Graduate Curriculum Committee

February 8, 2017

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Minutes, Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee


5200 N. Barton Ave., M/S ML 34

Fresno, California 93740-8014

Ext. 8-2743

February 8, 2017

Members Present:Qin Fan, Hwan Youn,Balaji Sethuramasamyraja, Fayzul Pasha, Steven Hart (Chair),Jim Marshall (Ex-Officio)

Members Excused:Hollianne Marshall, Ndidi Griffin, Bradley Hart

Members Absent:


Meeting called to order at 11:02 AM in Thomas 117.

1. Approval of the Minutes of 2/1/17- MSC Approve

2.Approval of the Agenda- MSC Approve

3. Communications and Announcements

- Dr. Marshall announced that Feb. 16 8:00am at the Vintage Room is graduate coordinator breakfast and invited committee to attend; requested members to RSVP

4.Old Business

  1. Item #15- Graduate Course Change Request
  2. REHAB 238
  3. Committee requests Second Reading
  4. Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
  1. Item #16- Graduate Course Change Request
  2. REHAB 239
  3. Committee requests Second Reading
  4. Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
  5. Syllabus reflects the “old” previous course; committee requests an updated syllabus
  1. Item #17- Graduate Course Change Request
  2. REHAB 265
  3. MSC- Approve
  4. Committee suggests the terminology used in course title,catalog description, and throughout syllabus be revised to match the justification description; for example, Rehabilitation for Substance Use Disorders
  1. Item #18- Graduate Course Change Request
  2. REHAB 268A
  3. Committee requests Second Reading
  4. Committee requests that grading scale be revised
  5. Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
  6. Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
  7. Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
  8. Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
  1. Item #19- Graduate Course Change Request
  2. REHAB 268B
  3. Committee requests Second Reading
  4. Committee requests that grading scale be revised
  5. Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
  6. Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
  7. Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
  8. Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
  1. Item #20- Graduate Course Change Request
  2. REHAB 268C
  3. Committee requests Second Reading
  4. Committee requests that grading scale be revised
  5. Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
  6. Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
  7. Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
  8. Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
  9. Item #21- Graduate Course Change Request
  10. REHAB 268D
  11. Committee requests Second Reading
  12. Committee requests that grading scale be revised
  13. Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
  14. Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
  15. Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
  16. Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
  1. Item #23- New Graduate Course Request
  2. ME 216
  3. Committee requests Second Reading
  4. Committee requests the syllabus clarify what “acceptable textbook” is; perhaps use recommended.
  5. Committee requests that ‘study expectations’ reflect a 3-unit course
  6. Committee requests that assignment grading rubric scales be revised to reflect accurate ranges.
  7. Committee requests that CLOs be revised to Student Learning Outcomes and individual outcomes reflect graduate level expectations

Meeting adjourned 12:00pm- Items #24-27 will be tabled for next meeting February 15

  1. Item #24- New Graduate Course Request

BIOL 256

  1. Item #25- Catalog Revision Request

EdS School Pyschology

  1. Item #26- New Graduate Course Request


  1. Item #27- New Graduate Course Request