circle cross Ranch K-8 SCHOOL

rebecca hendry, Principal

Board Report

December 2013

Enrollment: 825

Students of the Month: Megan Woods 1st Grade

Aniza Gallegos 5th Grade

Eric Brooks 6th Grade


·  Reward Trip - Skateland

·  Credit Recovery Saturday School

·  3rd Grade Field Trip – Phoenix Zoo

·  Student of the Month/B3 Be Free Celebrations

·  Fall Festival

·  Puberty Classes (4-6th Grades)

·  4th Grade Water Festival

·  CCR/MR Band Concert

·  Playoffs for Soccer

·  K-5 MobyMax Parent Training

·  Student Council Thanksgiving Food Drive

·  2 Grant Proposals Submitted

·  BT In-Service: Reteach & Enrich

·  PTO Cookie Dough Fundraiser

Activities Through 15th of Next Month:

Date / Activity

·  12/2/2013 Benchmark Assessments (12/2 – 12/6)

·  12/5/2013 6-8th Grade Dance

·  12/6/2013 PTO Holiday Store (12/6 – 12/12)

·  12/10/2013 Soccer Championships

·  12/10/2013 CCR School Spelling Bee

·  12/10/2013 6th Grade San Diego Holiday Grams Fundraiser (12/10 – 12/13)

·  12/11/2013 Holiday Concert @ 2:23 pm

·  12/11/2013 PTO Holiday Store Evening Hours

·  12/12/2013 Sports Banquet Barbecue

·  12/16/2013 Winter Intersession (12/16 – 1/3)

·  1/6/2014 6th Grade Cookie Dough Fundraiser

·  1/7/2014 Athletic Parent Meeting (3rd Quarter Sports)

·  1/8/2014 FUSD Board Meeting

·  1/9/2014 K-5 Awards Assemblies

·  1/9/2014 Not My Kid Assemblies - Bullying (6-8th Grades)

·  1/10/2014 6-8th Grade Awards Assemblies

·  1/15/2014 Student of the Month/B3 Be Free Celebration


#4 Fighting

# Drugs

# Drug Paraphernalia

# Alcohol

# Explosive Device

# Weapon

# Injured Another/Assault

#1 Property Destruction

# Verbal Abuse

#3 Defiance

#1 Disruption

# Tobacco

#1 Profanity

# Theft

#4 Other

Referred #0 Student(s) for Due Process Hearing

Teacher Evaluations: #5

Issues/Challenges/Concerns: None

Principal’s Summary:

November was a big month at Circle Cross Ranch! We hosted our first fall festival on November 21st and sold 14,500 tickets! It was unbelievable! Our halls, cafeteria and gym were packed with students and parents! Each grade level hosted a booth or game, and clubs sponsored games as well. Our student council hosted hay rides and the rock wall. P.T.O. hosted food and almost sold out! The tickets that each grade and club collected equaled money that they can use for future field trips or other activities of their choice. At the end of the night, our school profits totaled $3,627! We had parents and staff comment that this was the biggest event that they had ever seen at CCR.

Our P.T.O. hosted a very successful cookie dough fundraiser last month and profited close to $8,000. Some of the profits will go toward paying for one bus per grade level for a field trip, 10 new bulletin boards, a 36” paper cutter for the school, two portable marquee banners, personalized table cloths for awards assemblies, and new recess equipment for students.

Student Council sponsored their annual Thanksgiving dinner food drive and our students collected enough food to provide a Thanksgiving dinner for 19 additional families other than what Project Bridge could provide. We have a very energetic student body and they are very active in community service projects. We applaud their efforts and thank Mrs. Stanfel and Ms. Querry for organizing this activity.

We are preparing for the second round of district benchmark tests this month as well. Teachers have been implementing a portion of the Spalding program by introducing phonograms to the students. This phonics based method is supporting the students’ ability to decode words and understand letter/sound recognition. Mrs. Stavely has been conducting follow-up support for teachers that would like to be observed or have the process modeled for them. Spalding kits and phonogram cards have been purchased for each grade level to help teachers. Mr. Solberg and Mrs. Stavely will be conducting another Spalding training to introduce the spelling process before winter break.

We had a strong soccer season, with both boys and girls teams looking like they are contenders for a good showing in the playoffs and championships. Some strong athletes put themselves out there to represent our school. Our coaches, Jessica DeVinck for the girls and Edgar Ramirez for the boys, have invested a lot of time in the teamsand the development of their athletes.

Last, two of our talented teachers, Mr. Brian Hughes and Mrs. Jocelyn Virtudes, have applied for two different grants for our school. First, Mrs. Virtudes has applied for a science grant with STEM. It involves our students sponsoring a science experiment going up into outer space. Mr. Hughes applied for a $1000 grant with the Pinal County Attorney’s Office for support with our character counts program at CCR, including our REWIND Program for students who receive OCS. The funding will support curriculum materials for teachers to use with these students. We are hopeful that both grants are funded, and will keep the Board posted on the outcome.

Rebecca Hendry

Enrollment Report, Next Page


rebecca hendry, Principal

Enrollment Report

December 2013

Garber, Deidre (AM-K) / 13
Moya, Christine (Full-Day) / 28
Wojtulewicz, M. (AM-K) / 13
Dubien, Leslie / 26
Hamilton, Kelly / 27
Lucas, Jennifer / 24
Davis, Kathryn / 31
Nieto, Sarah / 31
Snyder, Kathy / 30
DeVink, Jessica / 31
Stavely, Irene / 31
Thames (Sayre), Lindsey / 30
Bauder, Gale / 28
Dunning-Farmer, Julie / 26
Halal, Bonnie / 28
Weiss, Annalee / 29
Bravo, Enrique / 28
Greenland, Aimee / 27
Stanfel, Kristen / 29
Hirsch, Heather (Math) / 111
Hull, Kendra (Reading/Writing)
Jacobson, Jared (Science/SS)
Camarote, F. (8th Science) / 204
Christ, Jeffrey (8th Math)
Coloma, Norman (7th Math)
Jacobson, M. (Reading/Writing)
Paynter, Paige (7th Soc.Stu.)
Querry, Andrea (7/8 Soc. Stu.)
Sanchez, N.(8th Reading/Writing)
Virtudes, Jocelyn (7th Science)
GRADE 1 / 77
GRADE 2 / 92
GRADE 3 / 92
GRADE 4 / 111
GRADE 5 / 84
GRADE 6 / 111
GRADE 7 / 114
GRADE 8 / 90