Chapter 2: Heating Earth’s Surface and Atmosphere

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) During the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, the circle of illumination passes directly through the

A) poles

B) equator

C) Tropic of Cancer

D) Tropic of Capricorn

E) none of these

2) Clouds play an important role in the Earth's energy budget because they

A) cool the air around them B) reflect the Earth's infrared energy

C) reflect solar energy D) absorb heat from the air

3) The primary factor which determines what type and how much radiation an object emits is its

A) color

B) conductivity

C) temperature

D) size

E) density

4) The strength of the greenhouse effect in keeping surface temperatures warm can vary from place to place due to changes in

A) cloud cover B) elevation C) humidity D) all of these

6) Scattering

A) changes the wavelength of light

B) prevents nearly half of incoming solar radiation from reaching the surface of the Earth

C) is the primary mechanism of heat transfer in the atmosphere

D) is responsible for the redness of Sunsets

E) all of these

7) The length of daylight gets progressively longer going south from the equator on

A) March 21

B) September 22

C) December 21

D) June 21

E) none of these

10) Which of the following gases is the best absorber of ultraviolet light?

A) nitrogen dioxide

B) carbon dioxide

C) oxygen

D) carbon monoxide

E) water vapor

Answer: C

11) The North Pole has a higher noon Sun angle than New York City (40degreeN lat.) on

A) March 21

B) June 21

C) September 22

D) December 21

E) none of these

12) During natural processes, heat transfer is always from

A) solids to liquids B) warmer to cooler substances

C) cooler to warmer substances D) either a) or c)

13) Suppose the albedo of a planet is measured to be 40%. This means that

A) 40% of the Sun's energy is reflected B) 40% of the Sun's energy is absorbed

C) 60% of the Sun's energy is reflected D) none of these

14) The Earth emits terrestrial radiation

A) only at night B) only over the continents

C) only during winter D) all the time

15) At 45degreeS latitude, the angle of the noon Sun is lowest and the length of daylight is shortest on:

A) September 22

B) June 21

C) January 23

D) December 21

E) March 21

16) Which of the following correctly describes the equinoxes?

A) the Sun's vertical rays are striking either the Tropic of Cancer or the Tropic of Capricorn

B) days and nights are equal in length in all parts of the world

C) the length of daylight at the Arctic and Antarctic Circle is 24 hours

D) they occur in June and December

E) none of the above statements is correct regarding the equinoxes

17) The absorption of terrestrial radiation by certain gases in the lower atmosphere is called the:

A) adiabatic effect

B) greenhouse effect

C) gray-body effect

D) atmospheric window effect

E) photon effect

18) ______is a mechanism of heat transfer.

A) convection

B) conduction

C) radiation

D) all of these

E) none of these

19) At what time of year is the Earth's axis not tilted either toward or away from the Sun?

A) winter solstice

B) autumnal equinox

C) summer solstice

D) a, b, and c

E) none of these

20) During the Earth's orbit around the Sun, the inclination (tilt) of the Earth's axis

A) remains constant at 90degree B) varies from 0 to 23.5degree

C) varies from 0 to 47degree D) remains constant at 23.5degree

21) The spring equinox in the Northern Hemisphere starts on or about

A) June 21

B) September 22

C) December 21

D) March 21

E) none of these

22) Why do atmospheric temperatures decrease with height in the troposphere?

A) atmosphere is heated by the ground

B) atmospheric path length is too long

C) air at higher levels is too thin

D) solar radiation is weaker at higher levels

23) Marquette, MI is at 47degreeN latitude. What is the angle of the Sun's noon rays here on December 22?

A) 19 1/2degree B) 70 1/2degree C) 43 1/2degree D) 47degree E) 33degree

24) Low Sun angles result in reduced solar energy because

A) energy is spread over a larger area

B) absorption is reduced

C) atmospheric path length is longer

D) Sun - Earth distance is greater

E) both a) and c)

25) The Earth receives energy from the Sun by

A) convection

B) conduction

C) radiation

D) all of these (a, b, and c)

E) none of these

26) If an imbalance occurs between incoming and outgoing energy at the Earth's surface

A) minimum temperatures occur

B) maximum temperatures occur

C) temperatures remain steady

D) temperatures either increase or decrease

27) The exchange of heat between the Earth and atmosphere is primarily

A) from Earth to atmosphere B) from atmosphere to Earth

C) a) and b) are equal D) none of these

28) The process of ______involves the movement of a mass or substance.

A) convection

B) conduction

C) radiation

D) all of these

E) none of these

29) New York City has its greatest length of daylight on or about

A) March 21

B) June 21

C) September 22

D) December 21

E) none of these

30) The transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity is called

A) convection

B) conduction

C) radiation

D) all of these (a, b, and c)

E) none of these

31) The primary cause of the Earth's seasons is

A) inclination of Earth's rotation axis

B) varying distance from the Sun

C) varying orbital speed

D) changes in atmospheric thickness

E) regular changes in radiation emitted by the Sun

32) The atmosphere is heated primarily by

A) absorption of solar radiation B) absorption of Earth radiation

C) conduction from the ground D) convection from the ground

33) Wind is an example of

A) convection

B) conduction

C) radiation

D) all of these (a, b, and c)

E) none of these

34) Convection is least likely to happen in a

A) solid

B) Convection only happens in a vacuum

C) gas

D) liquid

35) The atmosphere is nearly ______with respect to solar radiation.

A) transparent B) conductive C) reflective D) absorptive

37) Earth is closest to the Sun during

A) No. hemisphere summer

B) So. hemisphere autumn

C) No. hemisphere winter

D) So. hemisphere winter

E) No. hemisphere autumn

Answer: C

38) The wavelengths emitted by the Earth are:

A) shorter than those emitted by the Sun

B) longer than those emitted by the Sun

C) about the same as those emitted by the Sun except when the Sun is experiencing Sunspots

D) none of these

45) The 90degree angle rays strike the Tropic of Cancer on or about

A) June 21

B) December 21

C) March 21

D) September 22

E) none of these