Studies and Evaluations

Studies and Evaluations D-1


his section lists the various studies, evaluations, and assessments of agencies or agency programs or projects that have been conducted in the most recent two fiscal years (2002 and 2003). Studies are grouped by secretarial area and agency to which they relate. The “Source of Document” column references the agency from which the document can be obtained. At the end of this section, “How to Obtain Copies of these Documents” gives more information about how to contact the agency for a copy.

These evaluation studies are in addition to the planning and performance data collected annually from agencies by the Department of Planning and Budget. This information is available on DPB’s Virginia Results web site, which can be reached at

Studies and Evaluations D-1

Studies and Evaluations D-1

Date of Report / Source of Document
Review of Gubernatorial Separation Authority, #278 / June 2002 / JLARC
Special Report: The Secretarial System, #283 / October 2002 / JLARC
Department of Charitable Gaming
Review of the Charitable Gaming Commission, #290 / December 2002 / JLARC
Office of Commerce and Trade
Review of Workforce Training in Virginia, #288 / November 2002 / JLARC
Department of Business Assistance
A Report on the Virginia Small Business Incubator Program Prepared for the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance
Committee / November 2001 / DBA
A Report on the Virginia Small Business Incubator Program Prepared for the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance
Committee / December 2002 / DBA
Review of Virginia's Small Business Development Center Program, #271 / December 2001 / JLARC
Department of Housing and Community Development
Report to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, Fiscal Year 2000 Homeless Programs / November 2001 / DHCD-1
Virginia Enterprise Zones, 2000 Tax Year Annual Report / November 2001 / DHCD-2
Report to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees, Homeless Programs / November annually / DHCD-1
Virginia Enterprise Zones, Annual Report / November annually / DHCD-2
Virginia Economic Development Partnership
Report on Business Incentives / November 2001 / VEDP
Study on the efficacy of state business incentives / October annually / VEDP
Special Report: State Business Incentive Grant Programs, #285 / November 2002 / JLARC
Virginia Tourism Authority
Report on Core Marketing and Advertising Programs 2001-2002 / December 2001 / VTA
Report on Core Marketing and Advertising Programs 2002-2003 / December 2002 / VTA
Office of Education
Special Report: Higher Education, #286 / November 2002 / JLARC
Museum Equipment Report / November 2002 /
Department of Education
The Review and Evaluation of Legislative Programs for Students at Risk
of Educational Failure / July 2001 / VDOE-1
Governor's Best Practice Centers Service Delivery August 2000-May 2001 / August 2001 / VDOE-2
Report on Supply and Demand of Instructional Personnel in Virginia 2001-2002 / Annually / VDOE-3
AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) / September 2001 / VDOE-4
Review of Elementary and Secondary School Funding, #277 / February 2002 / JLARC
A Statewide Web-based Standards of Learning Technology Initiative / September 2001 / VDOE-5
A Report on Expansion of Medicaid Services Under the Special Education
Billing Program / December 2002 / VDOE-6
Interim Report: Best Practices for the Support Service of School Divisions, #291 / December 2002 / JLARC
School Food Allergy Program Information and Recommendations / November 2002 / VDOE-3
A Statewide Web-based Standards of Learning Technology Initiative / September annually / VDOE-5
Norfolk State University
Report on funding for enhancing academic programs, historic deficiencies, and outreach programs. / September 2001 / NSU
Library of Virginia
Review of State Aid to Public Libraries, #268 / July 2001 / JLARC
Infopowering the Commonwealth / Virginia’s Public Libraries: Electronic
Resource Libraries for 21st Century Information / January 2002 / LVA-1
Annual Report on Reducing the Archival Backlog / December 2001 / LVA-2
Roanoke Higher Education Authority
Roanoke Higher Education Authority Report to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee and the Senate Finance Committee / September 2001 / RHEA
State Council of Higher Education
Reports of Institutional Effectiveness / Annually / SCHEV-1
Nongeneral Fund Revenue Survey / Annually / SCHEV-2
Electronic Campus Report / November 2002 / SCHEV-2
Systemwide Strategic Plan for Higher Education / 2002 / SCHEV-1
Reports of Institutional Effectiveness / Biennially / SCHEV-2
Virginia Generalist Initiative Program / Biennially / SCHEV-2
Commonwealth Graduate Engineering / Annually / SCHEV-2
Virginia Generalist Initiative Program / Annually / SCHEV-2
Virginia Military Institute - Unique Military Activities Report / July 2002 / SCHEV-2
Tuition and Fee Report / Annually / SCHEV-1
Auxiliary Enterprise / Annually / SCHEV-2
Capital Projects Financial Feasibility Study / October 2002 / SCHEV-2
Condition of Transfer Report / June 2003 / SCHEV-1
University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Eastern Virginia Medical School
Indigent Participation in Medical Research at Virginia's Medical Schools, #267 / July 2001 / JLARC
Virginia Community College System
Workforce Development Services Annual Report to the General Assembly / November 2001 / VCCS
Office of Finance
Interim Report: Review of State Spending, #276 / January 2002 / JLARC
Department of Taxation
Special Report: Tax Compliance, #282 / October 2002 / JLARC
Office of Health and Human Resources
Virginia's Welfare Reform Initiative: Follow-Up of Participant Outcomes / November 2001 / LIS-2
Report of the Role and Responsibilities of the Office of the Inspector General / October 2002 / SHHR
Report of the Secretary of Health and Human Resources -- A Plan for Improving Services and Containing Costs in the Treatment and Care of Children Under the Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families. / October 2002 / CSA
Coordinated Contracting of Prescription Drugs: A Fiscal and Policy Strategy for the Commonwealth of Virginia / October 2002 / SHHR
Board of Directors of the Virginia Birth-Related
Neurological Injury Compensation Program
Review of the Virginia Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation
Program, #284 / November 2002 / JLARC
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Expand the availability and delivery of services to pediatric Medicaid recipients / December 2001 / DMAS-1
Training program for use of Medicaid for residential treatment and treatment foster care services / June 2002 / DMAS-2
Start-up funds for group homes / December 2002 / DMAS-3
Purchase of mattresses designed to prevent and to treat pressure ulcers / November 2002 / DMAS-3
Revenue maximization efforts / September 2002 / DMAS-4
A Review of Selected Programs in the Department of Medical Assistance
Services, #275 / January 2002 / JLARC
Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation
and Substance Abuse Service
Report of DMHMRSAS on Access to Psychiatric Care for Jail Inmates / September 2002 / MHMR-2
Report of DMHMRSAS on the expanded use of telepsychiatry / September 2002 / MHMR-3
A Policy and Plan to Provide and Improve Access to Mental Health, Mental
Retardation and Substance Abuse Services for Children, Adolescents and their Families / June annually / MHMR-4
An Evaluation of Therapeutic Communities in Local Jails, 2002 / September 2002 / MHMR-5
Department of Social Services
A Study of the Privatization of Child Support Functions / July 2001 / DSS
Assessing the Implementation of the Child Care and Development Fund Plan / December 2001 / DSS
Report on the Plan for Maximizing the Use of Federal Funds in the Administration of and Provision of Social Services within the Commonwealth / September 2002 / DSS
Report on the Virginia Independence Program Implementation, Impacts and Outcome Measures / Annually / DSS
Virginia Department of Health
Report on Telemedicine Initiatives / October 2001 / VDH
Evaluation of the Virginia Department of Health Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (Report Document No. 10) / January 2002 / LIS-1
Virginia Department of Health
Special Report: State Spending on Regional Health Planning Agencies, #294 / June 2003 / JLARC
Selected Agencies in Health and Human Resources and Public Safety
Special Report: Medical Supplies and Pharmaceuticals, #292 / December 2002 / JLARC
Secretary of Natural Resources
2001 Annual Report on Implementation of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, Status of Tributary Strategies, Status of Water Quality for Virginia's Chesapeake Bay and Tributaries / November 2001 / SNR
Implementation of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act, #281 / October 2002 / JLARC
Department of Environmental Quality
Evaluation of Swine Waste Treatment and Odor Control Technologies / October 2003 / DEQ
Office of Public Safety
Options for Future Utilization of Culpeper Juvenile Correctional Center / No date specified / OPS
Study on Locating and Implementing a Treatment Program / No date specified / MHMR-1
Plan for the Cost-Effective Utilization of the Culpeper Juvenile Correctional
Center / No date specified / OPS
Review of Virginia’s System of Capital Punishment, #274 / January 2002 / JLARC
Department of Corrections
Lawrenceville Correctional Center Cost Comparison Report / No date specified / DOC
Containment Model for Supervision of Sex Offenders in Communities / December 2001 / DOC
Evaluation of the Cost and Effectiveness of the Privately Operated Lawrenceville Correctional Center / September 2001 / DOC
Department of Criminal Justice Services
Report on the progress of Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act
programs / Annually / DJJ-1
Summary Report of Virginia’s Drug Court Programs / October 2001 / DJJ-2
Department of State Police
Violent Crimes Strike Forces and State/Local Anti-Crime Partnership / October annually / LIS-2
Innovative Technology Authority
Status & Progress of Technology Innovation Centers / November annually / CIT
Technology Growth Fund and Technology Awards Program / November 2001 / CIT
Virginia Information Technologies Agency
Review of Information Technology Systems Development, #289 / December 2002 / JLARC
Office of Transportation
Virginia Department of Transportation/DRPT Statewide Telework Study #21 / November 2001 / DRPT
Department of Transportation
Equity and Efficiency of Highway Construction and Transit Funding, #272 / December 2001 / JLARC
Adequacy and Management of VDOT’s Highway Maintenance Program, #273 / January 2002 / JLARC
The Future of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, #287 / November 2002 / JLARC

How to Obtain Copies of these Documents

Source of Document / Who to Contact
CIT / Margo Dunn (VP Communications), CIT Tower, Suite 600, 2214 Rock Hill Road, Herndon, Virginia 20170-4200, E-mail: , Phone: (703) 689-3070
DBA / Elizabeth J. Moran, Director of Legislative and Community Affairs, Virginia Department of Business Assistance, 707 East Main Street, Suite 300, P.O. Box 446, Richmond, Virginia 23218-0446, (804) 371-8260
DEQ / Scott Kudlas, Department of Environmental Quality, at (804) 698-4456 or visit DEQ’s website.
DHCD-1 / Robbie Campbell, Program Manager, Department of Housing and Community Development, 501 North Second Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-7113
DHCD-2 / Shea Hollifield, Deputy Director of Community Development, Department of Housing and Community Development, 501 North Second Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-7031
DJJ-1 / Susan Gholston, State & Local Partnerships Manager, Department of Juvenile Justice (804) 371-0716
DJJ-2 / Dan Catley, Section Chief, Corrections Services Section, or Dr. Donna Boone, Department of Criminal Justice Services, (804) 786-8477
DMAS-1 / Contact the Virginia General Assembly or Jim Cohen, the Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 786-8098
DMAS-2 / Deborah Correll, Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-2484
DMAS-3 / Diana Thorpe, Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-8490
DMAS-4 / Michael Jay, Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-6043
DOC / Michael Leininger, Communications Office, Department of Corrections, 6900 Atmore Dr. Richmond, Virginia 23225 (804) 674-3124, ext. 1112
DSS / Richard Martin, Manager of Legislative Affairs, Department of Social Services, 7 North 8th Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 692-1115
JLARC / Print and order JLARC reports online at or write, JLARC, Suite 1100, General Assembly Building, Capitol Square, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-8260
LIS-1 / or call the Legislative Bill Room (804) 786-6984 for availability
LIS-2 / Write to the Legislative Bill Room, State Capitol, Richmond, 23219, or call (804) 786-6984 for availability
LVA-1 /
LVA-2 / Edward D. C. Campbell, Director, Collection Management Services, Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000, 804-692-3741 or .
MHMR-1 / Mickie Jones, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, P. O. Box 1797, Richmond, Virginia 23218, (804) 786-3921.
MHMR-2 / James J. Morris, Ph.D., Director, Forensic Services, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, 1220 Bank Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 786-2615
MHMR-3 / Mary Clair O’Hara, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, 1220 Bank Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 786-8271
MHMR-4 / link to Offices, then to Office of Mental Health
MHMR-5 / Robert L. Johnson, Director, Substance Abuse Services, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substance Abuse Services, 1220 Bank Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 786-3906
NSU / Earlie Horsey, Office of Planning and Budget, Norfolk State University, 700 Park Avenue, Norfolk, Virginia, (757) 823-8679 or
OPS / Office of the Secretary of Public Safety; 9th St. Office Building, Richmond, Virginia (804) 786-5351
RHEA / Barbara Smith, Director of Administration, Roanoke Higher Education Authority, 108 N. Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia, 24016, (540) 767-6161, or e-mail to Barbara.smith@
SCHEV-1 / see Reports
SCHEV-2 / Finance Policy Director, SCHEV, 101 N. 14th Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219
SHHR / and click on “Contact Information” to request a copy
VDOE-1 / Pat Lankford, School Improvement, Virginia Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218, (804) 225-2865
VDOE-2 / Phyllis Martin, Educational Accountability, Virginia Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218, 804-786-9421
VDOE-3 /
VDOE-4 / Cheryl Gray Ball, Program Administration and Accountability, Virginia Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218, (804) 225-2882
VDOE-5 / Winona Barnstein, Virginia Department of Education, Technology, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218, (804) 225-2757
VDOE-6 / Lissa Power-deFur, Special Education and Student Services, Virginia Department of Education, P.O. Box 2120, Richmond, Virginia 23218, (804) 225-2818
VEDP / Virginia Economic Development Partnership, P.O. Box 798, Richmond, Virginia 23218, (804) 371-8100
VTA / Roy Knox, Vice-President of Administration and Finance, Virginia Tourism Authority, 901 E. Byrd Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, (804) 371-8193

Studies and Evaluations D-1