Wando High School

1000 Warrior Way, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466

2017PTSO Scholarship Award Application

The PTSO of Wando High School is pleased to begin accepting applications for its annual PTSO Scholarship Awards. Three separate scholarships are awarded annually. Applications for these awards are available in the Guidance Office, CAS Career Center (K103) and online at under the Guidance tab.


  1. Applicant must be a current Wando High School student and must provide a copy of his/her transcript showing GPA and class rank at the end of 1st semester.
  1. Applicant must be accepted by or enrolled in a college or post secondary institution at the time the application is submitted.
  1. Applicant must have taken the ACT or SAT and must provide a dated score report.
  1. All sections of the application must be completed (typed or written legibly in pen). Applicant must complete all sections of the application even if a resume is submitted with the application. Resume is not required.
  1. The application must be submitted to Ms. Liz Boeschen in the Main Guidance Officeby 3:00 PM on or before Wednesday, April 19, 2017. The deadline is firm for ALL application materials.


Applications will be judged by the Wando High School PTSO Scholarship Committee. Three $2,000 awards will be made. One award will be primarily needs based, one award will be primarily academic merit based, and the third award will be primarily service based. The scholarship criteria and the relative weight for each of the three scholarships is outlined below:

Criteria: / Needs / Academic / Service
a. SAT (highest math & reading only) or ACT Composite / 5% / 10% / 5%
b. GPA at the end of 1st semester senior year / 20% / 35% / 20%
c. Extracurricular Activities / 10% / 10% / 10%
d. Service/Volunteer Activities / 10% / 15% / 35%
e. Financial Need / 35% / 5% / 5%
f. Application Essay / 20% / 25% / 25%


The three scholarships will be awarded at the Senior Awards Ceremony on May 16, 2017. Each of the three scholarships will be an award of $2,000 for the recipient. Each award will be for one year and will be paid directly to the college or school upon confirmation of the recipient’s acceptance or enrollment.

Wando High School

2017 PTSO Scholarship Award Application

(All applicant information will be held in strict confidence. Application form may be duplicated)

Student Name:
Parent(s) or Guardian:
Telephone: / Student: Parent/Guardian:

*List college(s) or Post-Secondary School(s) to which you have applied and been accepted:

*Have you currently been offered any other scholarship(s), grant(s) or awards(s)?

If so, please indicate the award(s) and the amount, including awards through the SC Scholarships and Grants Program:


1. Briefly list or describe any scholastic distinctions or honors you have won since the 9th grade (e.g., National Merit, Boys or Girls State, etc.):

2. Attach a copy of your high school transcript which includes cumulative GPA at the end of 1st semester.

3. ACT score:______date:______*Attach a copy of ACT score report.

SAT scores: highest math:______date:______highest reading:______date:______

*Attach a copy of SAT score report.


(*include summer)

List your principal extracurricular, athletic, community and service oriented activities and hobbies in the order of their interest to you. Include specific events and/or major accomplishments such as musical instrument played, varsity letters earned, leadership positions, etc.

Activity / Grade Level / Approximate Time Spent / Positions held, honors won,
or letters earned
Hours/Week / Weeks/Year


List principal jobs you have held during the past 3 years, including summers.

Employer / Specific Nature of Work / Approx.
Dates / Approx
# hours/week


  1. Total family net income as reported on most recent federal tax return. (Circle one):

▪ Under $40,000 ▪ $40,000-$60,000 ▪ $60,000-$100,000 ▪ Above $100,000

2. Are you enrolled in a free or reduced lunch program? ______

3. How many total persons in your family? ______

4. How many of your family members will be in college next year?______

5. Please describe any financial needs/considerations that you feel would be helpful for this committee to consider:


(**Use 12 point font and double space)

  1. Write an essay describing a significant experience, achievement or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. Essay should be no longer than 500 words, minimum 250.
  1. Write a personal statement which includes the reason(s) you applied for this scholarship (150 words or less)

**Attach essay and personal statement to this application. Include your name at the top of the essay and personal statement.

Applicant’s Signature: / Date:
Parent/Guardian Signature: / Date:

*Application must be submitted to Ms. Boeschen in the Guidance Officeby 3:00 PM on April 19,2017.*


Date Received: ______Time Received: ______Received By:______