Access the County Court Agenda and approved Minutes on the Commissioner’s page at

October 5, 2016

Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station, county website, and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City, OR.

9:00 am -- Call to Order. Present were Judge Scott W. Myers, Commissioners Chris B. Labhart and Boyd Britton, Administrative Assistant Laurie Wright, Economic Development Coordinator Sally Bartlett, Rick Minster, Sara Russ, Jim Sproul, Judy Kerr, Mike Cosgrove, and Beth Spell. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the United States Flag. The invocation was given by Commissioner Britton.

9:03 am Reporter Logan Bagett entered.

AGENDA. MSP: Myers/Britton -- to accept the agenda as presented.

ANNOUNCEMENTS. Commissioner Britton said he has been visiting with various people and agencies about the ongoing consultation issues regarding forest grazing permits. Britton had intended to go on a field trip this morning to review forest grazing monitoring, but was asked not to by a permittee to avoid an appearance of confrontation. Britton will be going to Silverton after court next week for an OTC meeting.

Judge Myers reported he met with a management team at the road department and a Verizon representative on Monday about placing Verizon microwaves as boosters on Dixie and other potential sites. Myers explained the possibility of a receiver being placed in Monument and the work the county is performing with a landowner to assist with this process. On Tuesday Myers attended the Roy Peterson sentencing. Yesterday Myers and Laurie Wright met with Fair Board members and then the DA’s office regarding HR issues. Myers will conduct a name change hearing tomorrow at 10 am and then will meet with a citizen in the afternoon. Myers was contacted yesterday by the contractor who will be replacing the Library roof and the contractor will be arriving today to begin work on this. The insurance claims adjuster will be taking pictures of the Library roof and the damage today.

Commissioner Labhart was at the Senior Citizen Center last Thursday conducting an energy audit with OTEC and attended a funeral for Bill Diest last Friday. On Monday Labhart went to a Community Health Needs Assessment meeting and tomorrow Labhart will be in Wilsonville for a State Commission Health Evidence Review Committee meeting and on Monday he will attend an AOC meeting in Salem.

MINUTES. MSP: Labhart/Myers -- to approve the September 28th minutes as amended.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Economic Development Coordinator Sally Bartlett advised the court that no bids were received for the request for proposals for a consultant for the hazard mitigation plan for Canyon City. Bartlett spoke with the State yesterday and was given a couple of people she could contact. Bartlett believes that after an RFP is advertised and no responses are received you are able to select whoever you want. Bartlett advertised in numerous newspapers and also sent out hard copies and emails.

9:17 am Haley Walker entered.

Myers will contact Ron Yockim to clarify that a consultant can now just be selected. Bartlett advised she met with Corey Ryder, Jason Hatfield, Tammy Bremner, and Marlyn Hoffman. They were all members of the Hazard Mitigation Plan Committee. Bartlett would like to keep the same committee as the selection committee along with herself, Emergency Management Coordinator Ted Williams and Judge Myers. The court agreed by consensus to keep the same committee with the addition of Bartlett, Williams and Myers.

9:23 am Mindy Winegar and Dusty Williams entered.

ROAD DEPARTMENT AGGREGATE PROJECTS. During last week’s court session the court approved the Road Master’s recommendation to award the Laycock Creek and McGirr Stockpile Aggregate Projects to 4-R Equipment LLC. 4-R was the low bidder for both projects. The 7 day protest period has expired and no protests were presented. The bids from 4-R were in the amount of $236,150 for Laycock Creek and $361,950 for McGirr Stockpile. MSP: Myers/Britton -- to award the Laycock Creek project to 4-R Equipment LLC in the amount of $236,150 and to award the McGirr Stockpile project to 4-R Equipment LLC in the amount of $361,950.

LETTER OF SUPPORT CITY OF JOHN DAY. John Day City Manager Nick Green sent a written request to the court asking for a letter of support for funding for a feasibility study for a new wastewater treatment facility for John Day/Canyon City. This would be a new type of sewage treatment using hydroponics and the feasibility study would determine if this type of plant would work here. Myers believes this would be a good for our economy and the John Day River fishery. MSP: Myers/Labhart – to approve the letter of support and circulate for signatures.

FAIR ENTERTAINMENT FOR 2017. Fair Secretary Mindy Winegar requested court approval to attempt to book a headliner for the 2017 Fair. The Fair Board has recommended trying to get Craig Morgan booked for next year. Winegar advised she wanted to move forward on this much sooner than last year. Winegar provided a profit and loss statement to the court from the Sammy Kershaw concert. Winegar stated she doesn’t believe a deposit for the entertainer would need to be paid at this time.

9:31 am Kathy Smith entered.

Winegar hoped that by starting this process earlier some issues ran into last fair might be alleviated. She also thinks a stage can be rented for less money. Treasurer Kathy Smith said her only concern is if the fair doesn’t make money on the concert the shortfall will have to be made up from some other budget. Groundskeeper Dusty Williams said they are hoping to get a hydraulic stage next year instead of one that has to be manually put together. This would save a lot of time for the staff. Labhart asked if $1000 was the most the TRT grant would give to the fairgrounds. Winegar said in her experience it is, but she plans on approaching them again because of all the tourism the fair brought in this year. Mike Cosgrove said Jay and Allison Graves purchased the Dayville Merc and has a stage and suggested Winegar contact her to see if this stage might work. MSP: Myers/Britton -- to authorize the Fair to move forward with booking a headliner with the understanding that no financial obligations should take place until the 2017/18 budget if possible.

9:40 am The court took a short break. 9:41 am Andrea Officer entered.

9:46 am The court returned to session.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. Victim Assistance Director Andrea Officer told the court October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Grant funding has been allocated for a community awareness campaign. Officer asked the court for approval to expend grant funds for radio spots, newspaper ads and posters to be displayed in the community. Officer estimated the cost for this campaign at around $1450 and said the money is already in the budget. Although the funds are in the budget already Officer must ask court permission because of the grant requirements.

9:49 am Shannon Springer entered.

Discussion followed about different programs and resources available in the community. MSP: Myers/Labhart -- to approve the request to expend grant funds for radio spots, newspaper ads and posters to be paid from the grant.

PLANNING DEPARTMENT. Assistant Planner Shannon Springer presented a request to the court for permission to purchase an updated ArcView GIS computer program for the planning department computer. Springer’s new computer will not support the old version of ArcView GIS she was using and the supplier of the software informed her it was an outdated version that was no longer supported and has been retired by the manufacturer. The GIS program is utilized daily in the planning department and is vital in allowing Springer to perform her job. The cost of the upgrade was quoted at $1500. Springer said the program can be purchased for $1500 or a yearly license can be purchased for $800 per year. If the program is purchased then after the first year a $400 yearly maintenance fee can be paid if necessary to keep up with the updates and get technical support. This program is utilized to keep track of addressing, road mapping and flood maps. Springer explained how she used this program to send out information about the potential Canyon Creek flooding earlier this year. Britton suggested Springer contact the Assessor’s office and discuss the possibility of that office upgrading at the same time to potentially save some money. The discussion was tabled for now.

AIRPORT. Airport Manager Haley Walker requested court permission to apply for grants for the airport. Walker explained these grants are through the Critical Oregon Airport Relief Program. Airports can each only apply for $150,000 of the funds available during each grant cycle. Walker’s proposals in order of her preference are:

1.  Rural Commercial Air Service Consulting: The point of this study would be to determine if there is enough demand in our area for rural commercial air service. Walker estimates the consultant would cost around $100,000 and he matching portion of this grant ($10,000) would need to come from the airport fund or the general fund. Walker said there is currently enough money in the airport fund for the match. In Britton’s opinion Walker has the ability to complete this task without hiring a consultant. Walker agreed with Britton other than she doesn’t believe she has the time to manage the airport and prepare a study. Labhart stated there is a lot more involved in a study like this and it would include other counties around us as well. Rick Minster suggested networking with the other rural airports east of Redmond for a project like this. Walker said this was initially started as a larger group, but the other rural airports took a “hands off” approach and suggested seeing what happens in Grant County.

2.  Helicopter Concrete Parking Pads: Walker would like to begin installing concrete helicopter pads as a continued improvement to the airfield. The current gravel and grass pads often times are unable to handle the weight of the helicopters. Walker pointed out the airport is a helibase and often times have an overflow of helicopters at the airport. Two concrete pads would cost $25,000 each with a $2500 match for each pad that could be paid from the courthouse reserve fund.

3.  New Hanger Development: Additional hangars are needed at the airport and there is a current waiting list of six aircraft owners for hangers. Discussion followed about the different options for hanger construction, ownership, renting and need along with issues with providing power to the hangers. Walker estimated the hangar cost at around $100,000 with a $10,000 match.

4.  AGIS Survey: This is an extremely detailed survey based on GPS of the airfield and airport and would be included in the airport master plan if it was completed. Walker said the survey is not necessary for the airport master plan and that is why it is the lowest priority she presented. The survey is used to provide enhanced detail for future growth opportunities. Walker estimated the survey cost at around $150,000 with a $15,000 match.

Britton is not in support of 1, 3, or 4 or Walker’s proposal, but he does believe the helicopter concrete parking pads would be a good investment. Myers also liked the helicopter concrete parking pads and believes a consultant for commercial air service would be beneficial in the future, but he would like to see if a couple of other counties would be willing to share the cost of this. Myers is not very supportive of 3 and 4. Labhart believes numbers 1 and 2 should both be applied for. Walker would like to apply for $100,000 grant for a consultant and $50,000 for two helicopter pads. She suggested a compromise where she could contact Harney County and request they apply for $50,000 and she would apply for $50,000 for a consultant and then work together. MSP: Britton/Myers -- to authorize Walker to apply for the Rural Commercial Air Service Consulting in the amount of $100,000 and for the Helicopter Concrete Parking Pads in the amount of $50,000. The $10,000 match for consulting to be paid from airport fund and $2,500 match for each helicopter pad to be paid from courthouse reserve.

PUBLIC COMMENT. Judy Kerr asked if the court knew anything about a public meeting being held in Canyon City on Friday. Myers read a flyer to the audience entitled “Beyond Burns - the growth of the Patriot movement in Oregon” and said this is being sponsored by Grant County Positive Action and Blue Sage Ecumenical Ministries. Kerr wanted to know if this fell under the control of the ordinance passed in January or February to keep these people out of the county. Myers doesn’t believe the court has any right to attempt to stop the meeting and interfere with a public gathering. Kerr is concerned they are bringing in a movement that may not be wanted here. Myers suggested Kerr attend the meeting. Labhart said going online to rural organization project would provide more information.

*** The ordinance Ms. Kerr was referring to was actually a resolution supporting Harney County’s position on the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Resolution 16-06 was signed on February 24, 2016. ***

10:52 am – Adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Laurie Wright

Administrative Assistant