Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council

Clerk: Steve Young, The Hawthorns, 60 Main Street, Bubwith, Selby YO8 6LX, Telephone 01757 288234


Dear Councillor

A meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 16 August 2017 at 7.00pm in the Methodist Chapel, Selby Road. You are summoned to attend, if you are unable to attend, would you please contact me in order that I can record your apologies.

Information on planning applications & decisions will be available to view in the meeting room from 6.30pm and at the PC Surgery on Saturday 12 August 2017 between 10am and 12 noon

The PC meeting may be recorded by the public as per the legislation

Steve Young


Public session

Richard Brook has asked to speak about the plans for a car park for Holme Rovers

Welcome and Apologies

53/17 Minutes of PC meeting 19/7/2017 and Burial Committee meeting 12/7/17

Declaration of Interest. To record any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Ian Baxter, Richard Brook, Ernest Smith, Anthea Waudby non-pecuniary in Village Hall matters

54/17 Matters arising

ü  Handyman issues, the seat on the playing field paid for by Holme Grown is now in place and cost claimed from them. The seat on High Street is also in place

ü  Grapevine, August edition

ü  Cemetery report

ü  Car parking

ü  Play area

ü  In Bloom

ü  Speeding in the village

ü  Village Hall roof, total budget £37,256 plus VAT, Village Hall contribution £7,451.20, the £32,000 Public Works Loan Board loan is in the Parish Council account

ü  Dog fouling issues and abuse of the doggie bag supply

ü  Hedge/Public Right of Way running from High Street behind Snowdrop Garth, update

ü  School posters for play area

ü  Skiff Lane plus exit from airfield plus Port Royal/Back Lane crossroads

ü  Community housing as per article in Grapevine on Page 11

55/17 Planning applications, nil

56/17 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council

17/01540/PLF Conversion of integral garage to provide additional living space, erection of carport and boundary fence, replacement of outbuilding roof and installation of package treatment plant to replace septic tank at Ascham Lodge, Shipton Lane for Mr Cooper, granted

17/01558/PLF Erection of single storey extension to side following demolition of existing store at Southgates Garage 8 High Street for Mr Mark Atkinson, granted

17/01864/VAR Removal of condition 3 (17/00797/PLF) to allow the erection of single storey extension to rear with clear glass in window to the west elevation at Kepplegate 4A Selby Road for Mr & Mrs Andrew & Elaine Readyhough, granted

16/03570/PLF Change of use of existing static caravan from welfare facilities and store for medical supplies to a temporary agricultural workers dwelling at land west of New Farm Cliffe Lane for Mr Simon Goodall, granted

17/00015/STVAR Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) and Condition 7 (Ecological Enhancement and Maintenance Plan) pf planning permission 14/02625/STPLF (Erection of 12 mushroom houses, covered arcade, packaging and services building and associated works including widening of existing access) at Garrick Farm Howden Road for Mr & Mrs M&P Middlebrook, granted

17/00018/STPLF Erection of 2 factory buildings (Phase 4/B and 5) in connection with existing business and associated parking and landscaping following demolition of redundant buildings at J Rotherham Masonry Limited Unit 3 Holme Industrial Estate Skiff Lane for J Rotherham Masonry Ltd, granted

57/17 Accounts, balances of £10,320.07, current account, £2,241.34 saver account (reserves £1,500 towards election 2019)

Difference to last meeting, debits; £ 2,164.18 payments approved at last meeting and cheques to be confirmed £38,364.39: credits £95.00 Cemetery, £96.00 Ellerton & Aughton PC for copying, £31,975.00 PWLB loan

Cheques to be confirmed £9,930.60 Sprystar play area and £44.19 XBM copier cost, £6,789.60 Sprystar play area, £21,600.00 HBMS phase one Village Hall roof

Cheques to be approved: £XX Peter2 Wiles handyman (£457.40 plus £XX expenses), £104.05 Mel Raper litter picker, £942.21 Steve Young Clerk August (includes £898.80 salary £25.41 post), £360.00 PKF Littlejohn external audit, £16.62 Npower festive lighting, £41.45 Margaret DIY for flags and plant food, £144.7 S Young reimbursement A3 paper

Note that the external audit carried out by PKF Littlejohn has been returned with no comments

Newsletter/copier 2017/18 to date Income £486.00, Expenditure £1,877.51 (£1,564.59 ex VAT)

58/17 Reports

59/17 Correspondence

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 20 September 2017 in the Methodist Church Hall