Hwa Chong Institution (High School Section)

Subject: IHC 3 2013 Level: Secondary 3

2013 Scheme of Work

Schedule / Curriculum of Core / Curriculum of Connection / Curriculum of Practice
/ Curriculum of Identity
Term 1
Weeks 2-3 / Theme : Birth of a Nation (NON-EXAMINABLE)
Students will be able to explain the concepts of state, nation, nation-state and nationalism.
What is nationalism?
Students will be able to:
●  Explain the concept of nationhood
●  Discuss challenges faced by new nations
●  Understand the unique challenges Singapore faced as a newly-independent nation.
Conceptual understanding of what is a state, nation and nation-state?
- Students will be able to discuss challenges faced by Singapore as a newly-independent state.
- Birth of Singapore as a nation : merger (1963), separation (1965) and independence (1965)
Independence and nationhood
Nationhood and its challenges
Challenges faced by newly independent Singapore
stable government & social needs
economic challenges
sovereignty – deterrence & diplomacy
national identity
social cohesion
international support
natural constraints / Research on challenges faced by other new nations, e.g. India, Timor Leste, China, Africa (Ghana, Mozambique etc.)
Or nations in transition, e.g. Egypt
Extension: Comparison case studies of challenges faced by Singapore and one other new nations.
National Education messages: - ‘No one owes us a living’
- ‘Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong’ / Students assume the role of Prime Minister. Write personal reflections on
-  Challenges Singapore faced as a new nation and the various obstacles when solving these challenges.
-  What future do we see for Singapore in this current unsettled environment? How can we better prepare our nation to face all the challenges ahead? / Reflection Time: (Using HCI values, discuss)
What makes you a Singaporean?
-  Strong sense of civic responsibility
-  Firm conviction regarding society and the world
-  Judgment and conviction
-  Civic participation
Processes (include pedagogies and indicate infusion of ICT) / Understanding the meaning behind celebrating National Day
/ Compare and contrast
Group research (ICT) / Role-play
/ Reflection
Products (Assignments/
Tests/ Practicals) / Worksheets (Concepts of Nationhood – nation, independence, survival, multi-racialism, communalism, national identity, social cohesion)
Power-point presentations
Mini-research cum presentation - Creating a webpage that documents challenges faced by other new nations India, Timor Leste, Africa (Ghana, Mozambique etc and compare at least one of these with Singapore’s situation (ACE)
Reading and reasoning
Read and analyse newspaper article (using Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning) that addresses the issue of The Singaporean identity E.g.
Students to read an excerpt from LKY’s ‘The Hard Truth’ where he commented that it will take Singapore another 100 years to become a nation. ‘Are we a Nation Yet?’ Students to discuss if they think so, citing egs to support or refute.
Environment / Classroom
IT labs
Resources / SS Textbook 3 Ch 1 pp 1 – 8
Upper Sec SS Teachers’ Resource File 3 pp 1 – 15
Understanding the Political World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science by James N. Danziger (2003, NY: Longman) for discussion of nation, state and nation-state
Online articles :
1) Dilemma over Singapore’s nationalidentity
2) A Truly Singaporean identity : Creation versus Evolution?
3)Singapore ‘not yet a nation’: MMLee
Weeks 4 – 9
10/2 (Friday)
Week 6 –
Home based learning 1
Week 10 Sabbaticals / Theme : Understanding Governance
Discuss Budget 2013. (Factor in 1 week to discuss the budget, depending on when it’s announce. )
What is governance?
Governance in Singapore:
- Roles of government
- System of government in Singapore
- Role of people
- Branches of Government : Roles and responsibilities of the legislature, executive and judiciary
Students will be able to
●  Understand the significance of the government structure
●  Recognise the importance of principle of governance in policy formulation and implementation
●  evaluate the role of the communication in policy making.
Singapore’s guiding principles of governance – Leadership is Key, Anticipate change and stay relevant, Reward for work and work for reward & A stake for everyone, opportunities for all.
Policy formulation & implementation
Role of media and feedback channels in the policy process
Understanding principles of governance through :
●  Education : challenges faced from 1965 to 2005 and ways in managing these challenges.
●  Housing: The objectives of HDB and its changing roles from 1965 to the 21st century.
Students will be able to recognise that policies change to meet the needs of the society and nation.
examine policy changes in meeting the needs of the nation and the people / Evaluate how and to what extent Budget 2013 aims to meet the needs of the people in Singapore.
Link to NE message (s):
‘Uphold meritocracy
‘No one owes us a living’
‘Have confidence in our future’
‘Singapore is our homeland; this is where we belong’
Extension: Compare housing /education policies faced by other countries and how they tackle these challenges, e.g. Finland’s / Swiss education system; public housing in Malaysia / Hong Kong etc. /
Create mini –chatrooms within the class where students will assume the roles of different members of the society and comment on what they think about Budget 2013. They could be ‘posing’ questions to the Finance Minister to gain a better understanding the rationale behind Budget 2013. (Similar to the National Conversation)
Chatrooms can be in the form of Facebook, dimdim, Wallposter etc.
May also adopt flipped classroom approach where students read/watch the speech at home and do the discussion in class.
Create a blog/post messages on facebook to share about your views of practising good governance with regards to the various policies studied
Write to the Straits Times Forum expressing your views on the practice of governance in Singapore citing examples/cases related to any aspect of society, e.g. Housing, education, foreign talent issue, IRs etc.
Using a real case study/situation /forum issue(e.g. HDB/Education related issues), students to reply to the forum after highlighting the various consideration before successful implementation.
Learning Journey: Visit to Parliament House – Students assume the role of a minister and debate on a bill in a Moot Parliament.
Suggested Inquiry-Based Learning activity on the topic of HDB/Education:
Students given examples, either photos, videos, related bills, memorandums, interviews about HDB (facilities, activities, designs, blueprints)/Education (programmes, activities, people) to deduce the purpose and changes of HDB /Education on the years.
Over-arching question could be ‘How far do the education/housing policies serve to foster a cohesive nation?’ or ‘How far do the education/housing policies reflect sound principles of governance?’
/ Reflect on how the Budget affects them(as students) and their immediate family
Personal blogs/facebook comments on being a Singaporean and your views about governance in Singapore.
-  Display integrity
-  Serve with empathy
-  Strong sense of civic responsibility
-  Has a sound knowledge of moral framework to make a morally reasonable and reasoned decision
-  Has a sound awareness of social values that are worth defending
-  Judgment and conviction
-  Social Action and Social Justice
-  Civic participation
-  Moral Courage and Moral
-  Critique Empathy and Compassion
Processes (include pedagogies and indicate infusion of ICT) / application / application / debate
blog / blog
letter writing
Products (Assignments/
Tests/ Practicals) / Worksheets
Critical Thinking
Practice exercises : SBCS and essays
(Mixed of SBQ and essay (as in line with the 2013 MOE Combined Hu Changes)- to be confirmed.)*
Environment / classroom
Resources / Education:
SS Textbook 3 Ch 2 pp 23 – 43 (1st edition)
SS Activity 3 Ch 2 pp13-16 (application of guiding principles of governance through management of traffic flow in Singapore)
My Lifelong Challenge: Singapore's Bilingual Journey by Lee Kuan Yew
The Development of Education in Singapore since 1965. (Chapter 1) by Goh Chor Boon and S.Gopinathan (available in S drive resource folder)
Online articles:
1) Singapore's education system faces fierce competition: PM

2) Values, character education to take centre stage: Heng Swee Keat


3) Education Reform in Singapore: Towards Greater Creativity and Innovation?
4) Singapore Education System – Comparison, Issues & Challenges
Video clips:
R drive/video repository/Humanities/Social Studies/Sec3 Social Studies Package-Project SS/Singapore as a Nation
R drive/video repository/Humanities/Social Studies/Sec3 Social Studies Package-Project SS/Governance in Singapore
3) Why do Finland's schools get the best results? – 6.55 min : http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8601207.stm
4) Culture of Studying in South Korea - - 4.24 mins - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/world_news_america/8605789.stm
SS Textbook 3 Ch 3 (1st edition)
R drive/video repository/Humanities/Social Studies/HDB.mpg
Learning Journey : Parliament House

Tests: Term 1 Test: Mixed of SBQ and essay (as in line with the 2013 MOE SS Changes)*

/ Curriculum of Core / Curriculum of Connection / Curriculum of Practice
/ Curriculum of Identity
Term 2 Weeks 1 - 4 / Theme : Understanding Governance
Managing Healthcare: Case Study of Singapore
How public health care policy works in Singapore
Impact of policies on society and nation
Students will be able to:
●  recognise that policies change over the years to meet changing needs of society and nation
●  evaluate the effectiveness of the policies in meeting the health care needs of the people and nation. / Research cum presentation on healthcare system in another country, e.g. US, Britain (welfare state). Compare the country of your choice with Singapore to recognize that different countries adopt different approaches to solve similar problems.
Prudence / Assume the role of a physiotherapist or a dietician - design an exercise regime or diet for the aged paying attention to their physical & mental needs to prevent the onset of any old age health problems for e.g. dementia
Read various newspaper reports by Minister of Health – Gan Kim Yong on Singapore’s latest healthcare development & netizens’ response to measures introduced in managing healthcare in Singapore. Students then share their own views on this.
Reading and reasoning:
Write to the Straits Times forum page. Express your views about improving healthcare in Singapore. You might want to begin the letter with a story / anecdote about healthcare – one that you might have experienced yourself. Support your argument with facts that you have gathered.
Alternatively, write to the local newspapers in the USA. Facts gathered could include references from ‘Sicko’.
Comparative study with the US/China/UK/Japan medical-Insurance system.
In groups of 4-5,
a) Choose a country of your choice
b) Find out how does the healthcare system work in the country?
c) What are the roles of the government, the community and self?
d) What are the strengths and flaws of the healthcare system?
Case study of Dr. Susan Lim Saga:
·  Should the government interfere with a private practice?
·  Why is it such an important case? / CCE
-  Display integrity
-  Serve with empathy
-  Social innovator
-  Strong sense of civic responsibility
-  Firm conviction regarding society and the world
-  Has a sound knowledge of moral framework to make a morally reasonable and reasoned decision
-  Has a sound awareness of social values that are worth defending
-  Judgment and conviction
-  Social Action and Social Justice
-  Civic participation
-  Moral Courage and Moral
-  Critique Empathy and Compassion
Processes (include pedagogies and indicate infusion of ICT) / Application
/ Critical Thinking Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning for analysis to analyze selected newspaper reports on healthcare developments and netizens’ response
/ research
Products (Assignments/
Tests/ Practicals) / Students’ submitted presentation / Worksheets
Practice exercise
Critical Thinking
Practice exercises : SBCS and essays / Pamphlet design
Environment / Research-based
Resources / SS Textbook 3 Ch 2 pp 61 – 92
Newspapers articles
website: http://www.hpb.gov.sg
video ‘Sicko’
lesson plan : The Right to Health. Equal Access to Healthcare in the US. http://discoverhumanrights.org/sites/7cc8fb84-899d-457d-a486-470ccb03fb16/uploads/Right_to_Housing_Lesson_Plan_-_The_Advocates_Version.pdf
Weeks 5 – 10
(Sabbatical in Week 9) / Theme : Challenges faced by Singapore (Internal) and handling challenges
Managing Ethnic Diversity in Singapore:
Why is harmony in a multi-ethnic society important to the development and viability of Singapore.
Case study of Singapore:
Students will be able to :
Explain Internal and external threats faced by Singapore’s multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society
Describe and explain the different ways in managing the challenges faced in managing ethnic diversity in Singapore, e.g.
Addressing the needs of different ethnic groups, .e.g policy of minority representation
Integrating the ethnic groups in society, e.g. forging national identity, developing common space
Appreciate the benefits of a harmonious multi-ethnic society
Students will be able to:
●  value the need for non-violent approaches like negotiation, mediation and cooperation in resolving conflicts. / Mini research cum presentation : Research on one other country that show divisions among groups of people within the same country due to ethnic differences.
Then drawing lessons on these issues of ethnicity / failures in your selected country to manage ethnic diversity – compare it with Singapore’s apparent success
NE message:
‘We must preserve racial and religious harmony’ / Create a poster for RHD
Student assume the role of members of the Student Council - Plan activities to promote cultural awareness among students during Racial Harmony Day
Imagine yourself to be a foreign student/talent who has been in Singapore for a few months/years, write an entry to the forum page expressing how you have been treated by the locals / do you feel bonded with the locals / how would you wish to be treated?
/ Reflective writing: expressing your personal views on the kind of Singaporean Identity that you envisaged is uniquely Singaporean and sustainable
‘Are you proud to be a Singaporean?’ – post your views on wikispaces