CNRS-INCa "Jeunes chercheurs – cancer"


CNRS and INCa (National Cancer Institute) jointly launch a call for proposals aimed at:

  • Offering an opportunity to young scientists to develop an innovative research project as an autonomous team within a CNRS structure (UPR, UMR, URA, IFR). Projects must be related to cancer research and should reinforce the research theme of the host institution. Relevant scientific areas are: biology, environmental sciences, as well as humanities and social sciences.
  • Promoting exchanges and attracting highly qualified young team leaders from either France or abroad. The choice of a host institution different from that of the applicant’s PhD or post-doctoral training will be favoured in the selection process.

Selection procedures

The scientific merit of the proposal, which is the main selection criterion, will be ranked by the same international scientific committees (with at least one third of their members from outside of France) that examine the ATIP projects. The areas covered by the ATIP committees of the CNRS Life Sciences division can be found at Members of the committees are nominated by the Head of the CNRS Life Sciences division following proposition from the chairpersons and after consultation with INCa.

The successful applicants will sign a written agreement with the director of the host institution, INCa, the head of the CNRS division, and, if applicable, any other partner involved.

Application guidelines

Applicants must be either less than 40 years old, or have completed their PhD within the last ten years (an exception may be made for women with children). Applicants who not hold a permanent position within a French research organisation such as CNRS, Inserm or University will receive a salary. Candidates with a university position must obtain a 50% decrease in their teaching duties from the President of the University.

The applicants are encouraged to propose a host laboratory in which they wish to implement their research. CNRS research departments can provide assistance in suggesting host laboratories. A list of CNRS laboratories willing to host a new team, accompanied by a brief description of their present activities is available at the following address: the Life Sciences and for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

A cover letter explicitly stating why the proposed project should be considered as related to cancer research must accompany the application.

Successful applicants will receive a three year grant, the amount of which will be negotiated on the basis of the project budget and financial plan proposed by the applicant, a post-doc salary and laboratory space (at least 50 m2 for biologists, an office with computer facilities for humanities scholars). The directors of the host institutions are encouraged, whenever possible, to provide technical assistance to the new teams.

Application forms and further information are available either directly from the address below, or through the CNRS and INCa web sites: . A form must be completed on-line at: Applications should be submitted in English with a summary in French as .pdf fileswith a hard copy sent to the addresses given below.

Applications and recommendation letters (sent directly and confidentially) must be sent beforeOctober 1st, 2007 to:

CNRS contacts:

Isabelle de Lamberterie

CNRS - Département Sciences humaines et sociales

3, rue Michel-Ange

75794 PARIS Cedex 16

Tél. : 01 44 96 42 92 – Mél :

Jean Houmard

CNRS – Département des Sciences du Vivant

3, rue Michel Ange - 75794 Paris Cedex 16.

Tél. : 01 44 96 40 29 - Fax : 01 44 96 53 60 - Mél :

INCa contact:

Marie-Claire Verbeke

Institut du Cancer

52 avenue André Morizet

92513 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex

Tél.: 01 44 10 14 02 – Fax: 01 41 10 14 09 – Mél:

Application guidelines -English form

The application should include the following:

A. REQUIRED INFORMATION (please staple these documents together):

1.Completed application form

2.Curriculum vitae: outlining civil status, scientific career and supervision experience.

3.Candidate’s list of publications, as well as significant publications of the other scientists, if any, who will be part of the new group.

4.Project title followed by a short summary (1-2 pages, in both English and French).

5.Proposal (in English): comprising detailed objectives, background work and preliminary results (if any), expected results, and planned collaborations. The text should be concise (10/15 pages maximum), but sufficiently detailed to allow expert reviewers to evaluate the feasibility of the project. Working hypotheses, medium- or long-term aim(s) should be presented, demonstrating how the project will contribute to the advancement of the field. The workplan should describe what the candidate intends to do during the three years of the contract. The project must be situated with respect to ongoing work in an international context, and demonstrate an up-to-date knowledge of the relevant literature. The proposed methodology has to be appropriate and reasonably fitted to the applicant’s skills as judged from the CV.

6.Brief description (~1/2 page) of the environment required for the project (complementary scientific competences, infrastructure and/or equipment), and a general description of how the budget will be used.

7. A letter from the director of the host laboratory - if known - stating the motivating reasons for hosting the new group.

B. Three letters of recommendation, preferably in English, from established scientists. These should include an assessment of the ability of the candidate to develop and direct a small independent research group. The confidential letters should be sent directly to Jean HOUMARD before October 1st 2007 (use fax and/or e-mail if required).

C. To apply, complete an on-line registration form at should be submitted as both a.pdf file and a hard copy sent to the addresses given below.

Send applications to:

Jean HOUMARD -Chargé de Mission

CNRS – Département Vivant - 3, rue Michel Ange 75794 Paris Cedex 16

Tél.: 01 44 96 40 29 - FAX.: 01 44 96 53 60 -

Mél : or

with a copy to

Marie-Claire Verbeke

INCa – 52 avenue André Morizet 92513 Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex

Tél.: 01 44 10 14 02 – Fax: 01 41 10 14 09 – Mél:

CNRS-INCa "Jeunes chercheurs – cancer"

Application form

Name(s) of the ATIP committee(s) appropriate for the evaluation:


Team leader:

Family Name: ......

First Name:

Position (and/or qualification):


Present Laboratory/Institution:


Telephone:FAX: E-mail:

For tenured applicants, name of laboratory/institution upon appointment:


Project Title:

Proposed host laboratory (if known, but not absolutely necessary):




Total number of current permanent staff:

Researchers/University teachers: Engineers: Technicians:

Signature of the Director of the proposed host institution