.Yenzeel Al-Hilfy and Nusaibah Amer / 200-208
Dexamethasone Improve Ovarian Response to Ovulation Induction Drugs in Women Over 35 Years
Suhaila F. Al-Shaikh / 209-214
Anatomical Aspects of the Technique of Trans Anal One Stage Endorectal Pull-Through Procedure in Children with Hirschsprung's Disease
Mohammed Ubaid Hamza / 215-219
Nephro-Protective Effect of Punica granatum in Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Rats
Nidhal AK Mohammed Ali and Shatha Z Saeed / 220-228
Article / Pages
The Phytotherapeutic Effect of Traditional Crude Oil of Nigella sativa
on Male Reproductive System of Albino Mice Treated with Low Toxic
Dose of Paracetamol
Rihab Galib Mohammad AL- Zuhairy / 229-237
Fortified Topical Vancomycin Drops in the Treatment of Bacterial
Alya`a Abood Kareem / 238-247
When Do Women with Breast Lumps Seek Medical Advice?
Shabander T. Fathulla / 248-249
Significance of Bowels Sounds in Acute Abdomen
Shabander T. Fathulla / 250-253
The Effect of Different Doses of Lead on the Mouse Hepatocyte
Ahmed A. AlbirT / 254-259
Evaluation of the Side Effect and Complications of Daily Low Dose
Aspirin Therapy on Minor Oral Surgery (Clinical and Follow Up Prospective Study)
Ali Qays Lilo Al-Amiri / 260-266