Curriculum Vitae


Surname: CHERNOV

Given Name: Sergey

Patronymic Name: Fedorovich

Title: Dr. Chem. Sciences, Ph. D.,

Senior Research Scientist

Profession: Chemist

Data of Birth: November 17, 1955

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Citizenship: Citizen of Russia

Phone: +7 (916) 063 31 42



Details of Education:

1995 - Doctor of Science (Colloidal Chemistry), 119899 Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University, Chemical Dpt., Russia, Thesis title "Forming of the new phase in the light-sensitive systems based on silver salts".

1983 - Philosophy D. (Physical Chemistry), 119899 Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University, Chemical Dpt., Russia, Thesis title "Obtaining and evolution of silver colouring centres in micro-crystals of silver halides".

1978 - Master in Chemistry (Physical Chemistry), excellent diploma of Moscow M.V.Lomonosov State University, Chemical Dpt., Russia.

The professional with experience in R&D and manufacture in various areas of chemical industry.

High level administrator and project manager in the technological company. More than 25 years of experience in R&D - leadership of commands (manager more than 50 projects, Dpt. director, expert, etc.).


Areas of scientific interest:

- Physical, colloid, analytical chemistry, biochemistry (enzymology), electrochemistry, chemistry of polymers, oil and gas chemistry.

- Molecular and thin films (Langmuire technology; thermal, RF and DC magnetrons, e-beam, jet evaporation) of metals, semiconductors, dielectrics (including – polymers).

- Clusters and the colloid particles of metals and dielectrics (including with a characteristic colour, the magnetic and carrying-out properties). Suspensions, emulsions, sols in the liquids, polymers and crystals, on a surface of solids (crystals, membranes, polymers (including amfiphylic)). Cells and subcellular structures.

- Research methods: electron, tunnel and optical microscopies (TEM/SEM, STM/AFM, EDX/WDX, EELS, polarized and fluorescent microscopy spectrophotometry), surface methods of investigations (Auger, SIMS, LEED), spectral methods (UV-Vis-NIR-FTIR), methods of samples preparation (ultramicrotomy, embedding, drying, substitution, impregnation, etc.), biochemical methods (HPLC, GC, sedimentation, cleaning). Methods of the morphological analysis of images, liquid-, gas- and ionic chromatography, methods of liquid chemistry.

- Gas and liquid sensor analytical systems for the chemical, petrochemical, medical and pharmaceutical industries and also for science. Biosensor types of detection: gravimetric, electrochemical, fluorescent, cellular sensors, immunosensors; chemical sensors.

Carrier to Date, professional experience:

10.04.2015 – 30.09.2017 - Head of new development sector, FPI fund (ANF Technology Limited), Moscow 119435, Savvinskaya Embankment, 15, Business Center “Japan House”.

Areas of competence: ANF Technology Limited is a subdivision of the FPI investment fund doing business in the USA with plant in Estonia (Tallinn). It makes and sells of aluminum oxide nanofibers (NAFEN brand) and other development.


- Development of products on the basis of unique properties of NAFEN fibers.

- Research and research and Development organization for development of new products.

- A technical manual – monitoring and an involvement in projects of development of new products.

- Control of development of different products of the organization, with contract structures within joint projects.

- An involvement in execution of plans and development of the development strategy of the Company.

- Formation of technical tasks for materials development.

- Process control of design and development.

Achievements: I have carried out scientific developments: catalysts of chemical processes based on NAFEN, metalmatrix composites based on NAFEN, nonwoven fabrics (papers, filters, fabrics) based on NAFEN. I have developed the strategy of development for the fiber direction of the company on creation:

- fibers small diameter with the changed lattice in comparison with massive materials, from other materials (not oxide of aluminum);

- fibers with the modified surface in comparison with the main material;

- the fibers which aren't bulking up in solvent and not changing in sizes when drying and with a changeable interval between them;

- powders of the nano sizes which could be besieged/placed/fixed on the surface of fibers or to enter between fibers.

19.12.2014 – present - pensioner.

04.10.2013 – 14.11.2014 - Director of R&D department, JSC HaloPolymer, 125284 Moscow, Leningradsky Avenue, 31A, b.1, Business Center "Monarch".

Company specialization: industrial production of fluoropolymers (flouroplastics and fluororubbers), fluoromonomers and fluorine containing substances and products at plants in Kirovo-Chepetsk and Perm.


1. Organization and structuring of activity of Administrationon development of new technique and Central plant laboratories.

2. Formation of plans of projects of design and implementation of the new and modified products.

3. The organization of activity from planning to experiments receiving a product with the set of characteristics for design in industrial conditions.

4. Scientific study of investment projects, specification of target results (characteristics of products or processes), providing recommendations about correction of technological processes, search of optimal technological decisions.

5. Decreasing of account norms and improvement of technological processes regarding selection of optimum technological parameters and characteristics for effective production - specification of dependences between process characteristics and product properties and development of optimal technological processes for quality product stabilization.

6. Providing scientific support in a part of obtaining information from the market about characteristics of perspective products (new and modified). Support and implementation in industrial production ofnew fluoropolymers, water based dispersions of fluoropolymers, fluororubbers, new types of refrigerants with low ODP, GWP.

7. Design of product strategy of Company. Inventory of available technologies for their optimization.

25.07.2011 – 03.10.2013 - Vice General Director (investment projects), JSV "Hovemax-Invest", Head of Research Complex JSV "Group "Homa"", Scientific Director, Member of the Сommittee of Directors, Мoscow 109341, Privolnaja str., 70.

Areas of competence: industrial colloidal chemistry - development and production of water-polymer dispersion, adhesives and paints.


1. Management of Research Complex consisting of four Research Centers (RC) and analytical laboratory: 1 RC in Sherbinka «Water-dispersive systems and polyurethanes» (sectors – «Water based adhesives», «Water based paints», «Polyurethe system»), 3 RC in Dzerzhinsk (RC "Dispersions" - sectors of "Polyvinylacetate dispersions», «Polyurethane dispersions», «Styrene-acrylic dispersions»; RC «Waterless adhesives systems» - sectors «Solvents based adhesives», "Hot melt adhesives", «Epoxides systems»; RC «Modifiers of polymers» - sectors «Modifiers of polymers processability», «Modifiers of shock durability»):

- Formation of short-term and intermediate term subjects, the reporting, control,

- Development and maintenance of instrumental base,

- Optimization and motivation of personnel, construction of effective organization structure,

- Investigation of modern perspective technologies, development of actual compoundings and products for the market.

2. Development and a management of the strategic investment project on building of new factory in Dzerzhinsk (60 000 sq.m) for production of sovent-based-adhesives, hot-melt-adhesives, hermetics and polyurethane systems:

- Desighn of technological schemes and processes, the specification of devices;

- Designing of the building with system of maintenance, roll and auto roads and warehouses;

- Control of realization of projects and organization of working groups on them;

- Interaction with design and contract organizations (f.e. Bayer, BASF, Archema a.a.).

3. Development and operation of administration strategy of Holding HOMA:

- Technological study of marketing decisions on release of new products and chemical processes of their production;

- Technological abstracting of projects and business plans,

- Choice and study of stages of purchase, start and trial operation of necessary technological schemes and installations.

4. Carrying out of an expert estimation of a technical condition of manufacture at two enterprises of the Company (in Sherbinka and in Dzerzhinsk).

15.09.2009 – 22.07.2011 – Chief Expert, Holding “Bashkhim”, Moscow 105120, B.Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 8.

Areas of competence: industrial chemistry, petrochemistry, production of soda, alkali, chlorine and cholorganics, lime and concrete, PVC, surfactants, technical upgrading and development of large holding companies.


- Formation intermediate term investment and production programs (analysis of bottlenecks, an estimation of a condition of the equipment and an infrastructure, creation of system of quality of manufacture on the world standards, etc.),

- Working out and introduction of strategy of increase of production efficiency, analysis of reserves for optimization of operational activity of “Bashkhim”,

- Interaction with industrial and technical services of “Bashkhim” (development and modernization of system of regulations, total quality control),

- Technological examination and an estimation of technical validity of the feasibility reports, investment projects (material balances, operational models, calculations on capacities and expenses), priorities on equipment replacement; equipment conditions; a choice of contractors (analysis of design-budget documentation, offers, etc.),

- Check of study of alternative variants of technical decisions,

- Examination of acceptance and analysis of performance of investment programs and post-audit of investment projects (technological part).

22.11.2007 – 10.08.2009 - Head of scientific and technical development and industrial policy Department, R&D Directorate, Technology and Production Supply Service, Holding «Sibur», Moscow 117997, Krzhizhanovsky str. 18/4.

Basic functions:

1. Development of strategy of scientific and technical development of «Sibur»:

·  Analysis and estimation of the state of technical level of enterprises of «Sibur» in comparison with the front-rank attained level in Russia and abroad.

·  Development of prognoses of scientific and technical development of «Sibur».

·  Technical examination of suggestions on participating of licensors in the tender of technologies, performers of engineerings services.

·  Realization of control after introduction of perspective structural decisions, catalysts, technological developments on operating productions.

2. Forming and realization of the program of implementation of R&D projects of «Sibur».

·  Realization of technical examination of requests to R&D and investment projects in part of estimation of their technical level.

·  Organization and realization of scientific and technical collaboration with domestic and foreign organizations and companies (f.e. Dow Chemical, Du Pont, BASF a.a.).

·  Development of methodical documents of implementation of R&D projects in «Sibur».

09.09.2003 – 21.11.2007 - Vise General Director, Head of R&D Complex, Concern “Chimavtomatica”, Russia, 129226 Moscow, Selskokhozyaistvennaya str. 12a.

·  Technical policy in research and technology

·  R&D projects in new generation analytical systems

Subjects: development, manufacturing, certification and sale of detectors, gas and liquid chromatographs, techniques and substances for work, biosensor controls for the analysis of products of a feed, biologically active substances, biological pollution by ecological monitoring (ecotoxicants). Chemical sensors and gas-sensors for detection of O2/O3, CO/CO2, NO/NO2, CnHm, Cl2/H2/HCl, SO2/H2S.

Duties: management of activity of R&D complex (8 departments about 300 persons) and scientific and technical politics of the enterprise (generally, in strategy of development), modernization of technology; marketing research of chemical sensors and biosensors; expansion of the functional characteristics let out and development of new chemical sensor controls and biosensor controls; search of financing. Optimization of organizational structure of our Concern and effective interaction of all structural divisions, development of the strategic and operative plans of development of our Concern and maintenance of their performance, operative management of scientific activity: definition of the purposes and tasks, planning and distribution of resources, statement of the purposes both tasks subordinated and control of their performance, budget of activity; standardization and perfecting of all scientific and technical projects; development of existing structures, preparation of the necessary reporting about results. Strategic and operative management of the industrial enterprise; development and introduction of system of regular industrial management in Concern; preparation of the scientific and technical programs; interaction with State government; realization of negotiation, law protection of results of our activity, presentation of results for the customers. Effective management of financial, material and human resources.

Searching and development of new ideas. Management of scientific and technical council.

Functions: realization of the control (network diagrams of projects, release and selling of devices); drawing up of the plans of development of Concern; maintenance of uninterrupted operation of scientific - technological process both interactions of scientific and industrial divisions of Concern, global optimization of all processes in Concern as a whole (5 engineering centers, manufacture, service), motivation of team on achievement of concrete result.

Achievement: more than 50 projects on development of new devices, including electrochemical biosensor controls, analyzers of chemical and microbiological pollution (definition of concentration of alive microorganisms, pesticides, heavy metals etc.), system of safety of the Moscow underground (channel of biological detection), gas analyzer systems, biosensors and detection systems for technological, terrorist, medical, man-caused and ecologic securities; resource economy; accident prevention and scientific researches were realized.

01.09.2004 – 30.06.2009 - Professor, Moscow State University of Engineeric Ecology, Moscow, Russia

Lectures “Methods and devices of control and ecological monitoring”, “Ecological monitoring”, “Management of quality control”. Leadership of 2 post-graduate students.

09.02.1990 - 17.01.2003 - Head of Molecular Films Laboratory, Research Centre for Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy, Russia, 113149 Moscow, Simpheropolsky blv.8.

Investigated monomolecular films of amphiphylic polymers and biologically active compounds (antibodies, enzymes, cells etc.) for creation of biosensor devices; of the process of silver association (using a method of statistical thermodynamics) in silver bromide microcrystalls at photolysis, shown that in a photosensitive matrix there is the simultaneous existence of two types of silver particles - colloidal and atomic-molecular dispersity. Deducted the formula connecting the concentration of molecular clusters and the size of colloidal particle and the microcrystall silver halide size. Investigated formation of a new phase process in a matrix of silver photosensitive salts at the photolysis (with the help of spectrophotometry and electron microscopy) and shown the availability of two types of particles of silver (colloidal and atomic-molecular dispersity) in one microcrystal. Established the experimental dependence between maxima of the absorption spectra of silver colored centers (colloidal particles and clusters) and the sizes of silver bromide microcrystals where they are derived. Discovered a number of size-dependence properties of small colloidal particles. Formulated (based on theoretical and experimental results) conclusion that during the new silver phase formation process in silver halides there occurs a phase transition of molecular silver into metal silver. Investigated Langmuir films of bioactive materials for creating of biosensors, STM/AFM microscopy of cells and polymer-protein molecular films. Defended thesis of Dr. of Chemical Science in 1995 "Forming of the new phase in the light-sensitive systems based on silver salts".

1991 - 1998 – CEO of JSC Molekular technology and i materials.