Parish Councillors: Kemmer [Chairman], Mrs Abbey, Barton, Mrs Boote (Borough & Parish), Mrs Chmara, Erwin, Edwards, Evans (Borough & Parish), Grice, Heeley, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Price, Roos.

Staff: Mr Grocock (Clerk), Mrs Orr (Secretary).

Other Local Councillors: County/Borough Cllr Cottee, Borough Cllr Sam Boote.

Members of Public: Six.

08/7755 Apologies

Apologies received from Cllrs Mrs Carr, Grant and Mrs Howard.

See 08/7769 [below].

08/7756 Declarations of Interest

Cllrs Mrs Price and Mrs Oakley declared an interest in agenda item 08/7761a and signed the interests book.

08/7757 Inspector Jeff Haywood

q  Cllr Kemmer welcomed Inspector Jeff Haywood and PCSO Kylie Wimbledon to the meeting

q  Inspector Haywood thanked the Council for inviting him. He explained that, since June 2007, he had held the post of Local Area Commander of the South Notts Division: an area which extends from Flintham to Zouch, and includes West Bridgford, Ruddington, Bingham, East Leake, Keyworth and Cotgrave; he had served 27 years in the force: four years in the Fire Arms Division; also working in the City of Nottingam, CID and uniform.

q  Inspector Haywood commented that he had three more years to serve, and wanted to stay in his present position; a lot of responsibility comes with the post, but he knows and has lived in the area for many years; he considers it to be primarily a decent area with decent people; he added that he considers himself to be someone who “does what it says on the tin” and does not believe in making false promises or raising false expectations.

q  Inspector Haywood explained that Keyworth and surrounding villages are covered by PC Emma Thacker and PCSO Kylie Wimbledon, but also available in the division are ten PCSOs, five special constables and four sergeants; a recent reorganisation was a result of a perceived disproportion of demand in relation to resources; there now appeared to be “a more even split” and he confirmed that he was comfortable with this.

q  Keyworth and surrounding villages have the lowest crime and incident rates in Rushcliffe South: Cotgrave reported some 700 crimes last year; Keyworth and surrounding villages reported 354.

q  Having been asked how extensive was the drug usage in Keyworth, Inspector Haywood said that there is drug usage in the village, as there is in most areas, but at a low level: only one isolated incident of a Class A drug in the last year.

q  In response to another question, Inspector Haywood confirmed that he was “a big fan” of flashing speed control signs; for example, at Cotgrave, people tend to respond to the sign by slowing down; he was also aware that the fire service were very much in favour of them.

q  Inspector Haywood confirmed that he works closely with the Council environment health workers who concentrate on prevention of youth crime; youth-related anti social behaviour is low in the Keyworth area.

q  Any juveniles who act suspiciously are stopped by the police and reported to parents. The problem is not always down to the police; some home environments are not supportive. At first, juvenile offenders are served with an ABC [Acceptable Behavioural Contract]; if this fails an ASBO is considered.

q  Asked how can the Parish Council support the police, Inspector Haywood emphasised that he is a great believer in engaging the community: asking people what their priorities are; it could be anything from speeding to parking or dog fouling; if the Parish Council informs the police what the priorities are, the police will go away and address the situation, and bring back possible solutions. Inspector Haywood said that he hoped to develop this process over the next three months or so.

q  Cllr Kemmer commented that the Council already participates in police liaison meetings; members of the public could be invited too.

q  Inspector Haywood suggested that it was not always easy to get people to attend such meetings.

q  Cllr Erwin mentioned that regular parking on blind corners in the village was proving very dangerous.

q  Inspector Haywood explained that warning notices would be going on display; an officer would be brought over to the area two days per week to enforce the restrictions; parking tickets would be issued for repeat offenders; the aim is to put a stop to illegal parking.

q  A member of the public complained that she had called the police after an incident but there was no response; no one got back to her.

q  Inspector Haywood explained that he could not comment without further details of the incident, which had taken place some time ago, but he acknowledged that the police need to be better at updating people; he explained that the best way to report an incident was to telephone PC Thacker’s mobile or, in case of emergency, dial 999; the latter should normally bring about a response within ten minutes.

q  A resident from the Rose Hill area thanked PCSO Wimbledon for patrolling the Manor Road area; she added that there were drug users in the area, and that this would probably get worse during the summer months. PCSO Wimbledon assured the resident that she would “get on to it” and that “they will not get away with it”.

q  Cllr Kemmer thanked Inspector Haywood and PCSO Wimbledon for attending the meeting and for their input.

Inspector Haywood, PCSO Wimbledon and six other visitors

left the meeting at this point.

08/7758 Co-option of New Councillor

q  Cllr Kemmer explained that the panel, comprising himself, Cllr Mrs Boote and Cllr Mrs Howard, had interviewed Mr Chris Kemp; there had been no other applications to fill the outstanding vacancy.

q  After due discussion, it was AGREED that Mr Kemp should be co-opted to the Parish Council as recommended by the panel.

q  Mr Kemp signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and joined the meeting.

q  AGREED that Cllr Kemp should serve on the Burial Ground and Village Hall advisory committees.

08/7759 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 2007 were APPROVED and signed as a true record.

08/7760 Matters Arising

q  [08/7728b] Cllr Kemmer reported that the new KPC/KPFA lease had been approved by the KPFA at a meeting on 11.1.08, and should be completed in time for the tennis club to meet the deadline in respect of its grant application; he thanked the Clerk and Cllr Erwin for the time they had devoted to this issue.

08/7761 Finance/Audit

a)  Schedule of Payments/Reimbursements.

-  A schedule of payments and reimbursements had been circulated prior to the meeting - see Appendix 1.

-  In response to a query from Cllr Grice, the Clerk outlined the background to the payment in favour of Mrs Olejnik.

-  The Schedule was APPROVED.

b)  Finance & General Purposes Minutes

-  Cllr Kemmer moved the adoption of the report dated 7 January 2007; seconded by Cllr Mrs Abbey. The report was ADOPTED and the recommendations contained therein APPROVED.

c)  2008/9 Budget/Precept

-  A draft budget and reserves policy, already approved by the Finance & General Purposes committee, had been circulated prior to the meeting.

-  Cllr Kemmer explained that the recommended increase in the precept was approximately 6.5%; this was ahead of inflation [the Clerk confirmed that the retail price index had increased by 4.3% during the twelve months ended 30.11.07], but the additional funds were required to finance youth work in the village.

-  Cllr Evans reported that there is already a plan to keep the youth club open three evenings per week; funds raised via the precept could enable it to open five nights per week; there were precedents in respect of Parish Councils financing youth work in this manner.

-  Cllr Grice queried how and why the question of financing youth activities had “gone from ‘in principle’ to hard fact”.

-  Cllr Kemmer explained that it was not “hard fact” at this stage, but that a decision needed to be made in respect of the precept, and it was felt that a suitable provision should be made.

-  Cllr Grice suggested that this was “not a good enough reason…adding to people’s cost of living…taxing [most] people for something they will never use and never need”; he added that “those who want it should pay for it themselves”.

-  Cllr Mrs Boote commented that canvassing at the Keyworth Show had revealed that more youth facilities was “the biggest item”…what the people of the village wanted.

-  Cllr Mrs Price expressed concern that youngsters would not use the youth club.

-  Cllr Evans suggested that continuity of opening times would encourage its use, and asked: “are we willing to pay the price for something that seems to be an issue in the village?”

-  Cllr Barton suggested that “troublemakers hang around the village… they probably would not use the youth centre”.

-  Cllr Mrs Abbey pointed out that, if other youngsters have nowhere to go, they will probably hang around with the troublemakers.

-  Cllr Erwin suggested that [the additional amount being raised] was not a great deal compared with what goes towards financing the Bowls Club.

-  Cllr Grice suggested that it was not unreasonable that youngsters should be left to find their own amusement some evenings per week.

-  Cllr Heeley suggested that there would be social benefits for the community as whole.

-  Cllr Mrs Chmara pointed out that “people look to the Parish Council to deal with problems within the area, and these cost money”.

-  Cllr Grice reiterated that he was against spending more Parish Council money.

-  Cllr Evans agreed that the Council should not take additional expenditure lightly, but suggested that it might be possible to make cuts elsewhere if the Finance & General committee adopted a policy of looking at the Council’s expenditure “line by line” in future.

-  Cllr Kemmer agreed that this [“line by line”] was the right approach; the Clerk pointed out that he had been advocating such an approach for the last five years, and also that the Finance & General Purposes committee is already provided with detailed financial information on a regular basis.

-  The Clerk pointed out to the Council that it could avoid increasing the precept if it so wished by dipping into reserves.

-  Cllr Kemmer responded that the Council would only need to increase the precept in subsequent years.

-  The proposed 2008/9 budget and precept were APPROVED – see Appendix 2.

d)  Precept Leaflet

-  A draft precept leaflet [to be distributed with council tax demands] had been circulated prior to the meeting.

-  Cllr Kemmer suggested that the Council should consider amending the reference to “provision for…youth worker” but, after due discussion, the leaflet was APPROVED as drafted – see Appendix 3.

e)  Reserves Policy

-  The reserves policy circulated prior to the meeting was APPROVED – see Appendix 2.

08/7762 Village Hall Report

q  Cllr Grice reported as follows:

-  Letter received from hirer responsible for damage to Village Hall floor, confirming that she would pay compensation in two instalments.

-  Village Hall floor has been resurfaced.

-  Re-upholstery of seating in the Centenary Lounge has commenced.

-  New, flame retardant curtains ordered for the Village Hall.

-  Flat roof repairs underway.

-  Tapestries reframed and ready to be re-hung – AGREED that they should be re-hung as before, in the Village Hall foyer.

q  Cllr Kemmer thanked Cllrs Grice and Mrs Chmara for their hard work on the Village Hall committee’s behalf.

q  The Clerk reported that the office/Green Room reception hatch was due to be fitted on 15.1.08.

08/7763 Burial Ground Report

q  Cllr Heeley reported as follows:

-  The committee met on 11.1.08; notes from meeting to follow.

-  Ken Jackson [former Parish Councillor and Burial Ground committee chairman] attended, and has agreed to get involved.

-  Meetings now scheduled to take place every two months.

-  The groundsman’s duties were discussed; he is exceeding expectations in the way he carries out his duties.

-  Proposed children’s area discussed.

-  New tariff agreed; some charges to go up by as much as10%.

-  Outstanding action in respect of safety report discussed.

-  Outstanding issue re boundary hedge with neighbour to be dealt with.

-  General tidying up discussed.

-  Additional parking requirements discussed.

q  Cllr Kemmer pointed out that firm long-term proposals for the Burial Ground were needed as soon as possible.

q  Cllr Evans queried what was to be done with the extra land which had been purchased.

q  Cllr Kemmer pointed out that outline plans had been drawn up for the new area some time ago.

08/7764 Amenities/Skatepark Report

q  Cllr Mrs Price reported as follows:

-  Next committee meeting scheduled for week commencing 21.1.08.

-  Entrance to new play area to be “re-done”.

-  Response awaited from Notts County Council regarding renewal of lease.

-  Ultrawheelz Management Group has undertaken to resume regular meetings.