Summary of WIPA Training Manual Edits for 2017

January 2017

General Edits

1.  Corrected all identified errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and use of passive voice to conform with all Federal Plain Language Guidelines as described at the Federal Plain Language website here:

2.  Corrected all formatting inconsistencies, errors or omissions in content, and typographical mistakes identified throughout the year.

3.  Updated all examples that referenced annual SGA,TWP, FBR, or other work incentive figures.

4.  Checked all web links for correctness and accessibility and made corrections as needed.

5.  Updated all annual Medicare figures (premiums, co-pays, deductibles) and edited examples to include the 2016 FPL (2017 FPL listing isn’t published until spring, after the manual is produced).

Module 1 Content Edits

In unit 1, we updated data about Social Security disability beneficiaries with income below the FPL, data on average monthly benefit payments, and data on number of Social Security disability beneficiaries by program.

Module 2 Content Edits

In unit 2, we removed all references to the I&R assessment in ETO. We also updated information describing Help Line procedures for transition aged youth and making WIPA referrals to bring them in line with current protocols.

Module 3 Content Edits

1.  Updated discussion about how Social Security counts income when earned as opposed to when paid in the Title II program.

2.  Added language from the POMS to clarify when an IRWE is considered to be “reasonable”.

3.  Cut out all of the information in the UWA section that discussed the difference in evaluating work that continued from 1-3 months and work that continued from 4-6 months. Replaced that information with the following paragraph taken directly from the Federal Register found at

4.  Added language from the Federal Register found at about changes to the EXR provisions.

Module 4 Content Edits

We added information which clarifies Medicare Part B premium hold harmless provisions. The language was taken directly form the CMS Press Release found online at:

Module 5 Content Edits

We added language in the unit on HUD rental assistance clarifying how rents are determined in the Housing Choice Voucher program. We also changed language in descriptions of the Earned Income Disregard (EID) due to change in HUD rules limiting the period of time during which individuals can use the EID from 48 consecutive months to 24 consecutive months.

Module 6 Content Edits

We made several important changes to the unit on BS&A and WIP development. We added a description of BS&A report writing software (HotDocs), clarified “Too Much Information”(TMI) for BS&A development and described TMI considerations when developing BS&As, and replaced all of the sample BS&As and WIPs. Due to these changes, we recommend that CWICs review the entire unit.

Module 7 Content Edits

1.  Updated information about CCC requirements for CWICs, WIPA project managers, and community partners to match materials disseminated by ORDES to WIPA projects.

2.  Added updated information about ETO, including the beneficiary enrollment process to match information provided in ETO trainings and documents posted on the NTDC web site.

3.  Added language from the 2016 WIPA Terms and Conditions document about ethical standards.

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