Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing

NURL 3065 (Lab) Course Overview

Fall 2009

Course Title: Modes of Helping I Lab

Course Number: NURL 3065 (Lab)

Credits: 1 credit

Course Schedule: 10am-12:50pm (lab and lecture are combined)

Placement in RN’s only

Curriculum: Pre-requisite: Anatomy and Physiology I & II

Co-Requisite: NUR 3065 (lecture)

Faculty: Kelly N. White MSN, FNP-BC


Office: NU 321 (Boca Campus)

Tel: 561-297-2832

Office Hours: Tuesday 1pm-3pm

or by appointment

Course Description: Acquisition of holistic assessment skills in laboratory setting.

Course Upon completion of NURL 3065, the student will be able to:


1. Utilize appropriate communication skills in eliciting a health history.

2. Obtain and document a complete health history and physical exam.

3. Demonstrate four methods of physical assessment: inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

Teaching Lecture, readings, video, demonstrations, hands on practice in lab,

Strategies: study guides, internet sites, Power Point presentations.

Evaluation 1. Performance Skills Test 80%

Method 2. Documentation of Physical Exam, 20%

(weekly write-ups), and lab participation

Grading 93 - 100% A 80 – 82% B-

Scale: 90 - 92% A- 77 – 79% C+

87 - 89% B+ 73 – 76% C **

83 - 86% B 70-72% C-

60 – 69% D

*** Must receive a minimum of 73% in order to remain in program

General 1. All course requirements and objectives must be met in order to obtain a

Expectations: passing grade.

2. The student is to complete required readings prior to lecture sessions and then practice the skill during lab.

3.  Students must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in order to pass the course.

Required Texts:

Dillon, P. (2007). Nursing Health Assessment: A Critical Thinking Case Studies Approach

(2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.

Suggested Texts:

Dillon, P. (2007). Nursing Health Assessment: Clinical Pocket Guide(2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis

A good anatomy book, pocket guide, dermatology book, and medical dictionary would be helpful in your library.

Equipment Needed:

Each student should bring a stethoscope to lab.

Class Attendance and Participation:

Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Attendance will be taken each class and 2 points will be deducted for each absence. A weekly write-up will be taken up at the end of each lab session from each student. This write-up will be focused on the system covered in lab that day with the student partner.

Performance Skill Test

Students will perform a physical exam on their lab partner. Faculty will observe and score the exam. The exam should be completed in 45 minutes. A format for a systematic physical exam will be given to the students a few weeks prior to the Performance Skill Testing. No notes are permitted during the exam. Students should wear a bathing suit or sports bras and jogging pants or shorts for the exam as well as during the practice lab sessions. Students will be responsible to demonstrate half of the exam at midterm. The professor will demonstrate the expected technique and format November 10th. In order to become proficient at this skill, students MUST practice doing the head to toe exam without notes numerous times.

Documentation of Physical Exam

After the student pairs demonstrate the exam, he/she will write-up their findings on one single sheet of paper that will be provided. No notes are permitted during the exam or write-up. Each student will have one hour to complete this write-up.


HONOR The University policy regarding academic integrity is enforced in this

CODE: course. For further information, refer to the Student Handbook, Florida

Administrative Code, Section 6C5-4.001 Honor Code, Academic

Irregularities, and Students’ Academic Grievances http://www.fau.edu/


The College of Nursing regards adherence to the Honor Code for

academic honesty as a professional competency and an expectation of all

students. ANY act of dishonesty that violates the honor code and

misrepresents your efforts or ability is grounds for immediate failure of

the course. See the College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook


DISABILITY The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires the provision of

STATEMENT: reasonable accommodations to any individual who advises faculty and the

University of a documented physical or mental disability. If you require

special accommodations due to such a disability to properly execute

course work, you must register with the FAU Office of Students with

disabilities (OSD) located in the Boca Raton campus library, room 175,

phone 561-297-3880 or in Davie, MODI, phone 954-236-1222. Please

arrange a meeting with your course faculty. All OSD procedures must be

followed for you to receive the special accommodations.

INCOMPLETE The incomplete grade policy is also enforced. Incompletes may be

POLICY: awarded only for exceptional circumstances. Student must be passing the course in order to receive an Incomplete.

For specific details see the Undergraduate Student Handbook, Academic Policies & Regulations, Incomplete Grades


USE OF The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing may use students’ course-

STUDENT COURSE related materials for legitimate institutional purposes, such as

RELATED accreditation, university materials will be used within the college and

MATERIALS: university.

PERSONAL In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for

COMMUNI- education personal communication devices such as pagers, beepers

CATION and cellular telephones are to be disabled in class sessions.




Fall 2009

September 1st
/ An Overview of the Physical Examination and History Taking, Interviewing and the Health History, Beginning the Physical Exam General Survey and Vital signs
September 8th / Skin, Hair, Nails / Weekly write-up
September 15th / Head and Neck / Weekly write-up
September 22nd
/ Eyes and Ears / Weekly write-up
September 29th
/ Respiratory System / Weekly write-up
October 6th / Cardiovascular System / Weekly write-up
October 13th / Spot Check on Physical Exams
Peripheral Vascular/Lymphatic / Weekly write-up
October 16th
/ Last day to drop course without receiving an “F”
October 21st
/ Breasts / Weekly write-up
October 27th / Abdomen
Female/Male Genitourinary System / Weekly write-up
November 3rd / Motor-Musculoskeletal System & Sensory-Neurological System / Weekly write-up
November 10th / Clinical Reasoning Putting It All together
Practice/Demonstration / Weekly write-up
November 17th / Performance Skill Testing
November 25th / Performance Skill Testing