New Governor Pack
In this induction guide you will find some information in hard copy or you may
be directed to find information from a website.
1 Welcome
2The Role of Governors
3The Governing Body at Kyson
4The Governing Body’s role in school improvement
5Knowing our school
6Governors Contacts and Committees and Responsibilities
7Governor Overview
AInduction Checklist
BCode of Conduct
CSkills Matrix
DTraining Development Plan
EBusiness Interest form
F Visiting the school
GMonitoring and Evaluation
Welcome to the Kyson Governing Body. We value the knowledge and skills each governor brings to the governing body and aim to support you throughyour induction process.
We would ask that you take some time to review this induction pack. Thiswill enable you to get a full understanding of the processes and context inwhich the Kyson Governing Body operates.
As you work through this induction pack, if you need any help or clarificationplease call the Headteacher or the Chair of Governors. (contact detailsbelow).
To make the process easier we have put together an induction checklist in Appendix A that summarises the necessary steps and information you require to get you up and running as soon as possible.
You should also aim to meet with the Chair of Governors and Headteacherwithin 3 weeks of your appointment. Please call to arrange a suitable time.
At this meeting we will run through this information and ensure that you are happy with the contents.
We also feel it is very important that you make an appointment to come and have a tour of the school during the day. By doing this you will meet the children and members of staff and get a really good understanding of how the school operates.
Thank you and welcome to the Kyson Governing Body
Mrs Karen Moodie
Chair of Governors.
07906 714433
Miss Libby Brown
01394 384481
Role of Governors
The purpose of the Governing Body
The governing body is the school’s accountable body. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The governing body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well-being.
The governing body:
- Sets the strategic direction of the school by:
- Setting the values, aims and objectives for the school
- Agreeing the policy framework for achieving those aims and objectives
- Setting targets
- Agreeing the school improvement strategy which includes approving the budget and agreeing the staffing structure
- Challenges and supports the school by monitoring, reviewing and evaluating:
- The implementation and effectiveness of the policy framework
- Progress towards targets
- The implementation and effectiveness of the school improvement strategy
- The budget and the staffing structure
- Ensures accountability by:
- signing off the school’s own self-evaluation report
- responding to Ofsted reports when necessary
- holding the Headteacher to account for the performance of the school
- ensuring parents and pupils are involved, consulted and informed as appropriate
- making available information to the community
- Appoints and performance manages the Headteacher, who delivers the aims (through the day to day management of the school, implementation of the agreed policy framework and improvement strategy and delivery of the curriculum) and reports appropriately to the governing body.
For governing bodies to carry out their role effectively, governors must be:
- Prepared and equipped to take their responsibilities seriously
- Acknowledged as the accountable body by the lead professionals
- Supported by the appropriate authorities in that task
- Willing and able to monitor and review their own performance.
The Governing Body’s Role in School Improvement
What are our values?
What is our vision?
What are we trying to achieve?
Who do we ask and how?
Knowing our School
Sources of Information
The Governing Body at Kyson
To give you an understanding of what’sinvolved with being a governor at Kyson we have tried to summarise what we do as governors.
We work closely with the Headteacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school.
What do we do?
We help set the strategic direction of the school,
We look at setting the overall budget for the school and deciding the number of staff,
We review progress of the school against objectives, comparing performance against other schools,
We challenge but also support the senior staff and play a part in appointing staff.
At Kyson we hold both full Governing Body and Sub Committee meetings each term.
Full Governing Body meetings
We have one main governors meeting every half term which lasts approximately two hours. Here we discuss learning and how the school is performing. We ask questions to challenge the Headteacher,offer support and celebrate improvement. We look at anything that the Government or local authority is wishing to review or implement in the school.
We have three subcommittees, these meet either once or twice a term. The summary below highlights some of the areas each of these sub-committees is responsible for.
Learning and Attainment Sub Committee
This committee monitors progress and evaluates the effectiveness of the priorities within the School Development Plan. It reviews anonymised data, to consider pupil progress and how the school is targeting areas of underperformance. It monitors the impact of Pupil Premium funding and ensures that the requirements of pupils in vulnerable groups are met.
It considers and advises the Governing Body on standards and other matters relating to children’s learning and the school’s curriculum, including statutory requirements.
Finance, Premises, Health and Safety Sub Committee
In consultation with the Headteacher, this committee approves the first formal budget plan of the financial year, carries out revisions and monitors the budget termly.Itmaintains an up to date 3 year Strategic Financial Plan to assist with budget planning. It reports significant anomalies in the budget to the Governing Body and ensures that the school operates within the Financial Regulations of the County Council.
It advises the Governing Body on priorities, including Health and Safety, to enable maintenance and development of the school’s premises. It oversees arrangements for repairs and maintenance and makes recommendations to the Finance Committee on premises-related expenditure
Personnel, Performance and Safeguarding Sub Committee
This committee monitors progress and evaluates the effectiveness of the priorities allocated to the committee within the School Development Plan. It reviews the staffing structure in consultation with the Head teacher and the Finance Committee. It establishes and approves on an annual basis (statutory requirement), a Pay Policy for all categories of staff and is responsible for its administration and review.It oversees the appointment procedure for all staff to including ensuring the school has adequate arrangements in place to complete pre-employment checks. It reviews and agrees policies relating to Personnel as delegated by the Governing Body.
It also complies with the statutory duty to ensure the school has an effective Safeguarding policy and procedures in place to keep all children safe and free from harm.
Hearing, Appeals, Pupil Discipline committees
The Hearings and Appeals committee rarely meets but if required, deals with hearings and appeals with regard to staff matters. The Pupil Discipline committee also meets rarely, but if required considers representation from parents of excluded children.
Headteacher’s Performance Review Group
This is a committee of 2-3 Governors who meet with head teacher and external advisor to discuss the Head teachers performance targets and to decide if these targets are have been met.
They will review anonymised pupil progress, observations to ensure they are aware of strength and weakness of the school and ensure the school leadership are raising teaching standards. This group will be able to discuss more detail than other sub-committees.
Monitoring Visits to School
As Governors in order that we effectively monitor progress against our schools objectives, we need to visit the school. These visits are not to observe the quality of teaching as we are not qualified, but to make comments on our experience.
Each time a Governor visits the school, whether formally or informally, they write a brief report which provides an evidence base for the monitoring and evaluation of the school.
Governors Roles and Responsibilities
In order for the information in this pack to be continually updated please refer to Governors online for all the very latest update information on
List of all the Governors contact detail.
List of all the committees and their members.
Minutes of Governing Body and Committee meetings
List of all the upcoming dates for meetings.
Governors Overview
List of all Governors and their biographies
Appendix A: Induction Checklist
Checklist Item / When / CompleteReceive the Kyson Governor Pack
Visit the Governor section on the school’s website for electronic information accessed through your own login and password
Login name : Password:
Welcomed to the Governing Body by the Chair
Received an informal briefing on the school from the Head or Chair / 3 Weeks
Invited by the Head teacher to visit the school
Received an informal briefing on the school from the Head
Toured the school and met staff and children
Completed identification process for CRB check or declaration / First Month
Have you an understanding of:
Background of the schooland it priorities
Current issues facing the school
Overview of the Governor’s role
Relationship between the Headteacher and Governing Body
Met informally with your Governor mentor
Completed the Governing Body Skill Matrix
Completed the Training Needs Analysis
Visited the Suffolk training website to see what courses are available
Have you received from the Local Authority:
DfE “Guide to the Law for Governors”
The Local Authority Governor Services’ Welcome Pack and governor
training program
Have you received from the School:
The School Development Plan
Minutes of the last full Governing Body meeting
Governing Body / committees their terms of reference
Dates for future governors’ meetings including committees
Details of how to contact the other governors
Details of how to contact the school
Recent School newsletters ( Please go to the school website)
Latest Ofsted report
Financial Regulations and Scheme of Delegation
Raiseonline Login details
Ofsted Data Dashboard
Summary and Understanding
Has the Chair of Governors or Headteacher covered:
Background to the school
Current issues facing the school
Visiting the school
Overview of the Governor’s role
Relationship between the Headteacher and Governing Body
Explained the Governor Monitoring Visits Policy
Governor Expenses Policy ( Policy document folder in office )
Have you had the opportunity to review your first GB meeting with the
If there are any question please don’t hesitate to call
Contact Details:
Chair of Governors Karen Moodie
07906 714433
Head teacher Libby Brown
01394 384481
School Office as above
Useful Websites
Governors Handbook
Useful and has a glossary of terms
Appendix B Code of Practice
Code of Conduct for the Kyson Governing Body
This code sets out the expectations on and commitment required from school governors and trustees in order for the governing board to properly carry out its work within the school and the community. It can be amended to include specific reference to the ethos of the particular school. ‘School’ includes academies, and it applies to all level of school governance.
The governing board has the following core strategic functions:
Establishing the strategic direction, by:
-Setting the vision, values, and objectives for the school
-Agreeing the school improvement strategy with priorities and targets
-Meeting statutory duties
Ensuring accountability, by:
-Appointing the head teacher
-Monitoring progress towards targets
-Performance managing the head teacher
-Engaging with stakeholders
-Contributing to school self-evaluation
Ensuring financial probity, by:
-Setting the budget
-Monitoring spending against the budget
-Ensuring value for money is obtained
-Ensuring risks to the organisation are managed
As individuals on the board we agree to the following:
Role & Responsibilities
- We understand the purpose of the board and the role of the head teacher.
- We accept that we have no legal authority to act individually, except when the board has given us delegated authority to do so, and therefore we will only speak on behalf of the governing board when we have been specifically authorised to do so.
- We accept collective responsibility for all decisions made by the board or its delegated agents. This means that we will not speak against majority decisions outside the governing board meeting.
- We have a duty to act fairly and without prejudice, and in so far as we have responsibility for staff, we will fulfil all that is expected of a good employer.
- We will encourage open government and will act appropriately.
- We will consider carefully how our decisions may affect the community and other schools.
- We will always be mindful of our responsibility to maintain and develop the ethos and reputation of our school. Our actions within the school and the local community will reflect this.
- In making or responding to criticism or complaints affecting the school we will follow the procedures established by the governing board.
- We will actively support and challenge the head teacher.
- We acknowledge that accepting office as a governor involves the commitment of significant amounts of time and energy.
- We will each involve ourselves actively in the work of the governing board, and accept our fair share of responsibilities, including service on committees or working groups.
- We will make full efforts to attend all meetings and where we cannot attend explain in advance why we are unable to.
- We will get to know the school well and respond to opportunities to involve ourselves in school activities.
- We will visit the school, with all visits to school arranged in advance with the staff and undertaken within the framework established by the governing board and agreed with the head teacher.
- We will consider seriously our individual and collective needs for training and development, and will undertake relevant training
- We will strive to work as a team in which constructive working relationships are actively promoted.
- We will express views openly, courteously and respectfully in all our communications with other governors.
- We will support the chair in their role of ensuring appropriate conduct both at meetings and at all times.
- We are prepared to answer queries from other governors in relation to delegated functions and take into account any concerns expressed, and we will acknowledge the time, effort and skills that have been committed to the delegated function by those involved.
- We will seek to develop effective working relationships with the head teacher, staff and parents, the local authority and other relevant agencies and the community.
- We will observe complete confidentiality when matters are deemed confidential or where they concern specific members of staff or pupils, both inside or outside school
- We will exercise the greatest prudence at all times when discussions regarding school business arise outside a governing board meeting.
- We will not reveal the details of any governing board vote.
Conflicts of interest
- We will record any pecuniary or other business interest (including those related to people we are connected with) that we have in connection with the governing board’s business in the Register of Business Interests, and if any such conflicted matter arises in a meeting we will offer to leave the meeting for the appropriate length of time.
- We will also declare any conflict of loyalty at the start of any meeting should the situation arise.
- We will act in the best interests of the school as a whole and not as a representative of any group, even if elected to the governing body.
Breach of this code of conduct
- If we believe this code has been breached, we will raise this issue with the chair and the chair will investigate; the governing board will only use suspension/removal as a last resort after seeking to resolve any difficulties or disputes in more constructive ways.
- Should it be the chair that we believe has breached this code, another governor, such as the vice chair will investigate.
The Seven Principles of Public Life
(Originally published by the Nolan Committee: The Committee on Standards in Public Life was established by the then Prime Minister in October 1994, under the Chairmanship of Lord Nolan, to consider standards of conduct in various areas of public life, and to make recommendations).
Selflessness - Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends.