Membership Application Form

Raising awareness of equality and diversity / Challenging discrimination / Positive action for change

What is the Forum and what does it do?

The Forum aims to improve the quality life for Hampshire’s often overlooked, or excluded, diverse individuals and communities. It brings together diverse individuals and not-for-profit organisations from all over the county in one united network. Its main aims are to:

  • Be a county-wide equality, diversity and inclusion network.
  • Raise awareness of the issues faced by diverse individuals and communities.
  • Empower individuals through Forum training and events to be able to challenge discrimination.
  • Work in partnership with service providers to influence and improve service provision (eg. healthcare, police, and transport).

Why should you get involved? – the benefits of being a Forum Member

As a Forum Member you can:

  • Be part of a county-wide diverse network, make new contacts and share resources and best practice
  • Make your views about inequalities known (eg. doctors, transport etc.) and join in the campaign to make change happen
  • Work in direct partnership with service providers to influence and improve services so that they better meet your needs (eg. NHS, police, councils etc.)
  • Receive free training and information about a range of equality and diversity matters
  • Receive the Forum newsletter and access resources relating to equality and diversity
  • Contribute to a better understanding of equality, diversity and human rights in Hampshire

Membership is FREE – please fill in your details overleaf

If you would like more information about the Forum of if you need this information in any other format please contact Liz at: call: 01962 857359. Web:

Join voices for a more equal and diverse society - Together we are stronger!

Forum Vision: to be an active campaigning body, led by diverse individuals and communities, which challenges inequality and discrimination, and proactively promotes equality, diversity and human rights in Hampshire.

Contact name
Job title/volunteer
Address and postcode
Membership status*

(*Full membership is for Hampshire-based diverse individuals, voluntary and community groups and organisations, and councils for voluntary service

*Associate membership is for any public sector organisation, and individuals, groups and organisations outside of Hampshire)

We/I support the vision of the Hampshire Independent Equality Forum and agree to the Forum’s Respect Charter. We/I apply for Full / Associate Membership* (please delete as appropriate)


I am happy for my details to be passed to other members of the HIEF

I am happy to receive information about the Forum sent via e-mail, etc

Return completed form to: Community Action Hampshire, FREEPOST-SO3225, Westgate Chambers, Winchester SO23 8SR or e-mail to

NOTE: Community Action Hampshire is registered under the Data Protection Act

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998, the data controller in respect of your personal data is Action Hampshire (Community Action Hampshire). The information given on this form will be entered on our database. It will be used by Action Hamsphire to advise other people of the existence of your organisation and the assistance you may be able to give. It will also be used to send information by post, fax or email, to you that we consider may be of interest to your organisation. Your completion of this form is assumed to be your acceptance of the above but if you do not wish your details to be added to our database please attach a covering letter explaining this fact. Also, please see: