Writer’s Workshop Seed Idea Lesson
Purpose:To have students generate ideas for stories using their background knowledge and past experiences.
Materials:Saturdays and Teacakes by Lester Laminack
chart paper
journal header “Special times with Grandparents”
student “Seed Idea” journals
ELAKW1The student begins to understand the principles of writing. The student
- Writes or dictates to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences.
ELA1W1 The student begins to understand the principles of writing. The student
a. Writes texts of a length appropriate to address a topic and tell a story.
b. Describes an experience in writing.
ELA2W1 The student begins to demonstrate competency in the writing process. The student
- Writes text of a length appropriate to address a topic and tell the story.
**There are no specific upper grades standards to address.
Intended Learning Statement:Students will generate a list of ideas for writing.
Essential Question:Where do authors get ideas for their stories?
Connecting to Background Knowledge/Previous Lesson: Remind students that authors get their ideas for stories from many places. Review the “Where Authors Get Ideas” anchor chart with students.
Modeling/Active Involvement:Teacher discusses with students that authors can get ideas by reading books and/or thinking about special times they have had in the past. Teacher gives brief synopsis of book Saturdays and Teacakes by saying “This book is about a young boy and his grandmother. Every Saturday they spend a special time together. Listen as the author describes this special time” Teacher then reads book aloud to class. At the end of reading, teacher discusses the book with students and then discusses how this book reminds him/her of some special times that he/she has had with his/her grandparents. Teacher explains that many of these times would make good stories. Teacher shows class chart paper that says “Special times with Grandparents” at the top. Teacher then adds short phrases to the chart paper that would remind her of stories she could write.
Teacher then asks students to turn and talk with their writing partner about one memory they have with their grandparents. Allow students to briefly tell about a memory they have.
Work Period:
Teacher explains that students will be adding ideas about special times with their own Grandparents. Teacher hands out journal header sheets. Students glue them in their Seed Idea journals at the top of a clean page and then add 5-8 ideas from their own life. After adding the ideas teacher will encourage students to choose one of their ideas to write about today. Students may choose to do so or choose something else to write about.
Share Time:
Teacher chooses 2-3 students who have written about a special time with their grandparent/s to share with the class. Teacher may also ask students to share their list with the class.
Michelle Palmer ‘09