Grading Rubric ENG102
A / B / C / DIdeas / Ideas & assertions thoughtfully and thoroughly developed
Relevant details supported by well-chosen, credible sources throughout
Integration of ideas with those of others through analysis, synthesis, or evaluation as appropriate / Ideas & assertions effectively developed in most areas
Relevant details supported by credible sources in most areas
Integration of ideas with those of others through analysis, synthesis, or evaluation in most areas / Ideas & assertions in need of further development
Lack of relevant supporting details from credible sources
Ideas of others summarized
without analysis, synthesis, or evaluation in some areas / Unclear & Underdeveloped ideas & assertions
Lack of critical thinking and supporting details & credible sources
Ideas of others summarized without analysis, synthesis, or evaluation
Organization / Clearly stated purpose and focus throughout
Engaging introduction that skillfully addresses purpose, audience, & content
Conclusion that sparks insight, reflection, or action
Logically sequenced ideas with artful transitions & sophisticated topic sentences / General purpose clear but may be implied
Adequate introduction
Conclusion provides closure and does more than summarize
Transitions & topic sentences used; may lack clear indication of relationships among ideas in some areas / Unclear purpose in some areas
Introduction may not be engaging or fully relate to papers focus and purpose
Conclusion may only summarize
Sporadic transitions or topic sentences; sequence of ideas disorganized or hard to follow / Missing or unclear purpose
Lack of an engaging or relevant introduction
Missing or irrelevant conclusion
Transitions and/or topic
sentences sporadic or missing; fails to show a clear progression of thought
Voice/Word Choice / Clear sense of audience
Maintains personal voice; Adopts appropriate tone, level of formality, style
Use of accurate and descriptive word choice / General sense of audience
Consistent personal voice with appropriate tone, level of formality, & style in most areas
Use of accurate and descriptive word choice in most areas / Unclear sense of audience in some areas
Inconsistent personal voice and/or inappropriate tone, level of formality, & style in some areas
Word choice simplistic and lacking description / Unclear sense of audience
Inconsistent personal voice and/or inappropriate tone, level of formality, & style in several areas
Inaccurate or unclear wording in several areas
Sentence Fluency / Sentence structure effective and varied / Sentence structure varied and effective in most areas / Sentence structure lacking variety and effectiveness in some areas / Incorrect or awkward sentence structure so that it interferes with the clarity of ideas
Convention / Appropriate grammar & mechanics & proofreading
Correct citation & documentation / Minor errors of grammar & mechanics that are not necessarily distracting or confusing to the reader
Citation & documentation with only minor errors / Grammar mechanical
errors may at times distract or confuse the reader
Citation & documentation
with frequent minor errors
or occasional major errors / Errors of grammar & mechanics interfere with the clarity of ideas
Extensive and major citations & documentation errors
Please note: An “F” paper lacks evidence of process, does not respond to the assignment, is unintelligible, or demonstrates evidence of plagiarism.
Qualities of College-Level Writing ENG102
Rhetorical Knowledge
§ Focuses on a purpose and develops ideas thoughtfully and thoroughly with that purpose in mind.
§ Anticipates and addresses different audiences’ needs.
§ Demonstrates the writer’s knowledge or experience of the topic.
§ Begins in an engaging way appropriate to the writer's purpose and audience.
§ Effectively supports positions and assertions with relevant details, evidence and authority.
§ Sequences ideas logically and effectively for the purpose and the audience.
§ Concludes beyond summarizing to encourage insight, reflection, or action.
§ Writes with a tone that is appropriate for the purpose and audience.
§ Allows the reader to have a sense of interacting with the writer.
Critical Thinking
§ Uses writing and active reading to inquire, learn, think, and communicate.
§ Selects and evaluates appropriate primary and secondary sources.
§ Develops ideas with relevant details from well-chosen, appropriate sources.
§ Takes into consideration alternative viewpoints on the topic.
§ Moves beyond summarizing or reporting to integrating the writer’s ideas with those of others through analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
§ Effectively integrates information from a variety of primary and secondary sources by summarizing, paraphrasing or quoting, appropriate to the purpose of the writing.
Knowledge of Conventions
§ Uses topic sentences and transitions to enhance coherence and unity.
§ Varies sentence structure to reflect the complexity of the writer’s ideas.
§ Uses grammar and mechanics appropriately.
§ Demonstrates careful proofreading by correcting typos and errors.
§ Avoids clichés, colloquialisms, slang, and convoluted language and instead uses college-level vocabulary to make the writing precise and lively.
§ Citations and documentation are placed and formatted correctly in MLA style.
§ Uses appropriate number and variety of sources according to assignment guidelines.
§ Demonstrates a match between sources cited in text and those listed in works cited page.
Last updated: March 27, 2013