AY 2016-17 Application Form for Yale-NUS Students

Return this form, along with your unofficial transcript, to

by 5:00 pm on Feb 1, 2017 with the subject heading

“[YSS] Yale Summer Session Application”

Given Name
Matric. No
Class of
Yale-NUS Email Address
Residential College
Major/Intended Major (if known)
Name of Head of Studies
(or Academic Advisor if undeclared major)

For thoseapplying ONLY for YSS New Haven:

Please fill out First Choice only, listing a total of four courses (your top two New Haven course selections, followed by two backup options). Please write only one essay, up to 300 words. Leave Second Choice, sections 2a and 2b, blank.

For thoseapplying ONLY for YSS Abroad:

Those applying ONLY for YSS Abroad may list up to two programchoices, one under First Choice and a backup under Second Choice. Please write a short essay for both choices (sections 1b and 2b), up to 300 words each.

Important: Please understand that Yale students have priority for YSS Abroad courses and that some courses will fill up. In the past, it has been particularly difficult to get spots in the language programs, as well as some other popular programs abroad. Students interested in YSS Abroad will need to be flexible and prepared for the possibility that their top choices are not available. If a student is selected for YSS and their top choices are both full, Yale-NUS CIPE can discuss other options with the student (e.g. other YSS Abroad courses which still have openings or YSS New Haven).

For thoseapplying for both YSS New Haven and YSS Abroad:

It is also possible to indicate YSS Abroad as First Choice and YSS New Haven as Second Choice—or vice versa. If YSS New Haven is one of your choices, please list 4 courses you wish to take there (two top course selections and two backups).Please write a short essay for both your First Choice and Second Choice programs (sections 1b and 2b), up to 300 words each.

1a. First Choice (please check one box and fill in the corresponding column):

YSS New Haven [ ] / YSS Abroad [ ]
1. / 1.

1b. Short Essay for First Choice:Why are you interested in participating in the above Yale Summer Session course(s)? How would this opportunity fit into your academic, professional, and/or personal development goals?(300 words maximum)

2a. Second Choice, if applicable(please check one and fill in the corresponding column):

YSS New Haven [ ] / YSS Abroad [ ]
1. / 1.

2b. Short Essay for Second Choice, if applicable:Why are you interested in participating in the above Yale Summer Session course(s)? How would this opportunity fit into your academic, professional, and/or personal development goals?(300 words maximum

3. If your selections in both1a and 2a are YSS Abroad, please check all that apply below:

[ ]If my two YSS Abroad choices are full, I am open to considering other YSS Abroad programs which still have openings.

[ ]If my two YSS Abroad choices are full, I am open to considering YSS New Haven.

4. Please include in your email submission a transcript (generated through )reflecting coursework and grades at Yale-NUS so far.

Current CAP (for non-freshmen): ______