On his biggest adjustment in the new system
“It really wasn’t that bad. You just have to get here. A lot of stuff really carries over from system to system, and I’ve played in a lot of systems. The main thing is learning the verbiage and what they call each play.”
On how excited he is for the season to start
“[I’m] very excited. I was getting antsy here this offseason. I had a lot of downtime where I was just working out and hanging out with my family, so I’m really excited for the season to get started.”
On what the key will be for the offensive line to do well
“It’s just about the desire to do it. I think that we have a good room full of guys that want to do it. It’s going to be communication, playing hard, physical and fast. If we make mistakes, learn from them and move on.”
On what he’s seen out of C Matt Paradis
“For such a young guy, he’s already very savvy and very smart. He knows this offense very well. He gets us in the right place and makes the right calls. He earned my trust pretty fast.”
On who has helped him get up to speed in the offense
“Everybody in there has helped me tremendously. When we’re going through something, a question will pop up and I can turn to any of those guys, ask them and they’re going to help me
On the cohesion of the offensive line
“It’s going to be very smooth.”
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