Aim and Overall Purpose

The Review of Standards for Health Services in Wales and Fundamentals of Care Standards Project Team has been established to operationalize the work of the Project Board whose overall aim is to review the Standards for Health Services in Wales and the Fundamentals of Care Standards resulting in a unified set of standards for people across health and in partnership with social care.


To discharge its function the Project Team will operationalize the overall objectives of the project as follows:

·  Develop a standards framework to enable organisations to self assess in order to plan, design, develop and improve services across all health services and in all healthcare settings.

·  Ensure the standards set out the expectations and minimum standards of what is expected - at every level and in every setting. With the aim of driving the way organisations work and practice day in, day out, in the pursuit of providing the safest, highest quality and most efficient care and services for the citizens of Wales.

·  Ensure the standards are written in a language that the citizens of Wales will easily understand.

·  Align the standards with professional, Royal Colleges, and NICE quality standards, as well as National Service Frameworks, National Cancer standards and equivalents and other regulatory and accreditation requirements, and the Fundamentals of Care Standards.

·  Ensure the project complies with the Public Sector Equality Duty, United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Key themes, and the United Nations convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. An Equality impact assessment report will be published.

·  Ensure the project aligns with the development of the Social Services, Public Health and NHS Outcome Frameworks.

·  Ensure the project considers and aligns with other standards for example the All Wales Standards for Accessible Communication and Information for People with Sensory Loss, and the Spiritual care Standards.

·  Engage with HIW to ensure they review the underpinning criteria and questions to ensure they reflect achievement of the standards, together with their inspection methodologies. This will ensure the outcome of a valid assessment process alongside the introduction of revised standards.

·  Will consider the way in which clinical / health professional advice is accessed and considered, through the use of reference groups and the multiplicity of groups already in existence, for example, patient panels, Third Sector organisations, Medical Directors, Nurse Directors, and Directors of Therapists and Health Scientists.

·  Take into account the recommendations made by the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Enquiry (The Francis Report) and any other reports that relate to the effectiveness of standards.

·  Ensure communication and engagement with all relevant stakeholders, partners and users, also facilitating the engagement and consultation exercises.

·  Establish task and finish groups to take forward identified work streams which support the project objectives.


The chairperson will be the Project Manager who also is a member of the Project Board.

A representative will attend from each Health Board/Trust who has a lead for Quality and Safety. Substantive members of the Group will identify a designated alternate representative to attend on meetings of the Group on their behalf. The alternate representative will have delegated authority for decision making and communication.

Additional members will be co-opted as required and members may invite individuals to attend the meetings as part of their professional development. Requests to attend the meeting will be agreed through the chair person.

Accountable to:

Chief Nursing Officer/Director of Nursing for Wales

Patient Safety Advisor Welsh Government

Standards Project Board

Frequency, Location and Duration of Meetings

Meetings will be held monthly

The location will be planned for the year.

Meetings will be up to 3 hours duration.


The Project Team will be serviced by the Chair.

The agenda, action log from meetings and supporting documents will be circulated to Group members no later than one week before the meeting.


Name / Role / Organisation /
Victoria Franklin (Chair) / Nursing Officer/Project Manager / Welsh Government
Martin Semple / Nursing Officer Patient Experience / Welsh Government
Jennifer French / Nursing Officer Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Nursing / Welsh Government
Natalie Harris / Lead for NHS Standards and Governance / Welsh Government
Ian Thomas / Head of NHS Standards and Governance / Welsh Government
Lesley Law / Head of Scheduled Care / Welsh Government
Lisa Howells / Senior Dental Officer / Welsh Government
Claire Bevan / Assistant Director Quality Improvement/Clinical Governance
Chair AII Wales Fundamentals of Care Steering Group / Cwm Taf Health Board
Ian Stevenson / Chair All Wales Spirituality and Mental Health Group. / ABMU Health Board
Mike Spencer / Chair National Service User Experience Group / Cardiff and Vale Health Board
Mandy Collins / Lead for Francis Report / Welsh Government
Ruth Studley / Director of Strategy and Development / HIW
David Francis / Deputy Chief Executive / CSSIW
Mike Ogonovsky / Head of Health and Social Care Informatics / NWIS
Richard Bevan / Board Secretaries representative / ABUHB
Tracy MacGillvray / Quality and Standards Manager / BCUHB
Helen Humphrey
Stuart Moncur / Clinical Practice Development Nurse
Assistant Director of Assurance Safety and Improvement / Hwyel Dda HB
Helen Griffiths / Quality and Safety Lead / ABMU HB
Mandy Rayani
Carol Evans / Assistant Director of Nursing
Assistant Director Quality and Safety / C&V UHB
Rhiannon Jones / Assistant Director of Nursing / ABUHB
Jayne Elias / Assistant Director of Nursing / Velindre Trust
Gay Reynolds / Standards Lead / PHW
Aileen Evans / Assistant Nurse Director / WAST
Karen Newman / All Wales Communications Lead / ABUHB
Cathy O’Sullivan / Director / Board of CHC
Kevin Daultry / WCVA South lead / WCVA
Amanda Reid / WCVA North Lead / WCVA
Wendy Morgan / Assistant Director Quality and Safety / Powys HB
Alexandra Kellagher / Director of Nursing / Care Forum Wales
Alison Strode / Welsh Therapies Lead / Welsh Government
Natalie Vanderlinden / Director Therapists and Health Scientists / Hwyel Dda HB
Steve Edwards / Assistant Medical Director Patient Safety/Consultant Anaesthetist / ABUHB
Amira Irshad / Social Services Head of Outcomes Standards and Performance. / Welsh Government
Emma Coles / Head of Social Services Regulation and Inspection / Welsh Government

JULY 2014