January13, 2009
In the absence of the City Secretary, Minutes were written by Municipal Court Clerk Debbie Alanizand revised by Mayor Tegeler.
COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Clinton Tegeler, Council Members: Michael Konarik, LaMoine Orsak ,Calvin Callies, and Robin Bauerle
STAFF PRESENT: Darrell Tise, Rodney Roberson, and Debbie Alaniz
OTHERS PRESENT: Chris Lundstromof Jackson County Herald Tribune,Betsy Orsak, Allen Pepper of Kansas City Railroad, and Lee Peek
Call to Order/Roll Call
Mayor Tegeler called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. A roll call determined a quorum present.
Open Forum/Citizens to be heard.
Items to be considered and action taken as necessary.
Approve Minutes for December 9 and 16, 2008.
▪ Councilwoman Orsak made the motion to approve the December 9 and 16, 2008 minutes. Councilman Callies seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried with 4 positive votes.
Hear Departmental Reports.
▪ Written reports were in the council packets. No questions were asked by council.
Hear Engineer’s report and take action regarding 2007/2008 TCDP Grant.
▪ Written reports were in the council packets.
▪ No action on this item.
Hear Administrator’s report and take action regarding 2007/2008 TCDP Grant.
▪ A written report was submitted to council in their packets.
▪ No action on this item.
Discuss and take action on office duties of office personnel.
▪ Public Works Director Darrell Tise reported to the Council that the software for the water billing had been ordered.
▪ Discussion was mentioned about the rearrangement of the office space to make the office more sufficient. This item would be discussed in a later agenda item.
▪ No action on this item.
Discuss and take action for mosquito spraying licenses renewal.
▪ Public Works Director Darrell Tise informed the council that license to spray for mosquitoes would run about $1500 for two licenses. Questions were asked about hiring outside contractors to do this work. Mayor Tegeler informed the Council that there was little option about not renewing the license. Question were also asked if the city wanted to continue this service. It was decided that because of health issues, the city should continue.
▪ Councilman Bauerle made the motion was made to authorize the Public Works Director to renew one license at the rate of $780.00. Councilwoman Orsak seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried with 4 positive votes.
Discuss and take action to approve amendment to the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2007 Financial Statement.
▪ Mayor Tegeler explained that this was to satisfy grant application requirements.
▪ Councilwoman Orsak made the motion to accept the amendment to 2007 Financial Statement. Councilman Bauerle seconded the motion.
“As of September 30, 2007, the $941,521 balance on the certificates is detailed as follows according to the purpose of their issuance: 63.2% for sewer, 31.6% for water, and 5.3% for other.”
▪ Motion passed with 4 positive votes.
Discuss and take action with Kansas City Railroad concerning the public at grade crossings and work authorization agreement.
▪ Allen Pepper spoke on behalf of Kansas City Railroad to this item. He told Council that normally the ordering and receiving of the safety equipment takes about 30 days. He stated that the signal engineering crews would start their construction approximately around April 1, 2009. The process of putting all equipment in place would take about 4 months to complete. He also told Council that the trains speed would only be about 10 mph until the completion of all safety equipment. The Railroad would erect the necessary state requirements until such time that all is finished. He emphasized that the city would be under no cost to erect the safety equipment.
▪ Council members expressed concern and disappointment that all of the safety equipment mentioned in previous meetings would not be in place when the trains began to run.
▪ No action was taken on this item.
Discuss and take action on the officers and directors recommendations from the EMS Department.
▪ Paul Lesak presented the Council with the names of the newly elected officers.
Paul Lesak – President
Kirk Janica – Vice President
Brooke Moore – Secretary
He also presented Council with the recommendations for Director and Assistant Director.
Brooke Moore – Director
Nick Strauss – Assistant Director
▪ Councilwoman Orsak made the motion to accept the recommendations for officers and directors from the EMS Department. Councilman Callies seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried with 4 positive votes.
Discuss and take action on hiring Donald Kovar as a reserve officer for the Police Department.
▪ Councilwoman Orsak made the motion to hire Donald Kovar as a reserve officer. Councilman Konarik seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried by 4 positive votes.
Discuss and take action on rearranging the office design at City Hall.
▪ Public Works Director Darrell Tisespoke to this item. He urged the Council to consider a plan that would get the employees located where they could share the tasks. He suggested moving the offices around so that the employees shared a counter. City employees to minimize the cost would perform the work. More windows would be installed to take payments.
▪ Councilman Konarik made the motion authorize the remodeling of the office area for future needs. Councilman Bauerle seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried by 4 positive votes.
Discuss and take action on approval of appointments to a Citizen Advisory Committee for the EMS Department.
▪ It was told to Council that three of the EMS volunteers would be starting basic classes in the near future. They were also told that Moore, Strauss and Gobellen would be starting their intermediate training. They were encouraged by the council and assured that as in the past, the city would help them in their tuition if they committed to the city for one year.
▪ Councilwoman Orsak made the motion to accept the Mayor’s recommendation of the following citizens for the Citizen Advisory Committee; Bill Rakowitz, Cecilia French, David Adrain, Kathy Schoenberg, and Blake Petrash. Councilman Bauerle seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried with 4 positive votes.
At this time, Councilwoman Orsak left the Council Meeting.
Council went into closed session at 7:31 P.M.
Council returned to open session at 7:58 P.M.
Gov. Code: LGC 251.001 and 272.001
Discuss and take action on Fairlane Drainage project.
▪ Councilman Konarik made the motion authorize $2500 to City Attorney Gary Olson toward the purchase of the easement from the Pagels. Councilman Callies seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried by 3 positive votes.
Discuss and take action on purchase of street easement in Phillips Addition by Joe Vitera.
▪ No action on this item.
▪ Councilman Bauerle made the motion to adjourn. Councilman Callies
seconded the motion.
▪ Motion carried with3 positive votes.
▪ Meeting adjourned at 7:59p.m.
Clinton Tegeler, Mayor
Debbie Alaniz, Municipal Court Clerk