The regular monthly meeting of the Millersburg Fire Company No. 1 was called to order at 1930 hours on January 8, 2008, President Sean Grimm presiding. The meeting opened with a prayer by Chaplin Wruble and The Pledge of Allegiance.

The following members were present: Jess Enders, Seth Lenker, Sean Grimm, Colby Challenger, Brent Hill, Travis Gladitsch, Bob Hooper, Gerry Lauver, Gary Ibberson, Gus Martz, Jack Bachtell, Rich Ibberson, Kristen Ibberson, Gene Crosby, Jim Wruble, Krista Leary, Mike Sedesse, Darlene Roadcap, David Roadcap, Eric Petery, Donald Harris, Rich Martz, Johnny Koppenhaver, Mark Koppenhaver, Doug Snyder, and Heather Engle.

The minutes from the December were distributed to all members present. A motion was made by Gene Crosby, 2nd by Jess Endersand approved.

The Assistant Treasurer’s report for Decemberwas distributed. A motion was made by Gene Crosby and 2nd by Gerry Lauver and approved.

The Treasurer’s report for December was also distributed. A motion was made by Gene Crosby and 2nd by Travis Gladitsch and approved.

Line Officer Report

Chief 20

  • Thank you to everyone for the work around Christmas with various events.
  • Thank you also to everyone for the work on the January 1st call. The attack was especially helpful on the call due to the location.
  • Eric looked at and has some information on a new thermal imaging camera with a color screen from Billy. We are going to have the camera for training to use. The price of the camera with truck charger and battery would be $8,724.25.

Chief 201

  • See training report.
  • The new HACC training schedule is out.
  • January 24th there will be a Arson investigation class at Klingerstown. If anyone is interested in going up please see Doug.

Chief 202

  • Nothing

Chief 203

  • Nothing

Fire Call Report

December-17 calls 318 responded19 per call

18.5 hours out 1 hour and 5 minutes per call


  • Mark ordered a new hose reel for downstairs.


  • At the fire on BerryMountain we found that we could use to have a ladder on the attack. We got some information on Little Giant ladders. The hold about 375 lbs. Donny is working with Guardian for brackets to hold ladders. Donny made a motion to purchase a 19 ft ladder for the attack at a price of $ 408.04 shipped and a 15 ft. ladder for the truck at the price of $371.77 shipped. The motion was 2nd by Mark Koppenhaver and motion carried.
  • The water gauge in the tanker is being taken care of.
  • Anything that needs done around the station, please let Donny know.

Fire Police

  • Fire police dues are due. Gus has submitted the paperwork to Rick for payment.

Public Relations

  • Nursery school is interested in coming in for a visit.

Membership Committee

  • Heather brought up the list of members who are eligible for lifetime membership at the banquet. The list of members is as follows:

Jack Bachtell / 36 years
Matt Carr / 17 years
Bryan Chandler / 20 years
Jamie Etzweiler / 15 years
John Hain / 28 years
Gary Ibberson / 31 years
Rick Ibberson / 32 years
Alan Koppenhaver / 17 years
Mark Koppenhaver / 24 years
Rick Leonard / 46 years
Ray Leiby / 33 years
Gus Martz / 21 years
Paul Martz / 19 years
Rich Martz / 16 years
David Roadcap / 18 years
Bob Sechler / 26 years
Mike Sedesse / 38 years
Terry Spotts / 38 years
  • A motion was made by Gus Martz and 2nd by Gene Crosby to vote on the entire list instead of one by one. Motion so passed.
  • A motion was made by Gene Crosby and 2nd by Gerry Lauver to instill all listed members as lifetime members into the company. Motion passed.
  • A motion was made by Mark Koppenhaver to add Doug Snyder to this list. Motion passed.
  • A motion was made by Doug Snyder and Rich Martz to also add Gerry Lauver. Motion passed.

Website Information-

  • Our website had a total of 71,330 hits for the month of December and 48,876 for the month of November.

Old Business

  • Banquet is on Saturday. Appetizers begin at 5:30 and dinner at 6.
  • Gerry is going to try to work on something to solve phone problem with Nextel phones.

New Business

  • Darlene is going to check on the price of an iron duct backboard for the attack so we don’t go to a scene without it.
  • Sean is going to contact WHTM TV 27 about smoke detectors that they have been advertising giving to local fire companies.


  • Christmas cards that we received were read.

Being no further business a motion was made by Jess Enders and 2nd by Gus Martz and meeting was officially closed at 2000.

Respectfully Submitted,

Heather R. Engle


Millersburg Fire Company No. 1

The regular monthly meeting of the Millersburg Fire Company Relief Association was called to order at 2000 hours on January 8, 2008 President Sean Grimm presiding.

The following members were present: Jess Enders, Seth Lenker, Sean Grimm, Colby Challenger, Brent Hill, Travis Gladitsch, Bob Hooper, Gerry Lauver, Gary Ibberson, Gus Martz, Jack Bachtell, Rich Ibberson, Kristen Ibberson, Gene Crosby, Jim Wruble, Krista Leary, Mike Sedesse, Darlene Roadcap, David Roadcap, Eric Petery, Donald Harris, Rich Martz, Johnny Koppenhaver, Mark Koppenhaver, Doug Snyder, and Heather Engle.



The minutes from the Decembermeeting were distributed to all members present. A motion was made by Gene Crosby, 2nd by Travis Gladitsch and approved.

The Treasurer’s report for December was handed out. A motion was made by Gene Crosby 2nd by Brent Hill and approved.

The following bills need to be paid.

Longley $ 5,810.00Supplemental Insurance

Nextel$ 338.01

Rescue Remedies$ 638.95Turnout gear for Chris Hardy

Ark Safety$ 5.73disinfectant

Ark Safety$ 9.35welding goggles

A motion was made by Travis Gladitsch and 2nd by Rich Martz and approved for bills to be paid.

Old Business


New Business

  • A motion was made by Donny Harris and 2nd by Colby Challenger to replace the bad bands on helmets. We are looking at $ 480- $ 500 for replacement costs.

There being no further business a motion was made to adjourn by Gene Crosby and 2nd by Krista Leary and the meeting was hereby adjourned at 2007 hours.

Respectfully Submitted,

Heather R. Engle


Millersburg Fire Co. No. 1