Indiana University School of Medicine

Medical Student Council General Meeting

October 19, 2016

Theme: LCME Updates and Statewide IT Support

Record of attendance is in the footnote

·  Center reports

o  Bloomington: Had a great time at Homecoming tailgate, have new MS1 reps with us today, will be showing the pre-meds around campus next week

o  Evansville: Recently elected new MS1 rep, first year class is setting up MUMPS at Evansville with pre-meds at University of Evansville

o  Fort Wayne: New MS1 rep – Alec Johnson, had a visit from Dr. Harrington this week, getting the MUMPS program started right now and already met with pre-med club about a month ago, new OrthoSIG getting started this week, developing a new student run clinic

o  Lafayette: New MS1s reps have been elected, Boys and Girls club event scheduled for later this month, McCutcheon day coming up where med students will talk about careers in medicine with high school students, will be completing the ISA 2.0 on Oct 26th

o  Muncie: NOT PRESENT

o  Northwest: NOT PRESENT

o  South Bend: Newly elected MS1 reps, recently held a flu shot clinic this past Saturday, have an event this weekend to raise money for a local women’s shelter

o  Terre Haute: Will be hosting annual community health fair this weekend, new EM SIG getting started, newly elected MUMPS rep, will be integrating MUMPS program with BMD, scheduled a time for the ISA 2.0 survey

·  Class Officer Reports

o  Michael Johnston, Class of 2017

§  Sold 380 quarter zips this year! WOO!

§  Will try to get quarter zips out in mid-November

§  Planning Senior Banquet on May 13th at the JW Marriott

§  Match Day will be on March 15th – “Movie Theme” Night on the Red Carpet to be held at Mavris downtown

o  Ronit Patnaik, Class of 2018

§  Working with Winter GLIC to get a debate going between specialties

§  Sara’s memorial updates will be coming soon

§  Students have chance to ask for time off to vote

§  Talking with clerkship coordinators to set up clerkship specific get together of some kind to hang out and meet each other

o  Kishan Shah, Class of 2019

§  Finalizing a hat sale – working on the timeline

§  Working on 2YS

§  MedTalks is NEXT THURSDAY at 7PM

o  Zain Abedali, Class of 2020

§  Blessing has taken care of SCLC for the first years

§  Had a few student-led mock practicals for anatomy

§  Innocent has been collecting class fees

§  Cynthia and Morgan have been planning some class socials

§  Been working with faculty to give feedback on new curriculum

·  Executive Board Updates

o  Cliff Arnold, Exec VP

§  Leadership Day coming up on NOVEMBER 4th

§  Meeting at Marriott North at 6PM

§  Dinner funded by Alumni Association

§  Kent Brantley coming to speak – talking about servant leadership

§  Will also have a number of area alumni present

o  Kenaz Bakdash, RCL

§  So far have completed 2 of the “signature” C&H events

·  Regatta – great event, had one team from each college

·  North College tailgate – Notre Dame game

·  South College tailgate – IU vs Nebraska

o  Big success, good turnout, all 3 college reps attended

o  Positive feedback, everyone said it was well put together

§  New C&H coordinator – David Neiling

·  Awesome guy – lots of energy!

·  Super helpful YAY we’re excited

§  Working on setting up elections for C&H

·  Elections will be open to the whole school for house representatives

·  College Leaders will be nominated to their position

·  Hoping to have new House Reps and College Leaders elected for our next meeting

§  Possibility that C&H leadership may be re-structured to try to make it better fit with the administrators’ vision

o  Matt Segar, VP of Membership

§  TLAC Updates:

·  Members met with prospective Ombuds Officers

o  Goal is to serve as a nonbias person that students can go to with any issue

o  Serve as a liaison between administration and student body

o  Potential Ombuds are emeritus faculty

o  Hoping to have one Ombudsman start this winter

·  Resident contacted TLAC

·  Getting more students involved with the committee

§  SRC, Steven Chen and Adam Roth

·  Student Research Committee

·  Primarily serve to work with faculty to improve SRP and other student research initiatives

·  Big push is towards implementation of a website detailing research opportunities for students

·  Website should be up by December

·  Central application for all programs

·  Long term goal: implement a structure for ongoing research during your third and fourth year to look for opportunities to do case reports, get involved with clinical research, etc.

·  Working to change the school’s policy or openness to allowing students to take a year off between third and fourth year to work on research

§  CCSC – Curriculum Council Steering Committee

·  “Satisfactory with Concern” Policy

o  New policy

o  Goal is to identify students early

o  Applies more so to third and fourth years

o  Grade would be assigned to students who are on borderline for failing

o  Grade would NOT appear on official transcript

o  SWC notification would be received in the middle of the course

o  If you are unable to remediate your SWC grade you might be at risk of receiving an Isolated Deficiency grade on the transcript

o  Intent of this new policy is to let students know early that they are at risk rather than simply receiving an ID at the end of the clerkship

o  What are we doing to make sure students are being evaluated in the middle of the clerkship in order to get feedback out?

§  SWC does not simply have to be a tool for mid-clerkship feedback

§  Also will be used to amend end of clerkship grades and make the student aware that he or she might have passed a clerkship, but their performance could be improved

o  Does this mean that a student cannot receive an ID without first getting a SWC?

§  NO

§  Theoretically a student could still receive an ID without prior warning if the behavior was severe enough

o  Is it possible to set this up so that a student has to receive a SWC before getting an ID?

§  Policy is not yet finalized; this idea will be brought up to the rest of the committee

o  Who administers a SWC?

§  Faculty member can request to a Clerkship Director that a SWC be handed out

·  QHD – first session

o  Chris Hyppolite, President

·  Committee Updates

o  MSSG, David Lopez

§  Westside Health Fair was held last Saturday

·  Big success, well attended, gave out flu shots measured blood glucose

§  Primary Care Progress SIG has an upcoming blanket drive for Horizon House

§  Coming up – Julie Poor from the IU School of Nursing will be speaking on Monday, 11/28 as part of a health professions schools collaboration

·  Will be discussing the topic of opioid abuse and prescriptions

·  Looking to brainstem solutions to various opioid related problems plaguing Eskenazi

·  Health Sciences Statewide IT Support (HSSIT)

o  Patrick Phillips

o  HSSIT support all health sciences schools (i.e. dental, Regenstrief, etc.)

o  Need for better IT unity across the state

o  Not exactly a support unit because the team consists of Patrick and 1 other person

o  Goal is to better coordinate IT support across all of IUSM campuses

o  Hoping to eventually create software standards and computer safety standards that will be identical throughout the state

o  Example of when to contact Patrick:

§  If you’re at Muncie and you think there are two lecture halls or rooms that might benefit from a video equipment upgrade

o  Big things being worked on:

§  Only 2 centers outside of Indy are on the IU network

§  One of the biggest hurdles to unifying IT support throughout the state

§  Also working on setting up video conference standards

o  CAITS does not receive money for supporting students – technically only a support service to faculty and administration

§  Part of VP for IT and part of VP for clinical affairs

·  LCME Updates

o  ISA2.0 launches THIS Friday, Oct 21st

o  Importance of the ISA:

§  Did a great job with the first ISA

§  A lot of the changes happening now have come from the initial survey

§  Holding a second survey because a lot has changed and we need feedback on these new changes

o  Everyone will receive a link to the survey on Friday at 6AM

o  All of the campuses should be planning a reserved time to fill out the survey

§  Indy MS1s and MS2s will be completing the survey on Friday from 11-1PM

§  Food will be provided during this time

o  MS3s/MS4s will receive a $5 Starbucks giftcard in exchange for completing the survey

§  Additionally, there should be no scheduled lectures during 12-1PM on Friday in order to give time to complete it

o  Any questions, comments or concerns – email

o  Examples of things that were brought up from the first ISA:

§  Advisors in the early years of the program

§  Pass-Fail grading

§  Time for Step I

o  Do we have a response rate goal?

§  ISA 1.0 à goal was 90%

§  This time we ideally would like to get over 50% response in order to run statistics on any changes

o  Results from this survey DO MATTER!

§  Results of this survey are brought up at every major meeting to guide future decisions

·  Halloween Mixer – Med-Mal

o  Saturday, October 29th!

o  Come mingle with lawyers, doctors, and dentists-to be and dress up in your best Halloween costume!

o  Rock Bottom banquet hall 7-10PM

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Wichern, MS2

MSC Secretary

Record of Attendance
2016 Executive Council / Bloomington
President / Chris Hyppolite / MS4 Rep / Hailey Holland
Executive VP / Cliff Arnold / X / MS4 Rep / Will Berry
VP of Membership / Matt Segar / X / MS3 Rep / Jarod Richards
Treasurer / MS3 Rep / Jack Burgeson
Secretary / Emily Wichern / X / MS2 Rep / Elizabeth Curtis / X
Executive RCL / Kenaz Bakdash / X / MS2 Rep / Preet Matharu / X
MSSG Senior Chair / Taylor Twiggs / MS1 Rep / Grant Callen / X
MSSG Junior Chair / David Lopez / X / MS1 Rep / Zoe Saenz / X
Ex Oficio / Dessi Moneva / Evansville
MS4 Class Officers / MS4 Rep / Brook Munger
President / Michael Johnston / X / MS3 Rep / Andrew Johnson / X
VP / Ross Schumacher / X / MS2 Rep / Ben Stivers / X
Treasurer / Lindsay Leech / MS1 Rep / Michael Pergola / X
Indy Center Rep / Cassie Xu / Fort Wayne
Indy Center Rep / James Rizkalla / MS4 Rep / Zach Foughty
MS3 Class Officers / MS3 Rep / Rebecca Mason
President / Ronit Patnaik / MS2 Rep / Jenn Dale
VP / Andrew Cutschall / X / MS1 Rep / Alexandra Johnson
Treasurer / Adam Harshbarger / Lafayette
Indy Center Rep / Savannah Enders / MS4 Rep / Erica Zanath
Indy Center Rep / Areej Sami / MS3 Rep / Tyler Heavin / X
MS2 Class Officers / MS2 Rep / Alan Yaacoub / X
President / Kishan Shah / X / MS1 Rep / Leslie Marshall / X
VP / Lauren Ford / X / MS1 Rep / Kyle Hardwick
Treasurer / Carynn Koch / X / Muncie
Indy Center Rep / Derek Rohlfing / X / MS4 Rep / Catie Hamilton
Indy Center Rep / Lauren Kus / X / MS3 Rep / Nate Moore / X
MS1 Class Officers / MS2 Rep / Rebecca Schwab / X
MS1 Rep / Zach Arnold / X
President / Zain Abedali / X / Northwest
VP / Blessing Ogbemudia / X / MS4 Rep / Mike Kalina
Treasurer / Innocent Byiringiro / X / MS2 Rep / Jason Powell
Indy Center Rep / Morgan Sandelski / E / MS2 Rep / Kendra Cowan
Indy Center Rep / Cynthia Abam / X / MS1 Rep / Kadijah Porter
College Leaders / MS1 Rep / Uzoamaka Aniagba
Bloomington/Evansville / Kevin Spellman / X / South Bend
Lafayette/Terre Haute / Takis Bletsis / MS4 Rep / Laura Okonokhua
South Bend/Northwest / Sue Paul / E / MS4 Rep / Kelsey Peters
Muncie/Fort Wayne / Aaron Spesard / MS3 Rep / Alex Vaicius
MS3 Rep / Jacob Shreve
Committee Members Present:
Ben Ulrich (ISA 2.0) / MS2 Rep / Kyle Lewellen
MS2 Rep / Chrisana Pokorny
MS1 Rep / Ross McCauley
MS1 Rep / Joe Lake
Terre Haute
Quinton Nannet, MS1 / MS4 Rep / Mary Mattern
MS3 Rep / Lindsey Junk
MS3 Rep / Jeremy Sherer
MS2 Rep / Lake Rabenold
MS2 Rep / Adam Rudolph / X
MS1 Rep / Allison Williams
MS1 Rep / Nichole Perry / X
MS1 Rep / Priya Abhyankar / X
MS1 Rep / Dylan Rupska / X