Course Syllabus
Customer Service Management
Instructor:Connie Tomski
Office:Room A118 – Wisconsin Rapids Campus
Office hours:By appointment only
Web Page:
Course Description: The learner applies the skills and tools necessary to manage and measure the customer service function. Learners will practice quality customer service, develop customer service plans, train and develop staff in quality customer service, measure the effectiveness of customer service and lead continuous improvement of customer service.
Course Competencies:
- Recognize the changing role of management when providing quality service.
- Identify elements of effective customer service.
- Develop a strategy for providing quality service.
- Map the service process.
- Measure the effectiveness of the service process.
- Improve the service process based on service process measurements.
- Train staff to deliver the service process.
- Sustain the service culture through Total Quality Management.
Required Text:
- Customer Service: Career Success Through Customer Loyalty, 5/E. Paul R. Timm, Prentice-Hall Publishing. ISBN: 9780135063972
Student Expectations:
Non compliance with student expectations may result in a progressive course of action such as an oral warning, written warning and/or dropping from the class.
- E-mail: Students are required to use his/her MSTC e-mail account and check it daily.
Class attendance: This class is an accelerated class and attendance/participation is extremely important because of the wealth of learning and demonstration of competency that occurs each class session. Regular attendance/participation (100%) is an expectation. Some situations are out of one's control such as temporary illness, work requirements, etc. If these situations occur and require you to miss class, notify the instructor immediately. Verification of the situation may be required. If you must be absent for more than one class, please consider withdrawal from the class.
- Students missing class must get assignments from fellow students, NOT the instructor.
- Arrival for and departure from class: Students are expected to arrive for class on time and to remain in class. Arriving late is a disruption and a distraction to other students and to the instructor. In the same way, early departures are also a disruption to the class. Students habitually arriving late may be subject to a penalty.
- Cell Phones and other electronic devices: Students are expected to ensure that cell phones or other electronic devices are turned off and stored away during class. Not meeting this expectation may be subject to a penalty.
- Prepared for class: Students are expected to come to class prepared and ready to participate in an active manner.
- Positive participation and respect: Students are expected to participate in a positive manner. Students will act in a professional and respectful manner at all times. Students not acting in an appropriate manner or not participating in a positive manner may face disciplinary action, including being dropped from the course.
- Completion of work: Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit assignments on time. Assignments are due at the beginning of class.If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to find out what was missed from other students, NOT the instructor. Assignments will not be accepted after seven days of the due date. Late assignments will be subjected to a deduction of 10%.
- Originality of work product: Students are expected to submit his/her own original work on all assignments. Dishonesty, cheating, work copied or plagiarized (this includes cutting and pasting from web sites) will automatically receive a zero. A second offense will result in the student failing the class. Students may be subject to sanctions for all forms of dishonesty in accordance with the Student Standards of Conduct and the Business Division Policy on Academic Integrity. This policy is applicable to both individual and team/group work. All members of a team will be held responsible for the team’s work product. Penalties for infractions of the academic integrity policy will be imposed to all members.
- Core Abilities: Students are expected to uphold and practice the College’s core abilities. Students will be graded at the end of the semester on his/her demonstration of the core abilities.
- Exams: Make-up exams are NOT accepted except in extreme circumstances, ie hospitalization, death in the family, ,etc. Instuctor to determine what is considered extreme. Students are expected to be present on the day of exams.
Grading Scale:
The grade earned in this course will be determined by proficiency in fulfilling the competencies. Course grade will be based on assignments/projects/tests. Students are expected to submit all work on time. Students submitting work late will be subject to a 10% deduction in points. You will receive specific criteria for each activity when it is assigned.
MSTC Policy on Academic Integrity:
The MSTC Board, administration, faculty and staff believe that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental to the mission of higher education. All students are expected to maintain and promote the highest standards of personal honesty and professional integrity. These standards apply to all examinations, assigned work and projects. Therefore, a student who is found to have been dishonest, fraudulent or deceptive in the completion of work or willing to help others to be so or who is found to have plagiarized (presented the work of others as his or her own) is subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension. This policy is applicable to both individual and team/group work. All members of a team will be held responsible for the team’s work product. Penalties for infractions of the academic integrity policy will be imposed to all members.(See also student expectations section of syllabus.) Here are useful links that define plagiarism and provide ways to avoid plagiarism:
Special Needs:
MSTC is interested in your success as a student and learner in this class. If you know you have a recognized disability, or suspect that you might have one, it is your responsibility to identify yourself as soon as possible to the Disability Services staff in Student Services. Course standards will not be lowered but various kinds of accommodations are available to you. Adequate and reasonable time will be required to develop and provide appropriate accommodations; therefore, contact Disability Services as soon as possible.
Academic Program Advisement and College Services:
MSTC encourages you to use the many student support services provided. Information on these services can be found at the MSTC website at Select Student, select Student Support Services and choose from the many available services.
In addition to specific job-related training, MSTC has identified a set of core abilities which are transferable and go beyond the content of a specific course. The college supports the following skills for all graduates of MSTC:
- Act with Integrity
- Communicate Effectively
- Demonstrate Effective Critical and Creative Thinking
- Demonstrate Global Social Awareness
**This syllabus is intended to be a guideline for student success and course management. This document cannot cover every situation that may occur. Decisions will be made by the instructor as needed throughout the semester to address specific issues.