Graduate Curriculum Committee
February 8, 2017
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Minutes, Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee
5200 N. Barton Ave., M/S ML 34
Fresno, California 93740-8014
Ext. 8-2743
February 8, 2017
Members Present:Qin Fan, Hwan Youn,Balaji Sethuramasamyraja, Fayzul Pasha, Steven Hart (Chair),Jim Marshall (Ex-Officio)
Members Excused:Hollianne Marshall, Ndidi Griffin, Bradley Hart
Members Absent:
Meeting called to order at 11:02 AM in Thomas 117.
1. Approval of the Minutes of 2/1/17- MSC Approve
2.Approval of the Agenda- MSC Approve
3. Communications and Announcements
- Dr. Marshall announced that Feb. 16 8:00am at the Vintage Room is graduate coordinator breakfast and invited committee to attend; requested members to RSVP
4.Old Business
- Item #15- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 238
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
- Item #16- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 239
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
- Syllabus reflects the “old” previous course; committee requests an updated syllabus
- Item #17- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 265
- MSC- Approve
- Committee suggests the terminology used in course title,catalog description, and throughout syllabus be revised to match the justification description; for example, Rehabilitation for Substance Use Disorders
- Item #18- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 268A
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests that grading scale be revised
- Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
- Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
- Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
- Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
- Item #19- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 268B
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests that grading scale be revised
- Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
- Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
- Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
- Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
- Item #20- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 268C
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests that grading scale be revised
- Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
- Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
- Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
- Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
- Item #21- Graduate Course Change Request
- REHAB 268D
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests that grading scale be revised
- Committee requests that link to university policies be updated
- Committee requests clarification on “consumer appointments participation” for points; attendance/participation is not listed as an item in the grading scheme
- Committee requests that prerequisites are consistent across catalog copy, justification and syllabus
- Committee suggests assignment rubrics be included for student benefit
- Item #23- New Graduate Course Request
- ME 216
- Committee requests Second Reading
- Committee requests the syllabus clarify what “acceptable textbook” is; perhaps use recommended.
- Committee requests that ‘study expectations’ reflect a 3-unit course
- Committee requests that assignment grading rubric scales be revised to reflect accurate ranges.
- Committee requests that CLOs be revised to Student Learning Outcomes and individual outcomes reflect graduate level expectations
Meeting adjourned 12:00pm- Items #24-27 will be tabled for next meeting February 15
- Item #24- New Graduate Course Request
BIOL 256
- Item #25- Catalog Revision Request
EdS School Pyschology
- Item #26- New Graduate Course Request
- Item #27- New Graduate Course Request