Mrs. Atkinson

Social Studies class syllabus

Contact Information


Webpage: our school website:

Class page:

Telephone: 916-434-5270 Fax: 916-434-5273

Textbook: Holt - World History: Ancient Civilizations


Each student is provided with a school agenda (planner) in which to record homework assignments, due dates, and other important information. These will be checked and stamped occasionally for credit to encourage the habit of organization. I will occasionally request parent/guardian signature in agendas to encourage student communication with his/her family as well.

Supplies needed (should be with student each day – participation points can be given to all prepared students):

·  100 page spiral-bound notebook

·  One binder with loose leaf paper (can be shared with other subjects / classes)

·  At least two sharpened pencils (or mechanical pencils with lead)

·  One or more good erasers

·  One colored pen for corrections (red, blue or green are best)

·  Highlighters

·  Colored Pencils

·  Glue

·  Current book of choice for silent reading

The Social Studies curriculum will include standards based instruction that includes the following ancient world cultures: Early Humans, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush, India, China, Hebrews, Greece, and Rome.

Six Themes we will study for each culture: Geography, Economics, Politics, Society & Culture, and Science & Technology.


Students will be required to record notes in outline format as we read from the text book. The Social Studies notebooks will also have an interpretive aspect to them as students put history into their own words and internalize concepts through written responses, cartoons, drawings, advertisements, etc. Students will have daily interpretive notebook entries to finish, color, or add details. Most work will be finished in class, but students may finish as homework. The majority of the Social Studies grade is the Social Studies Notebook, so it is important to emphasize and support notebook assignments at home. Grading sheets will be passed out prior to the collection of notebooks. Students will have the opportunity to turn in their best work. Notebooks are collected and graded at the end of each unit.


Grades for Social Studies will be comprised of in-class assignments, homework assignments, quizzes, unit tests, class projects and participation. All work will be graded based on content, effort, neatness and timely completion. Missing or late work can substantially affect a student’s grade. If a student is absent it is his/her responsibility to check the online calendar for missed work and to take responsibility to collecting needed items and getting the completed work to the teacher.

We utilize an online grading system through Schoology. It provides constant access to current grades, assignments, and missing assignments. Login information will be provided. If you do not have access after the 3rd week of school, please call the office or the homeroom teacher for a login …… this is a very valuable tool used by our teaching and administrative staff.

My expectation is of neat, quality work on each assignment. The following grading scale is my standard:

(100% - 90%: A) (89% - 80%: B) (79% - 70%: C) (69% - 60%: D) (59% or lower: F)

40 Book Reading Challenge: This class supports our school’s 40 book reading challenge by providing reading time and organizational tools for keeping track of completed books.


Total – 40 books

*Note: books which are more than 350 pages will count as two books

Number of books per genre (meant to build a variety of skills in student reading):

Poetry Anthologies – 5 books

Fables, Folktales, Legends & Myths – 2 books

Classics – 2 books

Realistic Fiction – 5 books

Historical Fiction – 5 books

Science Fiction – 2 books

Fantasy – 4 books

Mystery – 2 books

Informational – 4 books

Biography, Autobiography & Memoir – 2 books

Chapter book, student choice – 9 books

* Note: Genre reference information is available in our classroom library. More genre instruction may be provided in English / Language Arts classes.


I do not expect to have discipline problems within my classroom. On the first day of school rules and expectations will be addressed and reviewed. The students will have the opportunity to ask for clarification if needed. To help ensure success, a safe and supportive classroom environment will be set up and maintained throughout the year. If for some reason I do encounter a disciplinary issue, I will begin with a warning, a re-focus form, and if it continues, a phone call home will be made. I will issue detentions and/or referrals at the time of the infraction for any major rule problem – these are outlined well in our school policies and procedures (see our school website) and in each student’s agenda.


It is important for the student to communicate directly with the teacher whenever possible. Students should try to meet with me before or after school or between classes. Often there is an independent work time that can be used to talk as well. For families, I can be reached via email best, and do try to return email and phone messages at least twice a day. I try to send an email announcement at the beginning of each week to highlight things that are happening in our class and at school. Please communicate with me any time there is a question, concern, or compliment. J

Email access is very important; if you do not have email access at any time, please let me know immediately so hard copy notes and/or phone calls can be made to communicate fully.