How It Works

At Family Promise, we seek to provide you with the basic necessities, skill-building opportunities, and space to allow you to move your family into stable housing. We believe you have what you need to be successful. Below is a list of things that we provide to address every barrier your family may have so that we can work together to get your family into housing.

  • Overnight accommodations at rotating (1/week) congregations including:
  • Air mattresses with sheets, pillows, and blankets
  • Time at the congregation from 6:30pm-6:45am, depending on school/work schedules
  • Private space for your family to stay together
  • 1 home-cooked meal each evening
  • Grab-and-go food stuffs provided by volunteers, packed by you, for breakfast and lunch
  • Compassionate and encouraging volunteers who can listen, play games, watch movies, etc. with your family
  • Transportation to and from the Day Center and the congregations in our 15-passenger van
  • Your family can stay anywhere from 2 weeks to 90 days, depending on your needs, progress in working on your goals, and your willingness to work with staff and volunteers
  • Day Center facilities – your “home base” while in the program
  • Open every day of the year for our families
  • Showering facilities, laundry facilities, and storage for your personal items
  • Computers to work toward employment, housing, and other related goals
  • A place to unwind and “hang out” on weekends
  • Director & case manager support to help your family make plans for getting a job, securing child care, saving money, finding housing, and connecting to other services/resources as needed
  • Mandatory life skills, parenting, and budgeting classes

Guest Contract & Guidelines

Welcome to Family Promise Harrisburg Capital Region! The following guidelines have been established in order to provide a comfortable, safe, and respectful environment for everyone. We are here to work with you on all aspects of your life to work toward wellness and stability.

  1. Health

I will inform staff of any healthconcerns.If staff have concern of mental health that is diminishing communication or goal completion, staff will request treatment.

I will keepall medications out of children’s reach or give them to hosts for storage.

No smoking is permitted inside any congregation or the Day Center. No smoking is allowed between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 6:45 a.m. when doors are locked.

  1. Case Management

I will work on thegoals of my case plan daily.

I will meet with the Case Manager on a weekly basis.

I will attend weekly House Meetingsincluding life, parenting, and budgeting classes.

The maximum length of stay in the program is 90 days. At 60 days, I will need to apply for the final 30 days to ensure I am working toward my goals while in the program.

85% of all our family’s income and cash benefits, after we pay our necessary debts, are to be deposited into a mandatory savings plan.

  1. General “Housekeeping”

I will clean up after my family and assist with chores at the Day Center and the congregations. My family will eat only in the kitchen and dining areas designated.

I will be at the Day Center by 5:30pm to ride the van. If I miss the van, I will find my own transportation. I will inform staff of any schedule changes at least 1 day ahead.

I will provide a nurturing environment for my children and will not leave childrenunattended at any time. Staff and volunteers are NOT responsible for my children.

No visitors are allowed at any of the facilities except in the case of an emergency.

I will sign in/out at the Day Center and notify the volunteers or staff when leaving.

No personal phone calls are to be made using the Family Promise phone line.

I will treat staff, volunteers, and other guests of FPHCR with respect.

FPHCR and hosts are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

I will not allow my children to watch any movies that are PG-13 or R.

Guests found in violation of the following rules will be asked to IMMEDIATELY leave.

No weapons or things that can be used as a weapon are permitted in the program.

 I will remain substance-free. I, or my family members (13 years+), may be drug-screened. Refusal to submit to a drug screen may result in dismissal from the program.

FPHCR will not tolerate abuse or harassment of its staff, volunteers, or Guests. This includes, but is not limited to physical, emotional, or sexual abuse or harassment.

I fully understand the Guest Guidelines and will abide by them while inFPHCR.

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