Village of Angel Fire

3388 Mountain View Blvd

Angel Fire, NM 87710


Sustainability Committee Minutes

June 28, 2012

I.  Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m.

II. Pledge of Allegiance.

III. Roll Call.

Present: Rick Sprott, Cindy Sprott, Tara Chisum, Scott Jones, Waylon McDonald, Christie Germscheid, Ben Liddle, Jo Mixon, Andrew Gonzales

Excused: Carol Rupp, Guy Wood, Jerry Halpern

Absent: Scott Gibson

Guest: Mayor Barbara Cottam and Thomas Benavides.

IV. Approval of Agenda. A motion was made by Tara. Jo seconded the motion. Approval of agenda was unanimous.

V. Approval of Minutes. A motion was made by Tara to approve the minutes. Cindy seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.

VI. Old Business. None.

VII. New Business. None.

VIII. Reports

A.  Education and Outreach – Tara

1.  Tara reported on the state convention. She received new sign for the trash bins from NMRC for recyclables.

Action Items:

1.  Tara – check with Jessie about signs for spokes.

2.  Rick – Call Mora and Crawford about joining as spokes and sharing information.

3.  Rick – Check on an upcoming electronic drive in Santa Fe which includes TV’s. Check on putting a container at the park for electronics.

4.  Tara – Check on targeting third graders for recycling since statistics show that that is the target group. Work with Andrew and Ben on getting the schools involved.

5.  Rick – Get numbers from Christine on recyclable volumes.

6.  Rick – Work with the transfer station on getting more bins in the park.

B.  E&O Business – Carol and Jo

Jo – more business after hours are planned for later this fall.

C.  E&O – Residential – Jerry

Excused. Deferred.

D.  E&O – Media – Guy

Excused. Deferred.

E.  E&O – Student Programs – Anita Andrew and Ben

1.  The High School students are getting a group together to paint signs for the park. They will use the Oso Green bear and try to get funny and eye-catching things to get the publics interest. An “Anti-contamination” theme would be a great start. They would like to do brainstorming sessions to come up with good ideas. They would also like to get volunteers to help spread mulch wood chips when the park project is complete. Thursdays are the best days for students.

F.  Resort – Waylon

1.  Waylon reported that the resort would like to put a new container at the Visitor’s Center, especially for aluminum. He also reported that they have obtained some 55 gallon drums that could be made into recycling bins. It was suggested that we could have a contest to design and paint the bins to include local artists, students, and residents. He will check with John Kitts to see if this would be acceptable and also see about possible prizes for the winners.

2.  Christie reported that the resort has new recyclable receptacles and is placing them around the hotel and surrounding areas. The Country Club is already separating their glass, cardboard, etc.

Action Item: Christie – order green signs today. Get high-def. symbols for the Village logo and recycle Air/Water/Land. The resort is donating the signs and they will mount them when we get them.

G.  Grants and Website – Scott J.

1.  Scott reported that our website had 84 hits. Our Facebook page has had more hits from non-locals. The website will be down for a couple of days for maintenance and updates. There are no more grants available at this time.

2.  Justin Stockdale is trying to help us find a buyer for the blue trailer we got on a grant.

H.  Committee Administration – Cindy and Rick

1.  Herman will be back on Sunday to work on the park. They would like to complete it next week. They will move some trees from the transfer station to the park this fall.

2.  The wildflowers were planted by Rick, Cindy, Carol and Ann Supple along the park strip. They will be watered twice a day until established.

3.  Materials for the kiosks are at the transfer station. RBS is donating post materials. Copper roofing is also available. The transfer station crew will assemble them.

Action Items:

1.  Rick – set a date for the grand opening and invite guests. Try to use the Aug 22nd date when the NW Planning conference will be in town. Also invite Molycorp, and the spokes to be here.

2.  Rick – do a Trash Talk article on contamination in the plastic bins. Work with the transfer station and the Village on why they do or do not want to do plastic recycling.

3.  Rick – work with the Village on closing off the second driveway/entrance by the Village office/Mini-Mart entrance with large rocks due to a safety/traffic hazard.

4.  Rick – Check on an MOU with Chevron for Molycorp. Grants may be available to help out with the transfer station building additions.

I.  Planning and Hub Relations – Rick

1.  Red River has shown interest in participating with us again on recycling their materials.

2.  Cimarron and Philmont are taking their recyclables to Raton and Philmont is selling their own cardboard.


Action Items:

1.  Rick -Work with Thomas on an MOU for Molycorp.

2.  Rick – Check with Philmont on why they are taking their recyclables to Raton and selling their own cardboard.

J.  Department Operations – Scott G.

Absent. No report.

IX. Requests and Responses from the Audience.


X. Motion to adjourn meeting at 10 a.m. was made by Scott J. Motion seconded by Tara.

Next meeting will be at 9 a.m., July 26, 2012 at Village Hall.