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Woodsmoke Edition 458

November 2007

Articles by 15th of month to
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Quiz Night
Saturday 6th October
Deputy Mayor of Test Valley, Brian Page, with his wife Dorothy, and Mayor of Romsey, Mark Cooper, with his wife Sue, were among guests welcomed to the District’s annual Quiz Night on Saturday. Teams gathered at Woodley Scout Hall to pit their wits against our Quiz Master, David Sutton, in a battle of ten rounds. Questions included “What does a phasmaphobe fear?” and “Who did England beat in the quarter finals of the 2007 Rugby World Cup?”*
Several Groups were represented, including 15th, 21st and several teams from 10th, who have won the Group competition for several years running. Supper punctuated the evening, with the ladies providing the usual excellent meal, and there was a good selection of prizes to be won in the raffle.
The winning team each received a bottle of wine for their efforts. 10th retained the Group trophy, and the team representing 21st won the table rounds prize.
Huge thanks to everyone involved in making it a successful night: David Sutton, quiz master; scorers, Matthew ‘Bod’ Langridge, Colin Knight and Claire Sutton, with Dave Carne on the scoreboard; Alec Elliot on sound; Jean Beauchamp in charge of the raffle; Liz Holloway for counting the money; and the ‘Supper ladies’ Kay Sutton, Truda Woodrow, Pam Carne, Barbara Knight, Margaret Evans, Sally Hamer and ‘honorary lady’ Steve Woodrow.
Claire Sutton DDC & ADC PR
*The answers: ghosts and Australia
Lockerley Explorer trip to Uganda and Kenya – Summer 2007
From 27 July to 20 August six Lockerley explorer scouts ( Izzy Baker, Laura Chase, Dave Clamp, Dom Mitchell, Hannah Reilly and Matt Slade) along with three other Explorers from elsewhere ( Luke, Steve and Jenny) and seven leaders from Yateley went on a two week charity work trip to Uganda followed by a week’s safari in Kenya.
The planning started in November 2006 when Ian Franks, a leader from Yateley, came to give a talk about Hamphire Scouts previous visits to Masindi in Uganda where, with Ugandan scouts, they had helped fund the renovation of wells, built a community hall for the scouts and renovated a school. Another trip was planned for 2007 and he was looking for volunteers to take part, but it would cost £1600 each.
Six for us from Lockerley volunteered and then the ball was rolling! Over the next few months there were two weekend camps with all of the sixteen of the people who would be going. This helped us to get to know the people who weren’t from Lockerley, to learn a bit more about what it would be like in Uganda and plan the trip.
Raising £1600 each was a big task but we decided to fundraise as a group. We asked for donations from local individuals and organisations and people were very generous – including District Scouts who we’d like to thank for their sponsorship. To boost the funding we bag packed at a local supermarket; did a car wash; sold things at car boot sales and took part in a 24 hour bounceathon. We managed to raise £1150 each towards the costs with the balance being funded by our families.
When the day arrived to go it was a 2am start! We left Gatwick and flew on to Brussels where we changed planes for a flight, via Nairobi, to Entebbe in Uganda. The flight was overbooked in economy class so Laura, Hannah and Matt got put up into business class! After a night in a hotel it was a long drive to Masindi, where we met up with our hosts, the Uganda Scouts, and set up camp. It was hot and rainy and some things took a bit of getting used to, like only having showers once or at most twice a week, and eating goat stew but we soon got into it. At 5am each morning the Ugandan scouts jogged round the camp site singing but we stayed in our beds a bit longer, usually till 6.30am. We were put into work groups with most of us repainting the local primary school. The children had to work outside while we painted and run inside to dodge downpours. It was probably a relief for them to be outside as they have up to 100 children per room. They had very little school equipment and so little paper that they had to write on newspaper. Laura, who’s trained by St John’s Ambulance, joined some of the leaders in teaching first aid. At sunrise on 1st August we celebrated the centenary of scouting. Rather oddly the Ugandan scouts commemorated it by making a mock grave for Baden Powell.
The two weeks in Uganda were hard work, opened our eyes to a different culture, but there was plenty of fun. We were taught how to do African dancing; we visited the homes of local people; we adopted a goat who then produced a kid; we exchanged camp fire songs; we visited some of the wells that had already been renovated and the girls had African dresses made for them. On one of our days off we were taken to a rhino reserve and walked right up to them.
It all seemed to go far too quickly and it was very sad to have to leave our new friends. After a 12 hours bumpy, muddy drive we left Uganda, stopping for photos at the Equator, and started our safari in Kenya which included one night at a tea plantation hotel followed by a stay at two safari lodges, Siana Springs and Hippo Lodge. The luxury of hot showers, good food and a swimming pool was amazing. On the safaris we saw just about everything, the big five and much more! Some Masai dancers came to the lodge one night but we also saw the tribes people out in the bush on our game drives.
We spent our last day in Nairobi shopping for souvenirs and visiting a giraffe sanctuary where if you held giraffe food in your lips they took it from you –we were all kissed by giraffes! Then it was off for our long flight home and saying goodbye to everyone- but we’ve already managed to have one reunion and are planning another.
Once again we’d like to thank Romsey District scouts for helping to sponsor us for the trip and to mention that we’re still fundraising to help more wells be renovated in Masindi.
To the following new leaders:
Robert Link , Assistant Scout Leader at 10th
Morris Hennon, Assistant Cub Scout Leader at 10th
Jonathon Williams, Assistant Explorer Scout Leader (change of role)
Philip Coles, Assistant Scout Leader at 1st
Zoe Cuell, Explorer Scout Leader
Peter Creed, Assistant Cub Scout Leader at 10th
Amanda Gordon, Assistant Cub Scout Leader at 9th
Neil Weeks, Assistant Cub Scout Leader at 9th
Sarah Harnett, Assistant Beaver Scout Leader at 6th
Sarah Lincoln, Beaver Scout Leader at 6th
Ian Housego, Assistant Cub Scout Leader at 15th
Adam Coultard, Assistant Scout Leader at 5th
Tracey Merrifield, Assistant Beaver Scout Leader at 4th
We hope you have as much fun in Scouting as the rest of us.
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Past Editions of Woodsmoke
I have acquired what was thought to be all the back editions of Woodsmoke, but unfortunately, not quite. They start at No 51, which was issued in January 1969—does anyone have the first 50 editions—to make the complete record?
Just for the record, the Supporters Club was running at that time, with 70 members, and the subscription was 10/- per month. It’s only £1 per month today!
Our new Supporters Club organiser, Alan Willsher, is anxious to not only increase the membership but also change the way the ‘profit’ is available for Group use, instead of it all being used to fund the running of the district. There is therefore going to be an incentive offered to the groups to get some more members.
From now, until the end of January 2008, Alan will be tracking all new members, linking them to their appropriate group, and the Group which sells the most new memberships (suitably adjusted to account for the differences in group sizes) will receive a cheque for 25% of that first years membership. Details and membership leaflets will be posted out to GSLs and group contacts soon.
Watch this space…...
On Saturday, 13th October, Cubs from 4th Bramshaw, 6th Lockerley, 10th Woodley Mohicans and Sioux, 11th Kings Somborne and 21st Nursling & Rownhams packs went to 10th Woodley and Crampmoor for the annual Challenge Trophy competition.
This year, 6 Cubs from each pack with a maximum total age of 54 years answered questions on the Award scheme. The bases were each of 10 minutes duration—knotting, nature, science, first aid, map symbols. A fun base where they made biscuits and compass points pictures.
After top half uniform inspection, the Cubs were sent off to the first of the bases. Halfway through everyone enjoyed tuck of squash and biscuits with the leaders enjoying a much earned cup of tea or coffee.
Fortunately, we kept to our time schedule so there was time for some of the leaders to amuse the Cubs with games while all the clearing up was finished.
The parents all arrived so it was time to find out how each pack had done. The scores were very close with only one point between each pack. The winners were 21st Nursling & Rownhams, with 6th Lockerley second and joint third were 11th Kings Somborne and 10th Woodley Sioux.
Well done to all the Cubs who took part and to all the leaders who made it all possible working out the bases.
Hallowe’en at 15th
On Friday, 19th October it was very spooky at 15th North Baddesley Scout HQ. The Cub Pack were having an Hallowe’en party. With the hall in subdued light and smoke billowing everywhere, it was very spooky, especially as the Leaders and Cubs were dressed in an assortment of costumes for the party. To start the evening off there was a prize for the best dressed Cub—this was a very difficult one for the judges as the Cubs and their Mums had worked very hard to look a bit scarey.
Eating doughnuts from a string, apple bobbing, green limeade for tuck and strange things to eat The Cubs had a great evening, mainly due to the hard work of their leaders and parents, who stayed to help.
The next District Cub Leaders Meeting is at 9th West Wellow HQ at 8pm on Monday, 12th November—see you all there Jackie Betteridge
Leaders Nikki Moxey 'Badger' and Tracey Merrifield 'Fox' welcome new additions to 4th Romsey (Bramshaw) Scout Group as they open a new Beaver Colony there. The Colony opened at the beginning of September and this photo was taken on 2nd October, when 18 of them were invested in one big ceremony! The Beavers - and their parents - enjoyed an evening of games and singing to celebrate the occasion.
Already this term, the Beavers have enjoyed visits to Totton Police Station and Brownsea Island, with further exciting activities planned.

Sequoia Beavers at 10th made simple circuits to light bulbs and made mini fans with motors and card blades; they created static by rubbing balloons, and made rice crispies ‘dance’ by rubbing the acrylic sheet with a J-cloth; they investigated magnets and made their own magnetic mazes. Most popular activities were the cars propelled by air pressure (balloons which they had to blow up), and some exciting shapes to dip into soapy water to make weird shaped bubbles. Thanks goodness it was a fine evening and we could put the bubble making base outside!! Finally after tuck, Jayne ‘fired’ a rocket using bicarbonate of soda and vinegar.
If a child lives with criticism
He learns to condemn
If a child lives with hostility
He learns to fight
If a child lives with ridicule
He learns to be shy
If a child lives with shame
He learns to feel guilty
If a child lives with tolerance
He learns to be patient
If a child lives with encouragement
He learns confidence
If a child lives with praise
He learns to appreciate
If a child lives with fairness
He learns justice
If a child lives with security
He learns to have faith
If a child lives with approval
He learns to like himself
If a child lives with acceptance and friendship
He learns to find love in the world
Caption Competition
Taken at Ferny Crofts for 'Diggers Day' the District Scout activity day this year,
“What are our District Scout Leader and District Commissioner saying to each other...?”
"Are you sure you put Sunday on the note..?"
“What time did you say you’d organised tea for?”
“I didn’t realise they were that good at camouflage”
Answers on a postcard to
Claire Sutton, 18 Devon Drive, Chandlers Ford, SO53 3GN
Best suggestion will win... something!!

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