
Wednesday7th March 2018

A meeting was held on Wednesday7th March at 7.30 p.m.

at Cold Ashby Sports Pavilion, Stanford Road


Present: Councillors Harpham (chairman), Peel, Ritchie, Richard Williams, Rachel Williams; the clerk; one member of the public (TM)

Interests: None

  1. Apologies: apologies were accepted from councillors Bailey (holiday), Hill (domestic)
  1. Minutes:minutes of the meeting of the Council on the 7th February2017 were approved as a correct record.
  1. Matters arising: none
  1. Open forum: TM raised questions about the well and the siting of dog waste bins which were discussed under the appropriate agenda items.
  1. Accounts: the balance reported at the meeting was £13,282.85(£7,024.06current and £6,258.79 investment). Members approved for payment the items listed in the accounts.
  1. Application for grant in 2017-18: The council approved the following resolution:

The council agrees to the payment of an award of £630 for the FY 2017-18 to Cold Ashby PCC for the purposes of garden maintenance.

  1. Capfa Insurance: The council issued a formal invoice to Capfa of £1002.27 as the association’s share of the insurance costs calculated in the historical manner. The council is aware the Capfa has still to consider a formal resolution on this matter but is obliged to issue an invoice in this financial year.
  1. Siting of Dog Waste Bins: The council understands the concerns of the church council on the siting of the bins and also of some dog owners who find them difficult to access. The council considered options for the future, including re-siting and installing steps, but decided to take no immediate action for 6 months to evaluate the bins in situ and in action. Existing bins will be stickered to deter their use for dog waste purposes.
  1. Planning: DA/2018/0144: Extension to existing garage, Stanford Close, NN6 6EW. And DA/2018/0154 new porch at ‘The Chumley’s’ Crabtree Lane and had no observations to make on either application.
  1. Agenda for the Parish Assembly: members are asked to proposeadditional items for the agenda of the assembly meeting on the 9th May 2018. (see February minutes for existing suggestions). Use of the defibrillator was added as a possible item.
  1. Permanent traffic sign on West Haddon Road: It was agreed that a formal motion be prepared for discussion at the next meeting.
  1. Well on Church Lane: The water supply (a piped spring) to the well has been curtailed for unknown reasons and the water levels in the well are falling, causing a threat to the fish and other pond life. The council agreed to authorise any necessary expenditure by the clerk up to the limit agreed in Financial Regulations for emergency repairs (£250).
  1. NCC Service cuts: The village is expected to lose library and bus services and there is a severe threat to the library service across the county. The clerk was asked to write to the county councillor expressing its concern at the impact on village life of these service cuts.
  1. To receive verbal updates on:
  • Defibrillator: now in situ awaiting activation
  • Capeg: Daventry meeting date agreed
  • Capfa; Village Hall; NW: no reports
  1. Post:to note and/or discuss items of correspondence with the Council not

considered elsewhere on the agenda or previously circulated.

G Jones 1st March 2018