1 PETER 1:13-16

INTRO: When we are hurting, many times we not only lose determination but

we also lose direction. When you turn in your Bible to 1 Peter 1:13,

you will see that God has set for us a path for people who are in the

midst of tough times. There we read, “Wherefore gird up the loins of

your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be

brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Peter, reminding

us of what he has previous written concerning our Great Salvation,

steps back from the foundation God has laid and begins to lay out for

us a path of solid practical living. In vv. 3-12, Peter uses the

indicative tense showing us how things are. In v13 he uses the

imperative tense as he lays out for us the life changing practice for

believers in Christ Jesus. All of this is the result of the foundation of

the Great Salvation he has spoken of in vv. 3-12.

God desires that we would live out HIS LIFE through ours even in the

tough times! As the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 2:14-16—“Do

all things without murmuring and disputings: That ye may be

blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst

of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the

world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of

Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” Because

of the marvelous grace we have received through Christ Jesus we

should begin to live out that grace. The first place Peter turns is to

our relationship with God, our Heavenly Father.

David Jeremiah in his book, A Bend In The Road writes, “The moment

we accept the fact that our ordeal has been permitted, even intended

by God, our perspective on disruptive moments will totally change.

We will find ourselves saying, ‘God, You have allowed this in my life.

I don’t understand it, but I know that it couldn’t have happened to

me unless it was filtered through Your loving hands. So, this thing is

from You” (1). “This Thing”, whatever it may be, is changing our lives

so that we will be more like Christ as God works in us. Our lives are

built upon this steadfast hope we have in God and His working in our

lives. And because of our relationship with God we have a Living

Hope which should translate into everyday holiness. The word

Holiness may be one of the most misused words in our culture today.

Jerry Bridges said, “Holiness is not a series of do’s and don’ts, but a

Conformity to God’s character in the very depths of our being. This

conformity is possible only as we are united with Christ” (2). The

word may be misused by many today, but we dare not lose it nor fail

to display it in our lives! Nigel Turner, an excellent N.T. scholar

writes, “The Church today is concerned about communicating with

the contemporary world and especially about the need to speak in a

new idiom. The language of the Church had better be the language of

the New Testament. To proclaim the Gospel with new terminology is

hazardous when much of the message and valuable overtones that

are implicit in the New Testament might be lost forever.” (Nigel

Turner, Christian Words (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1981), p. 8).

Peter sets before us three things before us each one connected with

our holiness. God’s defining hand for our way in troubling times,

times we feel wounded, is grounded in HIS promise and in the

character of HIS new life in and through us. This new life is one of

everyday holiness. Notice with me that THE PATHWAY OF THE



1 PETER 1:13—“Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober,

and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto

you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

A. FACING THE TIMES OF HURT. If we are unprepared for the hurts

that we will face in this life, they will surely destroy us. That is why

Peter says, “…gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to

the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of

Jesus Christ.” Remember to whom Peter is writing. These were some

believers who were facing some severe trials, hurts and pains. Peter’s

words to them is “..gird up the loins of your mind, be sober and hope to

the end…” Peter is saying, “Prepare your minds for action”! This is “a

figure drawn from the custom of girding the loins when about to start

on a journey. So the Christian must prepare himself as on a journey.”

(The People’s New Testament Commentary). When we are “girded”, we

are prepared to run, work, fight or even suffer. It is most fitting that

elect “sojourners” be ready to take action! And at all times, our action

is based upon the Great Salvation we have because of Christ Jesus!

ILLUS: Someone asked Roger Staubach, former quarterback for the

Dallas Cowboys, about football injuries. "How do you keep on

keeping on if you're playing professional football?" Roger said

something important: "If you're not playing hurt, you're not

playing football." It's exactly the same way with the Christian

faith. If you're not living it hurt, you're probably not living the

Christian faith.-- Steve Brown, "The Prime Principle," Preaching

Today, Tape No. 107.

As we face the twists and turns on the road of life we will encounter

suffering, hurt and pain, that is why we must “gird up the loins of our

minds” so that we can endure anything that is thrown at us and still

reflect the holiness of God in and through our lives!

B. FAITH IN THE TIMES OF HURT. When we are hurting, it becomes so

easy for us to let our faith fail. Our reaction to hurt when it comes will

be governed by our relationship to God. Elisabeth Elliot said, “Every

experience of trial puts us to this test: ‘Do you trust God or don’t you?’”

(3). Peter says we are to “be sober and hope to the end..” Let there be

sobriety of spirit. Never let the glow of your hope cease until…Christ

comes (The People’s New Testament Commentary). We must maintain

holy living in the midst of pain and hurt. We must continue to trust

that God will see us through even when it seems hopeless! The word

hope here is translated from a Greek word which means “to confide in,

to expect and to trust.” Our hope must be completely fixed! Our hope

must be locked on “the grace that is to be brought unto you at the

revelation of Jesus Christ.” Grace is always linked to the work of God

through Jesus Christ! Because of our Living Hope we should live out

each day displaying the holiness of God through our lives and not

conforming to this sinful world with all of its wicked influences. Even

when we are facing the trials, troubles, pains and hurts of life. It is not

the way we deal with our human situation that is the basis for hope—

hope is the basis for how we deal with our human situation.-- Arden K.

Barden in a paper, "Spiritual Aging." Christianity Today, Vol. 32, no. 1.

Because of our great HOPE in Jesus we can live holy lives in the midst

of the most severe hurts in life!



1 PETER 1:14-15—“As obedient children, not fashioning

yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance:

But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all

manner of conversation.”

A. THE NEWNESS OF LIFE. Peter refers to believers here as “obedient

children". This speaks of our behavior, our character. Peter is talking

about the new character we have because of the Living Hope we

possess. Because of our GREAT SALVATION we are NOW “children of

obedience.” We have been born again to a Living Hope. WE have a new

nature. Peter goes on to say later in this letter that we have a new

family, we are part of a new nation, we have a new heritage, we are a

new people and we have a new function! All things changed when we

placed our faith in Christ Jesus! As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 5:

17—“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things

are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” Our very

character is different! We are a child of obedience. And because we are

children of obedience we MUST live out holiness everyday of our lives!

Anything less is a mockery of my profession in Christ Jesus!

ILLUS: Charles Spurgeon said, “A Christian should be a striking like-

ness of Jesus Christ…We should be pictures of Christ…Oh! My

brethren, there is nothing that can so advantage you, nothing

can so prosper you, so assist you, so make you walk towards

heaven rapidly, so keep you head upwards toward the sky, and

your eyes radiant with glory, like the imitation of Jesus Christ”


The scope of my “holiness” should be in all behavior. That includes

times of suffering, pain and hurt! I must not compartmentalize my life!

But reflect the holiness of God in and through my life at all times and in

all places!

B. THE NECESSITY OF LORDSHIP. Many desire Jesus as their Savior

but do not want to accept Him as the Lord of their life. Vance Havner

said, “If Jesus Christ is not Lord of all, He is not Lord at all.” (5) This

means we recognize and submit ourselves to the Lordship of Christ in

all areas of our lives! V15 begins with the words, “But as he which

hath called you is holy…” or “like as He which hath called you is holy..”

This is not a comparison of equals but gives us the divine standard for

Holiness. We are to be “not fashioning ourselves according to the former

lusts in our ignorance, but as he which hath called us is holy, so be ye

holy in all manner of conversation.” God is to be the model of our lives!

We have been called by HOLY GOD Himself to be like His Son, Jesus!

We have been called out of darkness that we might walk in the Light

and be fit for fellowship with God, heirs of His Kingdom (v4), and the

ambassadors of HIS TRUTH! Because of our NEW CHARACTER,

holiness is now our way of life. Even in the hurting times of life!

ILLUS: "When we consider the nature of God, the will of God, the call

of God, the command of God, the promises of God, the

provision of God, the power of God, and the eternal purposes

of God, the inevitable conclusion is that without holiness we

cannot please Him (cf Heb 12:14)" - Beacon Hill Commentary



1 PETER 1:16—“Because it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy.”

A. THE RECORD OF THIS PROMISE. “Because it is written, Be ye holy,

for I am holy.” Peter quotes here from Leviticus 11:44. Peter sees this

as a permanent record. It is explicit, you shall be holy! This command

was addressed at first to the Israelites, but it is with equal propriety

addressed to Christians, as the professed people of God. The

foundation of the command is, that they professed to be his people,

and that as his people they ought to be like their God (Albert Barnes’

Notes on The Bible).

B. THE REASON FOR THIS PROMISE. When we are born again, our

lives belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Because our lives belong

to God we can have fellowship with HIM. But to have fellowship with

God we must practice everyday holiness in our lives! We must not

only submit to God's commands but seek to imitate his holiness

(The People’s New Testament Commentary). Daily we are to be growing

in our relationship with God—growing in holiness—but we must

realize we certainly have not arrived! This exhortation and promise is

based once again on our Living Hope we possess in Christ Jesus.

“YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.” God says, “I want to enjoy

eternal fellowship with you!” This is the promise of God! It’s where

God desires to take me and everyday as I submit my will to HIS, He is

leading me closer to that desired end! God’s desire for HIS “obedient

children” is everyday holiness—because of HIS great promise! What

is this “everyday holiness”? Does it mean we work in a Christian

office, or school, or neighborhood where people talk about Christian

things and act always in Christian ways? NO! It means that we are

the salt and light in a decaying world—at the office, school, or

neighborhood. It means living in God’s Ways in the filth of life

situations, some of which are very difficult and painful! We are called

to be set apart to God and for God!

I may step on some toes this morning, including my own, but I need to

address more of “everyday holiness”. It is not escapism from bringing

Christ to a dying world. But it is being sober about what God has

done and also about whom I am—His Child! Everyday holiness means

I gather up all the slack in my life—stop compartmentalizing—stop

flirting with the world and its ungodliness—and prepare myself for

action consistent with my New Character in Christ Jesus! God wants

us to be “in this world, but not of this world.” It is very heartbreaking

when professed believers all too often and of their own free will, choose

ungodliness. Many times we call it “entertainment”. But much of

what is “entertainment” today is nothing more a cesspool of

immorality! And God is grieved because He gave His Son, Jesus that

we might be saved and enjoy fellowship with HIM! The truth about

computer programming is true for more than just computers—

“Garbage In—Garbage out!” And when we find ourselves in such a

predicament, We cannot fellowship with God!

ILLUS: A happy Christian met an Irish peddler one day and said to

him, "It's a grand thing to be saved." "Aye," said the peddler,

"It is. But I think something is equally as good as that." "What

can you possibly think is equal to salvation?" "The

companionship of the Man who has saved me," was the reply.

When we know that, we can rejoice with John and say "Truly

our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus

Christ" (1 John 1:3).

Daily we must “be holy, for He is holy” so we can enjoy fellowship with


CLOSING: Because of our relationship with Our Heavenly Father, we have a

steadfast hope, a Living Hope, which should translate itself in our

lives by us being conformed to His HOLINESS! Holiness honors

God with all I am in all places that I am and at all times! Holiness

trusts God with the realization that what is He is doing in my life,

even in the midst of pain and hurt, is for my good and His Glory!

Holiness testifies to others of God’s New Life in me! And that

allows God’s glory to shine in the filthiest of places! As we face the

twists and turns on the road of life we sometimes find ourselves on

the pathway of the hurting. But let us realize it is A WAY OF




Believers are born again to a Living Hope! Destined for a glorious

Future! Protected by the power of Almighty God! Holiness is our

Way—Because we have anchored our hope completely on “the grace

that is to be brought us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” God has

given unto us a new character, we are “obedient children” And God

has given to us the greatest ministry opportunity which is also the

greatest testimony to HIS glory—YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM

HOLY! What a testimony of HIS Glory it is to this world, when HIS

Children display His holiness even on the pathway of the hurting!

NOTES: 1. David Jeremiah. A Bend In The Road. p. 21.

2. Albert M. Wells, Jr. Inspiring Quotations-Contemporary &

Classical. p. 88.

  1. Wells. p. 205.
  2. Robert J. Morgan. Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations

& Quotes. p. 103.

5. Wells. p. 195.