[Paper code: 51005]

Mrs. V. Lakshmi Prasanna, Assistant Professor

Mr. K. Phani Raja, Assistant Professor


Topic Page No.

  1. Academic calendar 3
  2. Course objective 4
  3. Syllabus 5
  4. Lecture plan 8 to 10
  5. Learning objectives, Essay questions, Objective questions

[Multiple choice & Fill in Blanks]

  1. Unit I 11o 14
  2. Unit II 14to 17
  3. Unit III 18 to 20
  4. Unit IV 21 to 23
  5. Unit V 23 to 26
  6. Unit VI 26 to 29
  7. Unit VII 29 to 32
  8. Unit VIII 32 to 35


S.NO / EVENT / DATEDAY / Duration
1 / Orientation Programme / 24.08.2011 (WED) / 01 Day
2 / 1st Spell of Instructions for covering Units 1 & 2 / 25.08.2011 (THUR) to
29.10.2011(SAT) / 10 Weeks
3 / 1st Mid Term Examinations
Timings: 10.00 am To 12.00 Noon (Forenoon Session)2.00 pm To 4.00 pm (Afternoon Session ) / 31.10.2011 (MON) to
03.11.2011 (THU) / 04 Days
4 / 2nd Spell of Instructions for covering Units 3, 4 & 5 / 04.11.2011 (FRI) to
14.01.2012 (SAT) / 10 Weeks
5 / 2ndMid Term Examinations
Timings: 10.00 am To 12.00 Noon (Forenoon Session)2.00 pm To 4.00 pm (Afternoon Session ) / 18.01.2012 (WED) to
21.01.2012 (SAT) / 04 Days
6 / 3rd Spell of Instructions for covering Units 6, 7 & 8 / 23.01.2012 (MON) to
27.03.2012 (TUE) / 10 Weeks
7 / 3rdMid Term Examinations
Timings: 10.00 am To 12.00 Noon (Forenoon Session)2.00 pm To 4.00 pm (Afternoon Session ) / 14-11-2011 (MON) to 26-11-2011(SAT) / 04 Days
8 / Preparation and Practical Examinations / 02.04.2012 (MON) to
14.04.2012 (SAT) / 02 Weeks
9 / End Semester Examinations (Regular) / 16.04.2012 (MON) to
28.04.2012 (SAT) / 02 Weeks
10 / Summer Vacation / 30.04.2012 (MON) to
30.06.2012 (SAT) / 2 Months
11 / Commencement of Class work for II Year - I Semester forthe academic year 2012-2013 / 02.07.2012 (MON) / -----


Chemistry is the study of matter, itsproperties, and the changes that it may undergo and how these properties and changes are affected by its composition. It is important for engineers to have knowledge chemistry, since they can expect to find problems in fields as diverse as the design and development of new materials, quality control and environmental engineering that are basically chemical in nature. The standing and firmness of a structure is decided by the strength of foundation laid, although it is never expressed to the external world. Similarly the applied and engineering sciences derive strength from basic sciences and their growth is decided by inputs given by the basic sciences.

Chemistry is the back bone in designing and understanding the nature of various engineering materials. Many advances in engineering either produce a new chemical demand as in the case of polymers or wait upon chemical developments for their application as in the case of implants and alloys. Currently , the electronics and computer engineers are waiting for suitable bio-polymers and nano molecules for use in miniature super computers; the electrical engineers are in search of proper conducting polymers; the mechanical engineers are on look out for the micro fluids and civil engineers are looking for new materials that are environment friendly , economical but long lasting.

Engineering chemistry is maze of topics of basic chemistry and applied chemistry. This course is an attempt which is made to mix both the facets of the subject to reach proper consequence and meet the demands of engineers.This course aims imparting intensive and extensive knowledge of the subject, so that the student can understand the role of chemistry in the field of engineering. This course is also aimed at developing analytical capabilities of the students so that theycharacterize, transform and use the materials in engineering; apply the knowledge gained in solving related engineering problems; to develop fascination towards engineering chemistry and scientific reasoning in students.


Branch: IB.Tech. (Common to all Branches)


Concept of Electro Chemistry, Conductance-electrolyte in solution,Conductance-Specific,Equivalent and Molar conductance,Ionic mobilities, Kohlrausch’s Law.Application of conductance.EMF:Galvanic Cells,types of Electrodes.ReferenceElectrode(SCE,Quinhydrone electrode),Ion Selective Electrodes(Glass Electrode)Nernest equation,concentration Cells,Galvanic series,potentiometric titrations,numerical problems.

Batteries:Primary and Secondary cells,(lead-Acid cell,Ni-Cd cell,Lithium cells).Applications of batteries,Fuel cells: Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cells,Advantages of fuel cells.


Introduction, Causes and different types of corrosion and effects of corrosion,theories of corrosion-Chemical,Electrochemical corrosion,corrosion reactions,factors affecting corrosion-Nature of metal-galvanic series,over voltage,purity of metal, nature of oxide film,nature of corrosion product.Nature of environment –effect of temperature, effect of pH ,Humidity,effect of oxidant.Corrosion control methods –Cathodic protection, sacrificial anode,impressed current cathode.Surface coatings-methods of application on metals-hot dipping,galvanizing,tinning,cladding,electroplating-organic surface coatings- paints constituents and functions.


Types of Polymerization,Mechanism (Chain growth &Step growth).Plastics:Thermoplastic resins &Thermo set resins.Compounding &fabrication of plastics,preparation,properties,engineering applications of:polyethylene,PVC,PS,Teflon,Bakelite,Nylon.Conducting Polymers:Polyacetylene,polyaniline,conduction,doping,and applications.Liquid Crystal polymers:Characteristics and uses Rubber-Natural rubber,vulcanization,Elastomer-Buna-S,Butyl rubber,Thiokol rubbers,Fibers-polyester,fiber reinforced plastics(FRP),applications.


Introduction,Hardness:Causes,expression of hardness-units-types of hardness,estimation of temporary&permanent hardness of water,numerical problems.Boiler troubles-Scalesludge formation,caustic enbsittlement,corrosion,primingfoaming softening of water (Internalexternal treatment-Lime soda,Zeolite,Ion exchange process and Numerical problems)Reverse osmosis,electro dialysis.


Solid surfaces,types of adsorption, Langmuir adsorption isotherm,BET adsorption equation.Calculation of surface area of solid &application adsorption,classification of colloids,ElectricalOptical properties micelles, applications of colloids in industry.Nano materials:Introduction,preparation and applications of nano materials.


Fuels,classification-conventional fuels(solid,liquid,gaseous).Solid fuels-coal-analysis-proximate and ultimate analysis and their significance.Liquid fuels-primary-petroleum-refining of petroleum-cracking knocking synthetic petrol-Bergius and Fiscner Tropsech’s process;Gaseous fuels-natural gas,analysis of flue gas by Orsat’s method Combustion-problems,Calorific value of fuel-HCV,LCV,determination of calorific value by Junker’s gas caloriemeter.


Definitions-phase,component,degree of freedom,phase rule equitation.Phase diagrams-one component system:water system.Two component system lead-silver system,heat treatment based on iron-carbon phase diagram,hardening,annealing.


Cement:composition of Portland cement,manufacture of port land cement & hardening of cement(reactions).Lubricants:Criteria of a good lubricant,mechanism,properties oflubricants:Cloudpoint,pourpoint,flashfirepoint,Viscosity.Refractoriess:Classification, Characteristics of a good refractory.Insulatorsconductors:classification of insulators,characteristics of thermalelectrical insulators and applications of Super conductors(Nb-Sn alloy,YBa2Cu3O7-8),applications.

Reference Text Books:

T1: Engineering Chemistry by B. Siva Shanker, Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,

New Delhi (2006).

T2: Engineering Chemistry by J. C. Kuriacase & J. Rajaram, TataMc. Graw Hills Co., New

Delhi (2004).

T3: Engineering Chemistry by P.C Jain & Monica Jain.

T4: Chemistry of Engineering materials by C. V. Agarwal, C.P Murthy and A.Naidu, B. S


T5: Chemistry of Engineering Materials by R.P Mani and K.N. Murthi.

T6: Applied chemistry: A text book for Engineering & Technology Springer (2005).

T7: Text book of Engineering Chemistry – Shasi Chawla, Dhara, Rai Publications

T8 : Engineering chemistry R. Gopalan – Vikas Publishiers (2008).


S.No. / Name of the topic / No. of Periods / Teaching Methodology / Resource Books
1 / Introduction to concept of Electro Chemistry / 1 / Chalk &talk / T8
2 / Conductance-Electrolyte in solution, Conductance-Specific, Equivalent and molar conductance and Ionic motilities / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
3 / Kolrausch’s Law, Application of Conductance / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
4 / EMF: Galvanic Cells, types of Electrodes / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
5 / Reference Electrode / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
6 / Saturated Calomel Electrode / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
7 / Quinhydrone electrode / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
8 / Ion Selective Electrodes-Glass Electrode / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
9 / Nernest equation, Numerical problems / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
10 / Concentration Cells, Galvanic series / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
11 / Potentiometric titrations / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
12 / Numerical problems / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
13 / Introduction of Batteries, Primary and secondary cells / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
14 / Lead-Acid cell, Ni-Cd cell, Lithium cells,applications of batteries / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
15 / Fuel cells – Hydrogen – Oxygen fuel cells, Advantages of fuel cells. / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T6,T8
Total / 15
16 / Corrosion and its corrosion control: Introduction, causes and different types of corrosion and effects of corrosion / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T4,T8
17 / Theories of corrosion – Chemical, Electrochemical corrosion,corrosion reactions, factors affecting corrosion / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 ,T4 ,T8
18 / Nature of metal – galvanic series, over voltage, purity of metal, nature of oxide film, nature of corrosion product. Nature of environment-effect of temperature, effect of pH, Humidity, effect of oxidant / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T4 ,T8
19 / Corrosion control methods / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T4 ,T8
20 / Cathodic protection, sacrificial anode, impressed current cathode / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T4 ,T8
21 / Surface coatings – methods of application on metals- hot dipping, galvanizing, tinning / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T4 ,T8
22 / Cladding, electro plating -Organic surface coatings – paints constituents and functions. / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T4 ,T8
Total / 7
23 / Introduction to polymers,types of polymerization / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
24 / Mechanism of Chain growth / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
25 / Mechanism of Step growth / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
26 / Plastics: Thermoplastic resins & Thermo set resins / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
27 / Compounding & fabrication of plastics / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
28 / Preparation, properties, engineering applications of: polyethylene, PVC, PS, Teflon, Bakelite, Nylon / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
29 / Conducting Polymers: Poly acetylene, polyaniline, conduction, doping, applications / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
30 / Liquid Crystal polymers / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
31 / Characteristics and uses Rubber –Natural rubber, vulcanization / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
32 / Elastomers – Buna-s, Butyl rubber,Thiokol rubbers / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
33 / Fibers – polyester / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
34 / Fiber reinforced plastics (FRP), applications / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
Total / 12
35 / Water: Introduction, Hardness: Causes, expression of hardness – units – types of hardness / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
36 / Estimation of temporary & permanent hardness of water / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
37 / Numerical problems / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
38 / Boiler troubles – Scale & sludge formation, caustic enbsittlement, corrosion, priming & foaming Softening of water Internal / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
39 / External treatment-Lime soda / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
40 / Zeolite / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
41 / Ion exchange process and Numerical problems / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
42 / Reverse osmosis, electro dialysis / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T5,T8
Total / 8
43 / Surface Chemistry: Solid surfaces, types of adsorption / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
44 / Longmuir adsorption isotherm / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
45 / BET adsorption equation / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
46 / Calculation of surface area of solid & application adsorption / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
47 / Classification of colloids / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
48 / Electrical & optical properties micelles, applications of colloids in industry / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
49 / Nano materials: Introduction, preparation and applications of nano materials / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
Total / 7
50 / Energy sources: fuels, classification – conventional fuels (solid, liquid, gaseous) / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
51 / Solid fuels – coal –analysis – proximate and ultimate analysis and their significance / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
52 / Liquid fuels – primary – petroleum / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
53 / Refining of petroleum-cracking knocking / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
54 / Synthetic petrol – Bergius and Fischer Tropsech’s process / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
55 / Gaseous fuels – natural gas, analysis of flue gas by Orsat’s method / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
56 / Combustion – problems / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
57 / Calorific value of fuel – HCV, LCV / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
58 / Determination of calorific value by Junker’s gas calorie meter / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T2,T8
Total / 9
59 / Phase rule: Definitions – phase, component, degree of freedom / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
60 / Phase rule equitation / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
61 / Diagrams –one component system: water system / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
62 / Two-component system lead- silver system / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
63 / Treatment based on iron-carbon phase diagram / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
64 / Hardening, annealing / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T8
Total / 6
65 / Introduction to Materials Chemistry, Cement: composition of portland cement, manufacture of port land Cement / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T3,T8
66 / Lubricants: Criteria of a good lubricant / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 , T3,T8
67 / Mechanism, properties of lubricants: Cloud point, pour point, flash & fire point, Viscocity / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 ,T3,T8
68 / Refractories: Classification, characteristics of a good refractory / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 ,T3,T8
69 / Insulators & conductors / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 ,T3,T8
70 / Classification of insulators characteristics of thermal & electrical insulators / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 ,T3,T8
71 / Applications of superconductors (Nb-Sn alloy, YBa2-Cu3O7-8), applications / 1 / Chalk &talk / T1 ,T3,T8
Total / 7


UNIT-1: ELECTROCHEMISTRY AND BATTERIES:Concept of Electro Chemistry, Conductance-Electrolyte in solution,Conductance-Specific,Equivalent and Molar conductance,Ionic mobilities, Kohlrausch’s Law.Application of conductance.EMF:Galvanic Cells,types of Electrodes.ReferencElectrode(SCE,Quinhydrone electrode),Ion Selective Electrodes(Glass Electrode)Nernst equation,Concentration Cells,Galvanic series,Potentiometric titrations,Numerical problems.

Batteries:Primary and Secondary cells,(lead-Acid cell,Ni-Cd cell,Lithium cells).Applications of batteries,Fuel cells-Hydrogen-Oxygen fuel cells,Advantages of fuel cells.


  • After completion of this unit the student should be able to:
  1. Define the term conductor.
  2. Explain the Metallic conductors and Electrolytic conductors.
  3. Explain the terms:

Specific conductance

Equivalent conductance

Molar conductance

  1. Explain the applications of Kohlrausch’s law.
  2. Draw the simple Voltaic(Galvanic)cell
  3. Label the Anode and Cathode and their signs.
  4. Mention the directions of ion and electron movement and the signs of the electrodes
  5. Describe the appropriate electrode potentials.
  6. Calculate the Standard cell potential,Eo cell generated by a voltaic cell.
  7. Calculate the concentration of an ion by using the Nernst equation.
  8. Describe the

 Lead storage battery

 The Dry cell

The Ni-Cd cell

Lithium cells

  1. Explain the applications of


Fuel cells

Advantages of fuel cells.

13. Describeconductometric and potentiometric titrations

14. Describe the types of electrodes present

15. Describe the different types of electrodes.

16. Describe a galvanic series

Essay Questions

  1. What is conductance of an electrolyte solution?
  2. Explain specific, equivalent, and molar conductance?
  3. Define Kolrausch’s law? Explain in detail EMF?
  4. Explain with a neat diagram the function of Reference and Selective ion electrodes?
  5. Explain Nernst equation?
  6. What is a fuel cell and what are its advantages?
  7. Write about potentiometer titrations?
  8. A conductivity cell has two parallel electrodes of 1.25 sq cm area and 1.05 cm apart.

When filled with 0.1N solution of an electrolyte at 25oC, the resistance was found to

be 2,000 Ohms. Calculate the cell constant and electro equivalent conductivity?

  1. Explain the primary and secondary cells?
  2. The resistance of decinormal solution of a salt occupying a volume between two

platinum electrodes 1.80 cm apart and 5.4 cm2 in area was found to be 32 ohms.

Calculate the equivalent conductance of the solution?

  1. A zinc road is placed in 0.1M-znso4 solutions at 298 K. Write the electrode reaction

and calculate the potential of the electrode. Zn = - 0.7 V?

  1. Calculate the emf of the following cell?

Zn(s)/Zn+2 (0.1M) // Cu+2 (1.75 M) / (s) at 25oC

Multiple choice Questions

1.Units of specific conductance is? [a]

(a) Ohm-1cm-1 (b) Ohm-1cm2mol-1 (c) cm-1 (d) Met-1

2. Units of molar conductance is? [b]

(a )cm-1 (b)ohm-1cm2mol-1 (c)ohm-1cm-1 (d)met-1

3. Which one of the following is an electrolyte? [d]

(a) Benzene (b) Chloroform (c) Benzyl chloride (d) Sodium cyanide

4.Which one of the following does not conduct electricity [b]

(a) Molten sodium chloride (b) NaCl crystal (c) Solution of NaCl (d) None of these

5.The ionization of a weak electrolyte increases, when the solution is diluted.The reaction

is given by: [b]

(a) Nernst equation (b) Arhenius equation (c) Oswald law (d) Law of mass action

6. The degree of dissociation of acetic acid in aqueous solution of the acid is practically

unaffected [c]

(a)By adding a pinch of NaCl (b) By adding a drop of HCl

(c)By diluting water (d) By raising the temperature

7. Conductivity of a solution is directly proportional[b]

(a) Dilution (b) No.of ions (c) Current density (d) Volume of the solution

8.Pure water does not conduct electricity because [a]

(a) Neutral (b) Low boiling (c)Almost not ionized (d) Decomposed easily

9.The specific conductance of an electrolyte solution on dilution [a]

(a) Decreases (b) Increases

(c) Remains unchanged (d) First increases then decreases

10. The potential of standard hydrogen electrode is taken as [b]

(a)1 volt (b)0 volt (c)10 volts (d) None of these

11. The electrode with lowest hydrogen over voltage is [a]

(a)Zn (b)Ni (c) Hg (d)Pt

12. Calomel is [c]

(a) Mercuric sulfate (b) Mercurous sulfate (c) Mercurous chloride (d) Mercuric chloride

13. Aqueous solution of which one of the following does not conduct electricity [a]

(a) AgNO3(b) Acetic acid (c) NaOH (d) HCl

14. A galvanic cell converts [b]

(a) Electrical Energy in to chemical energy

(b) Chemical energy into electrical energy

(c) Electrical energy into heat energy

(d) Chemical energy into heat energy

15.The relationship between specific conductivity and equivalent conductance is [c]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fill in the blanks

  1. Graphite is a goodconductor.
  2. Specific conductance is expressed in S Cm-1 units.
  3. The units of resistivity are Ohm cm.
  4. The units of equivalent conductance is Ohm-1 cm2 eq-1.
  5. The units of Molar conductivity is Ohm-1 cm2 mol-1.
  6. Nernst equation for electrode reaction is E = Eo+ [2.303RT/nF] logC
  7. The equivalent conductance increases on dilution.
  8. The transport number of an anion is calculated by1-n = V/u+v.
  9. Fuel cells are the cells which do not store the energy.
  10. A cell whose reaction is not reversible is called primary cell.

UNIT –2:CORROSION AND ITS COROSSION CONTROL:Introduction, causes and different types of corrosion and effects of corrosion,theories of corrosion-Chemical,Electrochemical corrosion,corrosion reactions,factors affecting corrosion-Nature of metal-galvanic series,over voltage,purity of metal, nature of oxide film,nature of corrosion product.Nature of environment –effect of temperature, effect of pH ,Humidity,effect of oxidant. Corrosion control methods–Cathodic protection, sacrificial anode,impressed current cathode.Surface coatings-methods of application on metals-hot dipping,galvanizing,tinning,cladding,electroplating-Organic surface coatings- paints constituents and functions.


  • After completion of this unit the student should be able to:
  1. List out the causes and different types of corrosion.
  2. Distinguish between chemical and electrochemical corrosion.
  3. Describe the factors affecting corrosion.

Environment factors

Effect of temperature

Effect of pH


Effect of Oxidant.

  1. Explain the corrosion control methods.
  2. Explain the surface coatings and methods of application on metals.
  3. Explain the methods




TinningHot dipping.

Applying organic surface coatings on metals.

Essay Questions

1. Explain how corrosion control can be brought about by the following methods?