Summerfield House

2 Eday Road


AB15 6RE



Your Ref

Our RefRC/

Enquiries toRichard Carey


Direct Line01224




Dear Colleague


NHS Grampian would like to hear the views of interested parties on proposals about how to make all NHS Grampian sites and grounds smoke free.

NHS Grampian’s revised Draft Tobacco Policy means that patients, visitors and staff will not be allowed to smoke on NHS Grampian premises and grounds, or when using NHS Grampian services.

NHS Grampian is responsible for improving the health of the people in Grampian. NHS Grampian recognises the dangers of passive smoking and the potential effects of this on patients, visitors and staff and believes that all patients, visitors and staff have the right to be in a totally smoke-free environment. NHS Grampian provides support for people who wish to give up smoking.

NHS Grampian’s current Tobacco Policy was developed in 2006, following a change to the law, and prohibited smoking within enclosed or substantially enclosed spaces. The aim of the Tobacco Policy (2006) was to ensure that all NHS Grampian sites become smoke free within a few years and the provision of smoking areas was only a temporary measure.

The Consultation Paper attached explains the proposed changes. It is being circulated widely, for example, to voluntary organisations, Community Councils, self-help groups, user groups, MPs and MSPs and individuals. NHS Grampian would like to give people the opportunity to comment on the implementation of the proposals. There are a number of ways in which you can do this:

  • Complete the consultation questionnaire attached and send it back to: FREEPOST, NHS Grampian or by email to
  • Get in touch via our website Click on the smokefree logo to access the consultation document and download the questionnaire
  • Email your comments to
  • Write to Derek Petrie, Tobacco Control Co-ordinator, NHS Grampian Public Health Directorate, Summerfield House, 2 Eday Road, Aberdeen, AB15 6RE

All responses to the consultation paper must be received by Tuesday 31 March 2009.

All replies will be treated as confidential. The consultation paper and questionnaire are available in large print and on computer disk. Other formats and languages can also be supplied on request. Please contact NHS Grampian Corporate Communications Team on 01224 554400 or email

Yours sincerely

Richard Carey

Chief Executive