September 2008 doc.: IEEE 802.18-08/0059r0

IEEE P802.18
Radio Regulatory-TAG

[Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group Minutes]
Date: 2008-09-8-12
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Peter Murray / TMG, Inc. / Westfield, NJ / 908-232-9054 /

These are the minutes of IEEE 802.18 meeting Hilton Hotel, Waikoloa, September 2008.

Monday September 8th, 2008

Chairman Mike Lynch, Vice Chair/Secretary Peter Murray.

IMT document Editor, John Notor.

The TAG has a total of 17 Voters. At the beginning of the meeting the Chair declared that a quorum of voters were present.

The Chair opened the meeting at: 10:45

The agenda document is 18-0057-00-0000-RR-TAG-Agenda_Sept08.xls

The required patents item was addressed and the question asked, are there any questions, none heard.

1.  The chair went through the agenda topics.

Motion: To approve the agenda 18-08-0057-00.xls

Move by: John Notor

Second by: Richard Kennedy

Discussion: None

Vote: 8 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain

2.  The minutes of the Denver meeting were shown

Motion: To approve the Denver meeting minutes 18-08-0035-02.doc

Move by: Charles Rush

Second by: Richard Kennedy

Discussion: None

Vote: 8 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain

3.  There were no matters arising from the previous meeting

4.  New business:

5.  The Chair went through the agenda items and briefly commented on each item.

6.  Any new business.
Richard Kennedy requested a change to the agenda: input into the VHT SG on spectrum availability and regulatory options, to be added and time allocated.

Motion to approve the amended agenda

Motion: To approve the agenda 18-0057-01-0000-RR-TAG-Agenda_Sept08.xls as amended

Move by: Frank Whetten

Second by: Richard Kennedy

Discussion: None

Vote: 8 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain

7.  Recessed for lunch.

8.  The meeting reconvened at 13:30

9.  The Chair presented the ITU-R background document:

10.  Discussion.

11.  Modifications were discussed and suggested edits were made. The document became

12.  The meeting went into independent study at 16:15, and will reconvene at the AM1 meeting time on Tuesday
Tuesday September 9th, 2008

13.  Frank Whetten, Boeing, who is a member of the RTCA-SC-202, made a summary of the RTCA-SC202 discussions on the Consumer Electronics devices that are taken aboard airlines.
The presentation is 18-08-0063-00-0000-rtca-sc-202-wg-6-summary-to-ieee-802-18

14.  The presentation made at the Denver Plenary meeting:
18-08-0041-00-0000-rtca-sc-202-request-for-collaboration.ppt was referenced

15.  The RR-TAG was asked to discuss the request by the RTCA-SC202 for guidance on what position may be formulated by the IEEE.

16.  Frank Whetten will ask the Chairs of the SC202 for a submission which the RR-TAG could forward to the EC at a future Plenary.

17.  Further work by the SC202 is moving toward completeing a document 9121.

18.  The Ofcom representative advised the group that there is a presentation being made to 802.22. 22-08-0259-00-0000-ofcom-uk-digital-dividend-uhf-spectrum-awards.ppt

19.  The RR-TAG moved to the 802.22 meeting room for the Ofcom presentation in AM2.

20.  The RR-TAG went into independent study until PM1.

21.  The meeting reconvened at 13:30

22.  In attendance were members from 802.11, 802.20, 802.21 and 802.18. The names are recorded in the attendance chart at the end of the minutes.

23.  18-08-0058-02-0000-IEEE-802.18-IMT-Advanced-review-process.ppt is the document under review. The Editor, John Notor, presented the document under discussion.

24.  There was a general discussion and then several members made suggestions for clarification which are captured in rev 3 of the 18-08-0058-03-IEEE-802.18-IMT-Advanced-review-process.ppt

25.  The Chair indicated that the RR-TAG will set dates for the contribution documents to be delivered to 802.18 in a timely manner allowing for review and approval before forwarding to the EC.

26.  The Chair indicated that the 802.18 RR-TAG is acting, at the request of the EC Chair, as the format approval body for completeness of the IMT-Advanced contributions.

27.  The TAG moved into independent study at 16:00, with some members going to the 802.21 PM2 sessions.

28.  The meeting will reconvene at AM1 on Wednesday.
Wednesday September 10th, 2008

29.  The meeting reconvened at 0800.

30.  The group reviewed the position of a contribution from 802.11 for an input into the ITU-R document M1801 that will update the 802.11 information. This is expected to be presented for approval on Thursday.

31.  The meeting moved into independent study at 09:00 for the mid-week plenaries and observation in 802.11n, 802.22, etc.

Thursday September 11th, 2008

32.  The meeting reconvened at 08:30

33.  Joachim Walewski, Seimans AG, on behalf of 802.15 vlc presented documents:

34.  18-08-0068-00-0000-motivation-of-proposed-letter-to-tc-76-iec.pdf

35.  18-08-0066-01-0000-draft-of-letter-to-iec-tc-76-concerning-led-radiation-safety.doc

36.  15-08-0676-01-0vlc-motivation-of-proposed-letter-to-tc-76-iec.pdf

37.  The purpose of the presentation is for the IEEE to request a change to the IEC 60825-12 (Laser Safety) to remove LEDs as they are also covered IEC62471 (Lamp Safety).

38.  802.15 letter to IEC TC76 for edit is:

39.  The request is for 802.18 to formally approve the edited letter and forward to the IEC TC76.

40.  The group reviewed the document and edited the text and grammer. A new version was uploaded as r02.

41.  The 802.18 meeting moved to the meeting room where a joint meeting with 802.11 adhoc on the ITU-R M1801 is being held.

42.  Peter Ecclesine started the meeting by asking for a volunteer for recording secretary.

43.  Peter Murray agreed to act as secretary for the meeting.

44.  The ad-hoc Chair then stated the IEEE patents policy and asked if there was anyone present who had a statement, hearing none he moved to the agenda for the meeting.

45.  11-08-0964-00-0000-802-11-update-for-m-1801.doc is the output doc from conference calls on the subject and was displayed.

46.  The edits already made were shown, explained and then comments and suggestions were requested.

47.  A suggestion was made to edit a small section and eliminate wording that would not be acceptable to the ITU-R.


Motion: To approve the document 11-08-0964-01-0000-802-11-update-for-m-1801.doc for forwarding to the 802.18 RR-TAG for approval and forwarding to the ITU-R subject to approval at the closing plenary of 802.11 on Friday September 12th, 2008.

Move by: John Notor

Second by: Mike Lynch

Discussion: none

Vote: 8 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain

49.  The motion passes.

50.  Peter Ecclesine stated that there was no further business and closed the meeting at 11:15

51.  The Liaison statement 22-08-0271-00-0000-liaison-report-from-22-to-18-sep-0818-.doc was received from Winston Caldwell.

52.  The meeting reconvened in the 802.18 meeting room at 13:30 as a joint meeting with WG’s representatives attending to vote on the documents created during the week.

53.  The attendee names are recorded at the end of the minutes.

54.  18-08-0056-01-0000-itu-r-regulatory-background_edits.ppt was displayed and further editing opportunity was opened.

55.  Some of the comments from Roger Marks were received via e-mail and entered into the discussion for edits.

56.  John Notor as Editor displayed the document in question to facilitate the editing.

57.  With the editing completed the document was moved for a vote.

58.  The following motion was made.


Move to approve 18-08-0056-02-0000-itu-r-regulatory-background.ppt and forwarding to the EC.

Move by: Carl Stevenson

Second by: John Notor

Discussion: none

Vote: 10 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain

Motion: Passed

60.  John Notor presented 18-08-0058-04-0000-IEEE-802.18-IMT-Advanced-review-process.ppt.


Move to approve 18-08-0058-04-0000-IEEE-802.18-IMT-Advanced-review-process .ppt and for presentation to the EC by the chair of the RR-TAG.

Move by: Carl Stevenson

Second by: John Notor

Discussion: Yes

Vote: Yes, No, Abstain


62.  Discussion on the time lines shown and also additional comments from Roger Marks received via e-mail, some of which had not been addressed.

63.  The Chair of 802.11 called the question.

64.  A vote on calling the question was made by the Chair.
The vote was taken with the result: 6 Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain:
Motion to call the question passed.

65.  The original motion in line 61 was voted upon.
The vote was taken with the result: 6 Yes: 3 No: 0 Abstain:
The motion passed.

66.  The next item was the document:

67.  Joachim Walewski presented this document.

68.  Slight edits were suggested and entered into the document.

69.  A motion was made to approve the document.

Move to approve 15-08-0673-03-0vlc-letter-to-iec-tc-76-concerning-led-wireless.doc [18-08-0066-02-0000-draft-of-letter-to-iec-tc-76-concerning-led-radiation-safety.doc]
The Chair of 802.18 is authorized to format the document into the correct form suitable for presenting to the EC and then forwarding to the IEC TC76.

Move by: Bob Heile

Second by: John Notor

Discussion: none

Vote: 7 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain

Motion: Passed

70.  The Chair of the 802.11 ad-hoc M1801 committee presented the document that was voted upon in the AM2 joint meeting of the 802.11 ad-hoc M1801 and the RR-TAG.


Motion: To approve the document 11-08-0964-01-0000-802-11-update-for-m-1801.doc [18-08-0070-00-0000-802.11-update-for-M.1801] for approval and forwarding to the EC and then onto ITU-R subject to approval at the closing plenary of 802.11 on Friday September 12th, 2008.

Move by: John Notor

Second by: Charles Rush

Discussion: none

Vote: 6 Yes, 0 No, 0 Abstain
Motion Passed

72.  The document was uploaded onto the 802.18 Mentor as 18-08-0070/r0

73.  The Chair called for any further business.

74.  None declared.

75.  The Chair declared the meeting closed at 16:45.
All the meeting documents can be found on:


Name / Affiliation / Voter
Vijay Auluck / Intel / X
John Barr / Motorola / X
Andrew Gowans / Ofcom / Observer
Richard Kennedy / Oaktree Wireless/LSLingren / 802.11 Liaison X
Mark Klerer / Qualcomm / Chair X [IMT mtg]
Michael Lynch / Nortel Networks / X
Peter Murray / TMG, Inc. - Qualcomm / X
John Notor / Cadence / X
Ivan Reede / Amerisys / X
Tom Wasilewski / Qualcomm
Frank Whetten / Boeing / X
Stephen Talbot / Ofcom / Observer
Bruce Kraemer / Marvell / Chair X [IMT mtg]
Vivek Gupta / Intel / Chair X
Carl Stevenson / Wk3c: Shure: Qualcomm / Chair X [IMT mtg]
Winston Caldwell / FOX / 802.22 Liaison X
Jim Ragsdale / Ericsson / [IMT mtg]
Jerry Upton / Qualcomm / [IMT mtg]
Radharkrishna Canchi / Kyocera / [IMT mtg]
Prabodh Varshney / Nokia / [IMT mtg]
Joachim Walewski / Seimans AG / 802.15 vlt [IMT mtg]
Bob Heile / ZigBee / Chair X [IMT mtg]
Euntaek Lim / Samsung / [IMT mtg]
Fujio Watawabe / DoCoMo Labs / [IMT mtg]
Jim Ragsdale / Ericsson / [IMT mtg]
Todor Cooklev / ITT / [IMT mtg]

Submission page 1 Peter Murray, TMG, Inc.