Primary School Initial Mathematics Audit
Prompts to support analysis of current school situationThe criteria support identification of the school’s starting point and possible actions necessary.
Standards and Progress / Comments
What are learners’ achievement and standards in mathematics?
What data is collected, how and by whom?
What assessments are currently in place in the school?
How are they analysed, moderated and used?
Is the data about standards shared with all staff?
Are staff clear as to what data is collected and its purpose?
Do all staff know what the national expectations of attainment and progress are for their class/end of year?
What is the evidence of progress relative to starting points; target setting and pupil tracking?
Are there systems in place for setting numerical and/or curricular targets?
If so, how do they inform teaching and learning? How are they monitored and evaluated?
Are there school systems for tracking pupils’ progress – across a class, a year group, a key stage?
If so what does the tracking look like?
How is the tracking data used?
Do teachers set appropriate targets for children?
Do children understand their targets and what they need to do to move their learning?
Additional support/intervention programmes
Are intervention programmes in place, working and monitored?
Which programmes are used?
What is the evidence of progress relative to starting points?
Are children in intervention groups making accelerated progress?
Quality of Teaching and Learning
The quality of the teaching
Is agreed medium and short-term planning in place across the school?
How is planning monitored?
Are other planning resources used?
Is AfL included in planning?
Do the lessons exemplify the main features of effective teaching in the subject?
How well does the maths curriculum meet the needs and interests of the learners?
How well are lessons targeted to meet the needs of the learners?
Are lessons differentiated appropriately?
Subject knowledge
Is subject knowledge in mathematics secure and sufficient to teach appropriate objectives and meet the needs of all learners?
What is the pace of learning like?
What staff training has there been in mathematics subject knowledge – internally and externally?
Has this had an impact on teaching and learning?
Conditions for learning
Additional adults
Are additional adults deployed to raise achievement, standards and the personal development of learners and accelerate progress?
What mathematics training have additional adults received?
Is their support monitored?
How are they deployed?
Learning environment/resources
What resources does the school have for teaching mathematics?
What ICT resources do the school have for teaching and learning of mathematics?
Have these impacted on the quality of teaching and learning and on standards?
Is the range of general resources sufficient to meet a variety of teaching needs?
Does the learning environment support learning and teaching?
Is there agreed policy for maths displays?
Are displays interactive/learning opportunities?
Developing a learning culture
Does the school involve parents/carers in their children’s education? (e.g. written calculations, SATs info etc)
Are parents informed about their child’s targets and how they can assist them?
Do they receive a regular termly newsletter regarding curricular areas covered during that term in each class?
How are children involved in their learning?
Are they aware of what they have to achieve and when they have achieved it?
Do they self evaluate / work in pairs or small groups?
Are they encouraged to discuss their thought processes and ideas with each other and the teacher?
Are there opportunities provided for children to give their views and be listened to?
Supporting Colleagues and CPD
Supporting Colleagues
Are both SLT and teachers aware of their individual needs with regards to mathematics?
How are strengths and weaknesses identified and what strategies are put into place to provide support?
What strategies are used to support colleagues in mathematics?
CPD focus
Is there an agreed CPD action plan which forms part of the school development plan?
Does the subject leader have a good idea of the needs of the whole school and where they want their subject to move to?
Will the existing planned staff meeting timetable meet the needs of the school?
©Copyright Lancashire County Council – Lancashire Mathematics Team 2014