Canadian Resources for Fathers

N.B. The listing of these services is not an endorsement of any service, and you are

advised to seek further information by direct contact with the service.

This list was compiled by Everyman in Ottawa – see 3 below.

Cancer Information Service

(to find a local cancer support group) 1-888-939-3333

Equal Parents of Canada (EPOC) Internet listserver. Advocacy for shared parenting

Eric Tarkington

Everyman; A Men’s Journal Canada’s men’s magazine

David Shackleton (613) 832-2284

Fathers Helping Fathers Tim Ready 1-888-772-1607 t

Men’s Abortion Support BB

Men’s Divorce Centre Referral & counselling centre exclusively for men. Videos & reports, family law helpline 1-877-273-2587

National Alliance for the Advancement of Non-Custodial Parents (NAANCP)

Information, liaison with fed govt Jason Bouchard (613) 729-1106

National Assn. for Public and Private Accountability (NAPPA)

Watchdog for public agency bias Rev. D. Baxter (905) 853-0316

National Clearinghouse on Family Violence Information, referrals


National Shared Parenting Assn "Families mending fences"

The Mankind Project

British Columbia-wide

B.C. Council for the Family Clearinghouse for info on family programs & resources

(604) 660-0675 1-800-663-5638

B.C. Parents in Crisis (604) 669-1616 1-800-665-6880

Equal Parents Coalition of BC Umbrella assn. of orgs concerned with shared parenting. Political action, conferences, lobbying. Elizabeth Young (604) 888-1050

Family Justice Centres Alternatives to litigation (free) Enquiry BC (604) 660-2421

Mediation Devt. Assn. of B.C. Mediation svcs. (604) 926-6652

Non-Custodial Parents Association of BC James Leong (604) 645-7123

Comox Valley, BC

Comox Valley Prostate Support and Awareness Group Alan McKann, MD (604) 338-8011

Kelowna, BC

Father’s Support Group Lorne (250) 491-1248

Kelowna CCS Prostate Support Group Bren Witt (250) 768-4346

Cdn. Cancer Soc. (250) 762-6381

Penticton, BC

False Memory Support Groups June (250) 492-6638

Penticton CCS Prostate Cancer Support Group Terry Cassidy (250) 492-5204

Prince George, BC

Christian Life Centre Counselling & emergency svcs. (250) 563-5721

Northern John Howard Soc. Counselling for men Michael Pratt (250) 561-7343

Parent & Child Advocacy Coalition (PCAC) Todd Eckert (250) 962-9261

Prince George Prostate Support Group Nick Ramage (250) 563-0095

Kamloops, BC

Parents of Broken Families Brian Gregg (250) 579-1888

Nelson, BC

Startree Integration Adventures Jon Scott (250) 352-1691

Salmon Arm, BC

Salmon Arm CCS Prostate Support Group Ken Waite (250) 832-2049

Shuswap Men’s Resource Ctr. Men’s issues, parenting, work Dave Nordstrom (604) 379-2466

Vernon, BC

Vernon Prostate Support and Awareness Group Les Ashbaugh (604) 736-3000

White Rock, BC

Father’s Support Group Owen Macrae (604) 535-0399

Vancouver, BC

Banyen Books Books, resources, men’s events (604) 737-8858, 1-800-663-8442

B.C. Men’s Resource Centre (604) 878-9033

B.C. Shared Parenting Assn.(604) 922-2076, (604) 526-9015

B.C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Individual & group therapy

Don Wright (604) 682-6482

Body/Breathwork John Korpi (604) 986-5513

Burnaby Family Life Institute Parenting, sexual abuse & anger programs (604) 299-9736

Canadian Grandparents Rights Association Nancy Woolridge (604) 882-0227

CoParenting Canada Custody, access, supervision consulting, resources for men

Doug Reid, MA (604) 922-2076

Counselling & Mediation Before Litigation Ken Meiklejohn (604) 736-3155

Dads’ Support Group Political and legal focus Tony Falez (604) 988-5459

Divorce for Men Legal help for men who feel the courts are biased against them

Carey Linde (604) 684-7794

Dr. Edward KrukSocial work - fatherhood research University of BC (604) 822-2383

Drums Dean Rath (604) 929-1912 Frank Johnson (604) 688-0023

Ehrlich & Associates Self-empowerment workshops (604) 263-0359 (604) 990-1584

False Memory Support Groups Ruth (604) 925-1539

Fathers Advocating Children’s Equality (FACE) Paul Hidlebaugh (604) 824-4320

Wendy Simpson (604) 859-2281

Fathers Custody & Access Helpline James Leong (604) 645-7123

Fathers Helping Fathers Assistance in custody cases Blair MacLeod (604) 574-1743

Father’s Legal Advice Group Father’s Rights Coalition For men involved in family court

Don Williams (604) 526-9015

Fathers/Mothers Equal Rights Society Affordable divorce & sepn. svcs.

Ken Meiklejohn (604) 736-3155

Jerry Wong Regd. Clinical Counsellor (604) 205-5089

Jim Sellner PhD, DipC. Clinical counselling services (604) 224-0715

Kids First Parent Assn. of Canada Parent support and lobby group

(604) 948-0282

Kids Turn of Greater Vancouver Supporting two parent involvement

Guy Thisdelle (604) 244-1704

Les Leader, PhD Clinical psychologist Male victims of sexual abuse

(604) 222-1116

Lesley Gregorash, MSc Registered clinical counsellor Gender neutral domestic solutions, male victimization (604) 444-1205

Little Mtn. Neighbourhood House Father’s drop-in support group

Yancy (604) 879-7104

Men’s health & victimization Physician and surgeon Dr. Ken Dent (604) 872-8577

MERGE (Movement to Establish Real Gender Equality) James Steiger (604) 272-4033

Mom’s House - Dad’s House Dispute resolution, parenting plans, custody & access reports Katherine McNeil (604) 731-8711

North Shore Prostate Support and Awareness Group Burt Anders (604) 924-0776

Parents Without Partners Custody of children not a factor (604) 931-3855

Quest Empowerment Services Single dads group, empowerment groups, workshops

John L. Solano (604) 801-2678

Richmond Family Place Soc.Separation & loss, violence, child mgmt., parenting, support groups (604) 278-4336, (604) 278-3820

Separated & Divorced Men Self-Help Group (604) 443-3220 Sequoia Thom Lundy

Light Touch retreats (men only), Men in Touch classes, yoga,

Men in Touch Quarterly (604) 983-4802, 1-888-731-4441

Single Fathers Support Group No cost, childcare provided (604) 879-7104

Single Father’s Support Group Crescent Beach (604) 535-0015

Startree Integration Adventures Jinny Jiwa (604) 277-9679

Surrey Prostate Cancer Support Group Ralph Kidd (604) 599-0216

Tri City Prostate Support and Awareness Group Craig Asmundson (604) 464-9220

Vancouver Prostate Support and Awareness Group Len Gross (604) 434-2100

Vancouver Support Group for Prostate Cancer Luke Travers (604) 434-2100

Campbell River, BC

Campbell River Prostate Support and Awareness Group Al Hodgkinson (250) 923-1357

Cowichan Valley, BC

Cowichan Valley Prostate Support and Awareness Group Joeh Beddis (250) 743-2046

Nanaimo, BC

Men Supporting Men, Inc.Greg Mathews (250) 716-4118 Darius (250) 897-1248

Tony (250) 703-2036

Nanaimo Men’s Group Weekly open meetings, divorce, child care, child custody, etc.

Greg / John (250) 716-4118

Nanaimo Prostate Support and Awareness Group Keith Ketchen (250) 758-9603

Port Alberni, BC

Port Alberni Prostate Support and Awareness Group Ray Hickey (250) 724-1884

Victoria, BC

BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse Individual & group therapy

Don Wright (250) 381-0493

False Memory Support Groups John (250) 721-3219

Fathers for Equality, Single Fathers of Victoria Custody/access help, education

David Campbell (250) 386-0145

Fathers’ Rights Action Group Trevor Martin (250) 384-5330

Island Men Expression of male experience. (250) 370-4636

Joe Sakari Handling emotions during separation & divorce (250) 479-3291

Separation & Divorce Resource Centre (250) 386-4331

Single Fathers Victoria Custody/access help/education

David Campbell (250) 386-0145

Single Parent Resource Centre Drop in, father’s group (250) 385-1114

Victoria Men’s Centre Activities, support, referral (250) 370-4636

Victoria Prostate Support Assn Ken Willoughby (250) 474-3860

Saint John’s, NF

Prostate Cancer Sup. Group of Newfoundland-Avalon Region

DH Curtis LeGrow (709) 781-1262

Charlottetown, PEI

PEI Prostate Cancer Supt. Grp. Cdn. Cancer Soc. (902) 566-4007

Halifax, NS

False Memory Support Group Jo Ann (902) 638-3283

Halifax Prostate Cancer Information Group (902) 566-4007

National Shared Parenting Assn "Families mending fences"

Rick Johnson (506) 455-3568

Parents Without Custody Nancy Chitman (902) 454-2229

Sydney NS

Cape Breton Prostate Cancer Support Group John McLean (902) 794-7921

Family Rights Assn. of N.S. Bill O’Neal (902) 567-2128

Moncton, N.B.

False Memory Support Group Bernice (506) 382-8378

Saint John, NB

St. John Us Too Prostate cancer support group Larry Donovan (506) 433-1917

Fredericton, N.B.

Custody Access Rights Equality Melynda Jarratt / Dan Weston

(506) 454-1995, (506) 455-3568

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND)

Wally Haine (506) 363-5743

National Shared Parenting Assn Melynda Jarratt (506) 455-3568

Quebec City, QC

AMEF (Association Masculine d’Entraide pour la Famille)

Henri Lafrance (418) 666-6552

Association pour les Liens P�res Enfants de Quebec (ALPE-QC)

Gilbert Claes (418) 622-0597

Trois Rivieres, QC

Groupes d’actions des p�res pour le maintien des liens familiaux

N. Levasseur (819) 371-1351

Sherbrooke, QC

Equite parentale ˆ laide des p�res abuses (EPAPA) (819) 571-3697

Parental Alienation Info. N/w Sherbrooke, QC (819) 820-2329

Fitch Bay, QC

Mystique Masculin Men’s centre; groups, support Terry Loucks

Montreal, QC

Cdn. Prostate Cancer Network Montreal West Island Group

Teresa Deller (514) 694-6412

Circumcision Information Resource Centre Information and advocacy

John Antonopoulos (514) 844-CIRC

False Memory Support Group Alain (514) 335-0863 Mavis (514) 537-8187

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND)

M. Erlich-Goldberg (514) 846-0574

Groupe d’entraide aux p�res et de soutien ˆ l’enfant

Yves MŽnard (514) 527-3166

National Shared Parenting Assn Walter Perry (514) 483-0740

New Warrior Network Drury Heffernan (514) 624-2550

Organization for the Protection of Children’s Rights (OPCR)

Riccardo Di Done (514) 593-4303

Prostate Cancer Supt. Group

Isabelle GrŽgoire (514) 340-7558

Shadow Healing Training in use of magician energy Steven Kushner 1-888-486-6084

The Dads Project Support and sharing for Dads

Carolyn Arsenault (514) 937-5351

St. Foy, QC

Assn. Masculine d’Entraide pour la Famille (AMEF)

A. Lessard (418) 990-0313

Hull, QC

Entraide aux p�res et enfants separŽs (EPES) (819) 771-2277


Ont. Assn for Family Mediation 1-800-989-3021, (705) 523-9957

Ottawa, ON

Abused Husbands Anonymous Bestway Zottor (613) 749-3078

Centre for Personal Growth & Development Self discovery & growth, relationship issues, adoption support groups Martha MacLaine (613) 850

Cdn. Men’s Parenting Assn. Bruce Rosove (613) 233-8013

Compassionate Self-Care Training and Support

Andrew MacDonald (613) 569-0715

Counselling for Men Relationship, transition, growth

D. Shackleton (613) 832-2284

Divorce Mediation Dr. Linda Morse (613) 238-3909

Divorce Mediation/Arbitration Dr. Richard M. Haney, PhD

(613) 234-5678 (613) 726-3636

Drums, Drumming Tapes Edward Kenney (613) 282-6115

Everyman; A Men’s Journal Canada’s journal of men’s issues

D. Shackleton (613) 832-2284

False Memory Support Groups Eileen (613) 836-3294

Fathercraft Help for fathers Glenn Cheriton (613) 238-3208

Grass Roots Action Community Endeavours (GRACE) Canada Inc. (613) 749-3078

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND)

Liliane George (613) 837-8371

GROWTH Grandparents’ rights (613) 722-3310

Individual Counselling for Men Relationship, recovery, men’s issues

Jack Lafleur M.A. (613) 569-4513

Men’s Groups Help finding a group in Ottawa Andrew MacDonald (613) 569-0715

Men’s Health Ntwk of Canada Glenn Cheriton (613) 238-3208

Men’s Line Information, help on men’s issues (613) 729-1106

Northern Horizons Wilderness training Rob O’Gorman (613) 823-6310

Ottawa-Carleton Prostate Cancer Support Group (613) 798-5555, x8236

Ottawa Men’s Resource Centre Leadership, information, support

James Sargent (613) 565-2818

Regional Sexual Assault Treatment Program (613) 738-3762 (TTY 738-8544)

Rideauwood Addictions counselling for the whole family, men’s workshops

(613) 724-4881

Sex Addicts Anonymous 12 step group to stop compulsive sexual behaviour

(613) 786-1060

Sound and Voice Work for health and healing

Barclay McMillan (613) 563-4178

Sterling Men’s Teams Ken McRae (613) 837-7460

Young Fathers Program Advocacy, support groups, counselling, recreation

Tim Paquette (613) 759-4536

Cornwall, ON

Ex-fathers Lloyd Gorling (613) 931-2104

Perth, ON

Fathers After Rights Equalization (FARE) Brett Peters (613) 267-4950

Lanark County Prostate Support Group Austin Taylor (613) 283-2107

Brockville, ON

Ron Irwin Ph.D. Counselling, workshops for men (613) 342-0730

Renfrew, ON

Renfrew County Prostate Support Group Ed Zrudlo (613) 752-2844

Deep River, ON

Deep River and Area Prostate Cancer Support Group Keith Morrier (613) 584-2681

Kingston, ON

Kingston Support Group Prostate cancer support group

Charlie Pester (613) 544-1307

Belleville, ON

Pathwork (Marmora, ON) Wilderness vision quests, rites of passage, explorations of self

Jy Chiperzak (613) 472-1217

Quinte Prostate Cancer Support Group Bill Girdlestone (613) 968-5362

Cobourg, ON

Northumberland Living with Prostate Cancer Support Group Martin Collier (905) 372-8801

Peterborough, ON

False Memory Support Groups Ethel (705) 924-2546

Parents for CoParenting Al Peers (705) 749-1594 Patricia Houde (705) 743-6459

Peterborough & District Us Too Prostate cancer support group

Wally Seeley (705) 652-6192

Oshawa/Durham, ON

Equal Parenting of Durham Ron (905) 697-1940 Peter (905) 725-2745

Phil (905) 728-1926

Oshawa-Durham Us Too Prostate cancer support group Tom Currell (905) 579-1980

Barrie, ON

Man to Man – Barrie Prostate cancer support group Alfred W.J. Dick (705) 728-9006

Men’s Therapeutic Retreats Psychodrama, sociometry.

George McDermott (705) 722-0075

Toronto, ON

AMEND (A Method to End Negative Divorce) (416) 408-1919

Brampton Prostate Cancer Support Group/Us Too

Fred Norris (905) 877-8092

Arbitration & Mediation Institute of Ontario (416) 487-4447

Canadian Committee for Fairness in Family Law James Hodgins (905) 509-2182

Children’s Voice Bill Flores (416) 233-2757

Clarke Inst. Family Court Clinic For Kids Sake program (416) 979-4998

Ctr. for Highly Sensitive People Thomas Eldridge (416) 653-2774

DADS Canada Stacey Robb (416) 232-9025

Easton Alliance for the Prevention of Family Violence

Proudly supporting male victims of abuse (416) 691-1113

FACT (Fathers Are Capable Too) (416) 410-FACT

Fairness in Family Law Soc. (416) 281-8854

False Memory Support Groups Pat (416) 445-1995

Family Law Research for those who represent themselves

Gene C. Colman, B.A., LL.B. (416) 635-9264

Family Services Assn of Metro Toronto Families in transition program (416) 585-9151

Fathers Battling Injustice (416) 761-1143

Freedom for KidsHuman rights group. Nick Kovats

Gay Fathers of Toronto Support for gay/bisexual parents (416) 410-0438

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG) (905) 544-2668

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND)

Joan Brooks (416) 469-5471

HEART (Human Equality Action and Resource Team

Separation & divorce solutions (416) 410-4141

In Search of Justice Ross Virgin (905) 850-3344

Jim Dickinson B.A., M.S.W. Therapist & Ed. Consultant.

Recovery issues (416) 698-1862

John Gotziaman B.Sc.Relationships, limit setting, fathers, self-esteem, groups

(416) 480-0979

John McManiman M.Div, M.Ed Addictions, violence, sexuality. Male survivor group

(416) 282-2334

Male Survivor Group Barry Gang (905) 764-2997 Kim Madden (416) 967-2875

Marriage, Family and Sexual Abuse Counselling Henry Smees (905) 628-5642

Massage Therapy R. Harry Steel (416) 463-6507

Mediation Consulting Services (416) 515-0464

Men’s Divorce Centre Referral & counselling centre exclusively for men. Videos & reports, family law helpline 1-877-273-2587

Metro Toronto Man to Man Prostate cancer support Hot Line (416) 932-8820

Mississauga Prostate Cancer Support Group Al Brash (905) 277-3939

National Shared Parenting Assn "Families mending fences"

Danny Guspie & Heidi Nabert (416) 861-0626, 1-888-543-2339

Newmarket Canadian Prostate Cancer Support Group Derek Laurence (905) 853-2665

Passionate Fire Workshops Leonard Rebick (416) 466-1666

Separated Anonymous Support, mediation, information (416) 283-3305

Shared Parenting Forum Advocacy for shared parenting

Therapy for Men Counselling for grief, stress, midlife and relationship issues

Charles Koehler (416) 498-1052 Thomas Eldridge, PhD, elder.

Holistic therapy, dreamwork, homeopathy, soul healing (416) 653-2774

Toronto Family Law Centre Child support & custody info

Toronto Fathers’ Resources Divorce/custody information. Counselling, clinics, workshops Danny Guspie (416) 861-0626

Midland, ON

V.O.I.C.E. Info/advocacy vs. circumcision Allen MacDonald (705) 549-5853

Collingwood, ON

Batteaux Ctr for Family Healing Counselling and therapy, groups for abused and abusive men Jon S. White (705) 445-8713

Welland, ON

Men’s Legal Service Broker Ray Harry (905) 735-2793

Hamilton/Dundas, ON

C.E. (Cam) Taylor Family/marital conflict mediation (905) 526-6045

Dundas-North Wentworth Support Group Prostate cancer support group

Dr. Jack Marlow (905) 627-4662

False Memory Support Groups Marina (905) 637-6030

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren (GRG)

Sylvia Chappell (905) 544-2668

Kids Need Both Parents Kirk Cavanaugh (905) 549-5437

Lang Munroe Associates Workshops, groups, consultation

Bob Lang (905) 525-1987

Roxborough Family Support Resource Centre Childcare, workshops, support, resources (905) 545-0565

St. Catharines/Niagara

St. Catharines Living with Prostate Cancer Support Group Murray Urquhart (905) 684-6455

Survivors House of Hope Healing for sex abuse survivors Fort Erie (905) 871-3489

Stevensville (905) 382-8288

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND) Niagara-on-the-Lake

Margaret Stimson (905) 468-4710

Guelph, ON

Guelph-Wellington Sup.Group Prostate cancer support group

Paul Muller (519) 837-8605

Men’s Helpline 767-6074 Phone support for men in distress

5pm-7am, weekends 24 hours

Brantford, ON

Brantford Support Group Prostate cancer support group

Doddy Trimble (519) 753-8641


Chestnut Counselling Reg’d. Marriage/Fam. Therapist James Morgan (519) 745-3602

Community Justice Initiatives Support for sexual abuse survivors, offenders & families

Mark Yantzi (519) 744-6549

EARS for Men Confidential distress line for male victims of sexual abuse

(519) 570-EARS (570-3277)

Fathers for Justice OntarioHelp for non-custodial parents

J. Lopez ph/fax (519) 888-0909

Men with Heart Healing circle dances in community (I will travel to your group)

Roger Clark (519) 746-3797

Waterloo Hope Spring Prostate Cancer Support Group Betty Recchia (519) 742-4673

Woodstock, ON

Oxford Prostate Information and Support Group Cdn. Cancer Soc. (519) 537-5592

Stratford, ON

Huron-Perth Support Group Prostate cancer support group

Ray McNichol (519) 271-4270 or 1-800-294-0086

London, ON

DADS Canada Initiative Training courses and support for fathers. (519) 858-8867 or


False Memory Support Groups Adriaan (519) 471-6338

Fathers Helping Fathers CHMA support groups for fathers

Tim Ready (519) 657-81191-888-772-1607


London InterCommunity Health Centre Men’s Group John Campbell

(519) 660-0874, ext. 227

London Prostate Cancer Information and Support Group Gale Carew (519) 685-8657

Paul McIntosh M.S.W Individual, couple & family counselling. Men’s/native men’s issues (519) 858-8608, 1-800-467-0560

Owen Sound, ON

Beyond Abuse Support group for abused men (519) 422-3743

Clinton, ON

Balance Beam Self-help & advocacy re. Violence Tony Vorsteveld (519) 482-1396

Crisis line: 519-525-2066

Kincardine, ON

Men’s groups, counselling, retreats, shamanic & energy work Vince Bury (519) 395-3315

Sarnia, ON

Paul McIntosh M.S.W Individual, couple & family counselling. Men’s/native men’s issues (519) 858-8608, 1-800-467-0560

Sarnia-Lambton Prostate Cancer Support Group Bert Rondeau (519) 337-3555

Chatham, ON

SACC Chatham-Kent Support Services for Men Self-help group for male victims of sexual abuse Tom Wilken (519) 354-5407

Windsor, ON

Dads Time Out Young fathers program Bill Anderson (519) 973-1866

For Men Only Men’s supt group Dominic Boyd (519) 258-6002

Nappa & Associates Workshops, Retreats, Coaching Marlene Nappa (519) 966-3435

New Warrior Network Walter Clemens (519) 973-5742

Walter J. Clemens M.S.W.

Individual, couple, family counselling; men’s issues, retreats

(519) 254-1800

Reaching Out Men’s spirituality retreats Dominic Boyd (519) 736 1193

Windsor Men’s Forum Windsor Family Forum Inner child, personal coaching, retreats, workshops. Groups for anger management, domestic violence, relationship. Men’s & women’s shelter. Dan Cahill, Bob McGuire (519) 252-9849, 1-877-253-2852


Windsor Us Too Cdn. Prostate Cancer Network Donald Sigrist (519) 727-6059

North Bay, ON

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND) Helen O’Neill (905) 561-4561

North Bay Living with Cancer Support Group for Men John H. McLay (705) 472-5253

Sudbury, ON

False Memory Support Groups Paula (705) 692-0600

R.E.A.L. Parents for Justice Shared parenting advocacy, education & support. Peter F. Wells

Sudbury-Northeastern Ontario Prostate Cancer Network Dennis Myllynen (705) 671-9835

Thunder Bay, ON

Thunder Bay Us Too Prostate cancer support group Glen Duguid (807) 622-9669

Fort Frances, ON

T.H.O.S.E. Men NW Ontario Men’s Network Bob Jeffery (807) 274-9827

Winnipeg, MB

False Memory Support Groups Joan (204) 284-0118

Grandparents Requesting Access ‘N Dignity (GRAND) Eileen Britton (204) 888-0482

Manitoba Men’s Network (204) 475-5990

Men’s Equalization Inc. Mike Brentnall (204) 944-9754

MERGE (Movement to Establish Real Gender Equality) Dr. M. Matas (204) 237-2335

StarTree Integration Adventures Ian B. Fraser (204) 668-7070

Winnipeg Us Too Cdn. Prostate Cancer Network Marv Brodsky (204) 452-4407


National Shared Parenting Assn. (Saskatchewan Chapter) Adrianna Conrad

Sask. Shared Parenting Assn. (306) 789-1359

Moose Jaw, SK

Moose Jaw Us Too Prostate cancer support group Bob McDougall (306) 693-2312

North Battleford, SK

North Battleford Support Group Len Quiring (306) 445-5237

Regina, SK