AP U.S. HistoryFORTUNAName: ______
Period: ______Date: ______
Chapter 16 The South and
the Slavery Controversy1790-1860
1) In the South, what is King? Cotton
a) Who reaped a large part of the profits of the cotton trade? Northern Shippers
b) Cotton accounted for half of all American exports in 1840 and the South
accounted for half the entire world’s supply of cotton
c) If Civil War ever broke out the South believed England would side w/ them b/c of their dependence on cotton (they were wrong).
2) Who ruled the South?WealthyPlanters. In 1850 only 1,733 families owned more than 100 slaves.
3) What type of society did Sir Walter Scott believe the South to have: (author of Ivanhoe) believed the South to have chivalry & likened the South to a romantic view of the feudalist society
4) Describe Southern women on the plantation: Mistress of the Plantation ran the household w/ few abolitionists among them. Gave daily orders to cooks, maids, seamstresses, laundresses, etc.
5) What is “land butchery”: cotton despoils the land.
which caused an increasing need for more land.
6) Why was the plantation system financially unstable:
a)Slaves (not free labor) expensive, inefficient form of labor
b)South becomes dependent on single crop – Resent Northern manufacturing
7) What percentage of immigrants went to the South compared to the North: Only 4.4% foreign born. This resulted in homogeneous society.
8) More than half of all slaveholding families owned fewer than 4 slaves, while
Only 2% owned more than 50.
1,733 Plantation Owners had 100+ slaves
9) Describe the Southern hierarchy:
25% of slave owners less than 10 slaves
75% of whites were poor non-slave owning
4m slaves worth $2 billion
10) Why would poor, non-slaveholding whites support slavery?
a)Belief in upward mobility.
b)Concept of racial superiority
11) Describe the Appalachian whites: (W. VA to N. GA & AL) Poor, isolated, anti-slavery, Elizabethan Speech, etc.
12) The # of free blacks by 1860 = 250K.
13) Who typically were the free blacks: Mulatto (Part Caucasian/Part African American) Often their father was their master.
14) Describe conditions of free blacks in the South: Many limitations and restrictions on rights. Denied certain jobs, education, legal rights. Had to carry papers, curfews, etc.
15) Describe attitudes toward free blacks in the North: and why? A lot of racism and discrimination – especially w/ immigrants due to job competition.
What happens to Frederick Douglass: Runaway slave, orator against slavery.
16) What was the total value of slaves by 1860: $2B each slave worth $500
17) B/C of the value of slaves, dangerous work was given to: Immigrants
18) The “Deep South” states were: SC, FL, MS, AL.
19) The slave population of the Deep South was 50% + African
20) What does it mean to be “sold down the river” Slaves would be threatened to be sold South where conditions were harsher.
21) Describe the slave auctions: Like cattle. Standing on scaffolding, etc
22) Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Harriet Beecher Stowe
What is its theme: The inhumanity of slavery
23) What were the legal rights of slaves: No legal, political, or civil rights. Example-could not testify in court, could not marry, etc. Some states banned arbitrary killing of slaves.
24) By 1860, most slaves were concentrated in the black belt which
stretched from SC and GA to AL, MS, LA. (Deep South)
25) A majority of African Americans lived: large plantations
26) Describe the cultural lives of slaves: Most slaves Christianized w/ African overtones & Responsorial preaching
27) Describe education for slaves: Against the law to teach slaves to read
28) How would slaves oppose slavery: Slaves would protest through sabotage & work slowness
29) Slave Rebellions:
a) In 1800, Gabriel slave revolt in VA
b) In 1822, Denmark Vesey in SC (Stono River Revolt).
c) In 1831, *** Nat Turner killed 60 Virginians
ADD: In 1839, Amistad slave ship revolted and later captured & arrested. Former Pres. JQA represents them in Supreme Court & wins freedom
30) Early Abolitionism:
a) Roots: Quakers; Religious Movements.
b) Early “Back to Africa” Movement: in 1817 set up American Colonization Society; Concept-return slaves back to Africa.
31) What effect did the 2nd Great Awakening have on slavery: inspired abolitionist movement in America & England.
People: George Whitefield had inspired William Wilberforce who led British abolitionists in 1833
32) Theodore Dwight Weld (Inspired by Charles Grandison Finney) wrote: “American Slavery As it is” which inspired Harriet Beecher Stowe
33) William Lloyd Garrison wrote: the Liberator (Abolitionist Paper)
34) In 1833, this was founded: American Anti-Slavery Society founded. (Note: Henry Clay will become its president.)
35) Wendell Phillips - “Golden Trumpet” Buy onlyslave free products.
36) David Walker: “Appeal to colored citizens of the world” advocated violence.
37) Sojourner Truth: female former slave
38) Martin Delaney: African American advocated Back to Africa
39) Frederick Douglass: A great orator against slavery. See Hand Out
40) Anti-slavery political parties a) Liberty Party 1840; b) Free Soil Party 1848
41) How did the South react to Garrison: “Broadcloth Mob” attacks Garrison
42) What is another name for slavery in the South: Peculiar Institution
43) How did Southerners defend slavery:
a) Used Bible & religion.
b) Slaves treated better & happier than northern “wage slaves”
44) What was the “Gag Resolution” H.O.R. forbidden to address the abolition of slavery
45) Southern reaction to the mail: Prohibited delivery of abolitionist material through the mail.
Northerners claimed this was: Violation of Constitutional rights.
46) Why did many Northerners oppose the anti-slavery forces:
a) Northern bankers loaned South $300m
b) Northern textile factories reliant on southern cotton.
c) feared secession & Civil War.
47) Describe the reaction to anti-slavery people:
a) Mob kills Rev. Elijah Lovejoy
b) Some schools expel abolitionist students.