Douglas Road Elementary School PAC

Meeting minutes

Date: February 24, 2016 / Location: Library / Called to order: 6:00 pm / Adjourned 6:52pm
Chairperson: Paulina Taliber / Treasurer: Esther Bernardi / Secretary: Esther Bernardi / DPAC: Michelle Kienzle
Principal: MaryAnn Brown / Fundraising: Lesley McKechnie / Parents: / Guests: Laurie Svenson, Beedie Group
Action / Discussion / Person in Action
1. / Motion / Approval of agenda / Paulina
2. / Motion / Approval of minutes from January 13, 2016 / Paulina
3. / Principal
Report /
  1. Basketball is over at the end of February
  2. Vancouver Symphony Orchestra engagement. Ms. Con & Mr. Milloy went to a meeting to discuss modules.
  3. Established a date Bramwell Tovey from the VSOwho will come to the school to present for parents and students.
  4. Division 1 and 2 will go to Orpheum. VSO musicians will come to Douglas Road with instruments for students to play and learn about.
  5. There will be feedback forms to evaluate how it went.
  6. For each class it will be different regarding modules.
  7. This will happen between Feb and end of May
  8. Today was an early dismissal to honour “Pink shirt and anti-bullying day”.
Students were lectured on spreading kindness and being aware of bullying.
  1. Report cards to go out before spring break
  2. FSA’s are done for Grade 4 and 7
  3. Ministry Satisfaction surveys will go out soon
  4. April 1st – Jump Rope for heart. Will be collecting coins from the students
  5. Last Young Peoples concert is finished for this year.
  6. Today was Public Speaking Zone finals. Out of 15 speakers we came in the top 3.
  7. The speeches started with “What If” Miliya (Div 2) was “What if curriculum was taught with music, Aahil (Div 2) spoke on “What if everyone drove electric cars”.
/ Mary Ann
4. / DPAC /
  1. Guest speakers were a task force for sexually exploited youth.
  2. It has come to light that the majority of our youth don’t realize that “Sexting” is dangerous and criminal offense.
  3. Under the Canadian Criminal Code a child under 12 cannot consent. But 12 and 13 can consent with someone two years older. And a 15 year old can consent with someone 5 years older.
  4. This task force is through Burnaby New West Health Authority a non-profit organization providing services to endangered youth. To address the sexual abuse of children in the commercial sex trade.
  5. Emphasis was based on elementary students knowing body parts and technology.
  6. The speakers suggested or advised that there should be no technology in the bedroom of kids or parents.
  7. Parents are to try to promote electronic free tablets.
  8. Keep discussions open with children.
  9. Digital literacy program for Grade 8’s covers topics about copyright laws and online privacy.
  10. Digital Literacy may even be offered for Grade 6 and 7 soon.
/ Michelle
5. / Principal & DPAC /
  1. “School Planning” visits are coming in March. This year the District will be meeting with principal only. PAC not required to attend. However, we are free to attend other schools and see what they are planning.
  2. Our school goal is Social Emotional Learning.
  3. Restitution and bucket filling is about exactly that – the self-regulation of expressing emotions in a positive healthy manner, helping kids dealing with trauma, inferiority, etc…
  4. Teachers at Douglas Road have implemented instruments such as Mood Metres, etc…. Helping students illustrate how they are feeling and articulate their feelings constructively, verbally and in a non-aggressive manner.
  5. Michelle suggested to insert something in the newsletter about messages to the parents as helpful hints on how to aide their kids in Social Emotional Learning which begins at home.
  6. Michelle will email the DPAC and ask for a link.
  7. Maywood Elementary is having a Flee Market Sat April 23rd, 2016
/ MaryAnn & Michelle
6. / Treasurer /
  1. The PAC Budget as of Feb 28, 2016 was presented. 68% of both Income & Expense Items have been realized. The only items left to expense will be the Carnival, Grade 7 Camp Bus, Sports Day and Teachers Luncheon.
  2. Going forward all funds raised will be for the 2016/2017 school year.
  3. Total Income from School Events/ Fundraising to date, i.e. Hot Lunch, Movie Nights, Voluntary Donations, Pies & Cookie Sales, Family Photo Night, Multicultural Dinner, Gaming Grant, General Revenue (Art by kids) and Opening balance of PAC account equates to $16,518.41.
  4. Total Expenses incurred to date: $11,950.53
  5. Teacher`s Wish List was also realized, with reservation of year end field trip bus rental, which will be left to the discretion of the PAC. The stipulation still stands that two or more divisions are to share buses.
  6. January 15 to Feb 28 Fundraising was discussed. Income Statement was presented.
  7. January Pizza Profit - $412.05
  8. Multi-Cultural Dinner Profit - $425.53
  9. Retro Movie Night, E.T. – Pizza & Concession - $260.15
  10. February Sushi Lunch - $144.63
  11. Total Sales – 1,242.36
  12. A cheque for $2,064.52 submitted to school for: Teachers Wish List items were Purposeful Play games $500, Teachers Consumables $800, Movie License $200, Hip Hop $564.52.
  13. PAC Account Balance - $6,238.42
  14. Gaming Account Balance - $4.028.67
  15. School Account (Donations) $1,070.00
/ Esther
7.6. / School / a)Parents and visitors noticing the school`s floors and washroom are not up to industry standards. MaryAnn will address the issue. / Esther
8. / Outside Kinderg. Area /
  1. Outside door not open in rainy days, parents were concerned about standing in the rain and waiting too long for doors to open. Doors have been opening as soon as bell rings, therefore situation has been rectified.
  2. The school policy is entry at 8:55am, however, breakfast program has allowed students in the school earlier at 8:30 am.
  3. Undercover area is to be used on these rainy days.
/ Paulina
9. / Hot Lunch Ideas for Spring /
  1. Subway – beginning of March
  2. Hot Dog Sale April 7th at lunch time. $2.00 each – PAC to attend
  3. Hot Dogs for Sports Day – June 24th
  4. April 21st Pizza
  5. May 19th Pizza
/ Lesley
10. / Safety /
  1. Crossing guards (Grade 7) for Kincaid Streetwas mentioned.
  2. Teachers have been presented with this in the past and refuse it every time. The consensus is that is cuts in classroom time and is disruptive when crossing guard arrives after 9:00 am and class is already in session.
  3. Safety is an on-going issue at Douglas Road and we have been doing our best to curve the parking habits of parents and visitors on Kincaid Street.
  4. The school and parents will be trying to raise traffic awareness with students as their pro-activeness in reminding their transporters of illegal parking or speeding in the school zone.
  5. MaryAnn will raise issue of crossing guards with teachers again.
  6. PAC will offer incentive for Grade 6 or 7 guard volunteers.
/ All
11.Don / Student Council Supplies / a)Going forward PAC will use separate supplies for popcorn, oil and bags. Paulina has purchased our own stock and student council will be responsible to their inventory. / Paulina
12.\ / Fundraising /
  1. Fundraiser using Flowers Sales in Spring:
  2. Hanging Basket is $21.28 for sale at $25.00 to $30.00
  3. 12” hanging strawberry basket - $16.00 and sell for $20.00
  4. They pay us directly once we put the order in they deliver to us. Deliver fee of $35.00
  5. Discussion around the table and we all agreed that it is too expensive and the profit margin is slight. However, the idea of purchasing baskets from Costco and have a flower sale of our own did cross the table. We will revisit this at the next meeting.
/ Michelle
13. / Freezie Sales / a)Mott`s Fruitsations Freezies versus ice cream cups or both.
b)Regular freezies are not School Board approved.
c)We will sell for significantly more than last year. Lesley will decide on the pricing.
d)After the meeting Lesley and Esther discussed selling yogurt tubes as well.
e)This will be revisited at the next meeting / Lesley
14. / Walkathon
April 29th
12:30 pm / a)Large watermelons one per division (12) must be purchased. Paulina and Esther will look for donations.
b)Early dismissal 2:10 pm.
c)A discussion of the quality and size of prizes. It was agreed that instead of two or three big ticket items, smaller but significant prizes would be more realistic and would satisfy more students.
d)First prizes might consist of a small travel DVD players, Bluetooth speakers and the like. We will commission Best Buy, Visions and London Drugs for donations, as per last year. / All
15. / Spring Events / a)Because May is such a busy month for events we have decided that Mother’s Day BBQ might be too ambitious.
b)Instead discussions on combining Mother’s Day into a “Family night, with Bingo, desserts brought by each family and perhaps a small prize board or raffle.
c)A tentative date of Friday, May 6th was chosen.
d)Potted annual plants or flowers for families to take home.
e)Paulina and Esther will call plant stores about donating some flats of flowers.
f)We still have prizes from Pharmasave (beauty gifts) and one $25.00 coupon for White Spot to raffle off. / All
16. / Family Photo / a)Date changed from Oct 19 & 20 to October 5 and 6, 2016 / MaryAnn
17. / Laurie Svenson, Beedie Group / a)Laurie expressed her appreciation for our meetings, our dedication to our school and Mrs. Brown’s dedication to us. We expressed our gratitude to her and Beedie Group for all the support they give to our school.
b)She invited the PAC to come see her anytime at Beedie Group (Gilmore and Manor).
c)The PAC expressed to this honoured guest our good fortune in having such a supportive and attentive principal in Mrs. Brown.
18. / Next Meeting / Wednesday May 4that 6:00 in the library
Meeting adjourned / 7:25 pm