1. Title of the good practice *
  1. Brief description *
  1. Select the Europe 2020 flagship initiative to which your example of good practice refers *
/ Digital Agenda For Europe
Innovation Union
Youth On The Move
Resource Efficient Europe
An Industrial Policy For The Globalisation Era
An Agenda For New Skills And Jobs
European Platform Against Poverty
All Europe 2020
  1. If any please comment:
  1. Country *
  1. Name of the leading LRA *
  1. Type of organisation
  1. Other partners involved (add partner)
/ Local level
Regional level
National Government
European Level
Other Partners
  1. Please specify their role and tasks
  1. CoR member supporting the proposal (if any)
  1. Upload image (logo or photo of the project etc.)
/ Type the Web address: (Click here to test)

Type the description:

  1. Project website URL
/ Type the Web address: (Click here to test)

Type the description:

  1. Please select one of the thematic events at which you wish to present your proposal:
/ Youth on the Move: 13 December 2012, Brussels;
An agenda for new skills and jobs: 28 February 2013, Dublin;
European platform against poverty: 10 April 2013, Brussels; (to be confirmed)
Industrial policy for the globalisation era, 29 May 2013, Brussels; (to be confirmed)
Digital Agenda (in combination with the Digital Assembly, to be confirmed): 2 July 2013, Brussels; (to be confirmed)
Resource-efficient Europe: 6 September 2013, Vilnius; (to be confirmed)
Innovation Union: 26 November 2013, Brussels. (to be confirmed)
  1. Is the good practice presented part of the priorities set in the NRP of your country?
/ Yes
Don't know
  1. Please comment:
  1. Project lifetime (starting and ending dates)
  1. Estimated project cost
  1. EU funding
  1. National contribution, regional and local contribution
  1. Private funding:
  1. Results / impacts so far
  1. Obstacles / Lessons learned
  1. Contact person *
  1. email *
  1. Organisation
  1. Website URL
/ Type the Web address: (Click here to test)

Type the description:

  1. Address
  1. Other comments:
  1. Flagship initiative #1
  1. Flagship initiative #2