Washakie County School District #2 School Board MinutesJanuary 10, 2011

The regular meeting of the Washakie County SD #2 Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel. Present were board members Jonna Abel,Terril Mills, Laura Yaracz, Holly Nash andDoug Smith. Also present were Superintendent Jerry Erdahl, Principal Jean Peterson,Business Manager Jim Mayer and Administrative Assistant Neysha Lyman. Guests were Boyd Whitlock, Dani Rice, Mitzi Stephenson, Grady Trombley, and Sarah Novak.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairman Jonna Abel.

Adopt Agenda: Laura Yaracz made a motion to adopt the agenda. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Guests and Patron Comments:

Reports and Recognitions:
TCT West Presentation: Grady Trombley asked the board to consider allowing TCT West to broadcast the school board meetings live. They will be responsible for all costs and equipment.
Instructional Team: Sarah Novakpresented and answered questions on the Instructional Team.
Technology Update:Mr. Whitlock answered questions on his report that was included in the packet.
Maintenance/Transportation Update:Report was included in packet.
Principal:Mrs. Peterson added comments to her Principal report that was included in the packet.
Superintendent:Mr. Erdahl added comments to the Superintendent report that was included in the packet.

Business (Consent Agenda Items): Minutes of the December 13, 2010meeting were approved. Board members received copies of the statements and bills for review. Terril Millsmade a motion to approve the consent agenda. Seconded byDoug Smith. Motion carried5-0.Authorization to pay the following vouchers: General Fund warrants #14945-15005 in the amount of $179,949.32; Federal Fund warrants #3002-3011in the amount of $14,105.70; Hot Lunch Fund warrants #1023-1026in the amount of $6,464.72; Teacherage Fund warrants #1023-1024 in the amount of $647.43; Activity Fund warrants #1912-1916in the amount of $1,495.32.
Approved prepaid bill: General Fund warrants #14933-14944in the amount of $3,131.69; Federal Fund warrants # 3000-3001in the amount of $1,240.00.

Approved New Bus Grant from WDE Transportation.

Business (Discussion Agenda Items):

After School Club Bus Request: Doug Smith made a motion to approve the use of a bus and driver for the After School Club to transport students to the Washakie County Museum on January 19, 2011. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 5-0.
Review School Calendar: Discussion followed.

Set Date for Superintendent Review of Evaluation: Holly Nash made a motion to have the Superintendent evaluation meeting on January 17th at 6:00 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.
Set Date for Technology District Visits in Thermopolis and Shoshoni:The board agreed on setting up visits in Thermopolis and Shoshoni on February 7, 2011 for a technology visit.

Executive Session:Doug Smith made a motion to go into Executive Session at 8:21 p.m. Seconded by Laura Yaracz. Motion carried 5-0. Doug Smith made a motion to come out of Executive Session at 9:18 p.m. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0. Doug Smith made a motion to approve the Executive Session Minutes. Seconded by Terril Mills. Motion carried 5-0.

Policy and Procedures

  1. Approve Final Reading of Policy III:Terril Mills made a motion to approve final reading of Policy III with the minor modifications discussed. Seconded by Holly Nash. Motion carried 5-0.

JanuaryBoard Agenda Items: Approve School Calendar. Budget Review. Set Date for Board Budget Work Session if Needed. Approve Administrative Contracts. Salary/Insurance Committee Update. Relations Team Update.

Meeting Was Adjournedat 9:35 p.m. byChairman Jonna Abel.



Jonna Abel, Chairman


Neysha Lyman, Board SecretaryHolly Nash, Clerk