Work address: PortlandStateUniversity, Dept. World Languages Nationality: Spain, USA resident (2006)
Po Box 751. Portland, OR97207, USA Email:
Tel. (work): +1 (503) 725 8785
Web page:
Ph.D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics. Awarded “Cum Laude” at the University of Salamanca, Spain. 1993-98
Teaching Certificate. C.A.P. (Curso de adaptación pedagógica). U. of Salamanca, Spain. 1993-94
B.A. Spanish Philology. Licenciatura en Filología Hispánica. U. of Salamanca, Spain. 1988-94
B.A. English Philology. Licenciatura en Filología Inglesa. U. of Salamanca, Spain. 1988-93
Spanish Teaching Experience
Academic Positions
Associate Professor in Spanish, (tenured 2006). Dept.F.L.L.PortlandStateUniversity, Portland, OR, USA. 2002- present
Assistant Professor in Spanish, tenure-track. Dept. M.C.L. Hope College, Holland, MI, USA. 1999-02
Visiting Assistant Professor in Spanish Linguistics. Dept.M.C.L.University of Houston, Houston, TX, USA. 1998-99
Lecturer in Spanish. Dept. of Spanish. National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. 1996-98
Teaching Asst. Dept. of Spanish. University of Portsmouth, School of LanguagesPortsmouth, U. K. 1994-96
Sabbatical Leave
Visiting scholar at University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, PR. Invitation by the Dept. of Spanish. Win. 2009
Visiting scholar at StanfordUniversity, CA. Courteous invitation by the Dept. of Iberian Studies. Fall 2008
MiddleburyCollegeSummerSpanishSchool,Middlebury, VT, USA, and Guadalajara, Mexico. Jul.-Aug. 2000-05, 2008
University of Santiago de Compostela, Cursos Internacionales, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Jul.-Aug. 97
Intensive summer course in Spanish Language: beginners (5 h. daily) Jul. 96
Colegio de España, Salamanca, Spain. Intensive summer course in Spanish Language (5 h. daily). Jul.-Aug. 93
Programs Abroad
MiddleburyCollege Summer School:on-site director of the graduate studies program in Guadalajara, Mexico Jul.-Aug. 2010
MiddleburyCollege Summer School in Guadalajara, México.Jul.-Aug. 2008
PSU International ESL program in South Korea, Hanam (Jeollanamdo summer term). Jul. – Aug. 2007
University of Oviedo, Spain. Northwest Council of Study Abroad (NCSA) Program, USA. Jan. – March 06
University of Salamanca, Spain. U. of Houston Summer Abroad Program in Cursos Internacionales. May-Jul. 99
Publications & ResearchBooks:
Núñez-Méndez, E. 2008. Spanish Version of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde. New York: Edwin Mellen Press. vi + 664 pp. ISBN: 9780773450509.
---- 2005. Fundamentos de fonología y fonética española para hablantes de inglés. Munich:Lincom GmbH. v + 132 pp. ISBN: 3895869589.
Reviewed in The Rocky Mountain Review 2006, 60: 150-51. Book note in Language Journal (eLanguage).
Book (in press, Yale University Press)
Fundamentos teóricos y prácticos de historia de la lengua. ii + 295 pp.
Encyclopedia entries (2):
Núñez-Méndez, E. 2000. Juan Ramón Jiménez and Jorge Guillén.Encyclopedia of Literary Translation 1: 593-94, 731-32. Fitzroy Dearborn
Publishers, London, U.K.
Articles in Peer Reviewed journals:
Núñez-Méndez, E. 2010 (in press). “El lenguaje como catarsis existencial en La vida secreta de las palabras de Isabel Coixet”. Journal Notandum, Brasil.
----- 2008. “La Diamela Eltit de Mano de obra: mística de los trabajadores”. Journal Hispanófila152: 87-100. U. ofNorth Carolina, USA.
----- 2007.¿Tienen ventajas cognitivas los bilingües sobre los monolingües? Journal Linguistica (47): 77-85. U. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
----- 2005. “El complemento indirecto introducido por ‘para”. Journal Hispanic Research Journal 6 (1): 3-12. U. of London. U. K.
----- 2003. “Poeta en el exilio, el Juan Ramón Jiménez de Dios deseado y deseante”. Journal Ojáncano 24: 97-104. U. of Georgia, USA.
-----2002. “Mastretta y sus protagonistas, ejemplos de emancipación femenina”. Journal Romance Studies 20 (2): 115-28. U. ofWales, U. K.
----- 2001. “El origen de trabajar”. Journal Neophilologus85: 385-95. University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
----- 2000. “Criatura y creador en ‘Niebla’ de Unamuno”. JournalExplicación de textos literarios28: 133-44. California S. U., Sacramento, USA.
Co-authored articles in Peer Reviewed journals:
-----and Aliaj, Fationa. 2008. “Aplicación lingüística-comparativa del CD y CI del español y del albanés”. Journal RLFE(Revista de lenguas para fines específicos: Journal of languages for specific purposes), 13: 179-207. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
Under review:
-----and Tasi Joana. 2010. “La expresión de deseo en español y en albanés: un estudio lingüístico comparativo de los modos subjuntivo y optativo”.Journal of Studies in Applied Linguistics, ELA, UNAM, México.
Articles in proceedings of refereed conferences:
Núñez-Méndez, E. 2001. “Corregir o no los errores en la clase de español como LE”. Proceedings of the VII Simposium of Social Communication. Ed. by Center of Applied Linguistics 2: 132-38. University of Santiago de Cuba.
Articles in non-peer reviewed journals:
Núñez-Méndez, E. 2005. “Preparing a Narrative for a Bilingual Collection of Hazell Hall”. PSU magazine Our Voices: Teaching and Learning at PSU.
------2002. “Power, Linguistic Diversity and Education”. Journal Faculty Focus12 (1): 3. PortlandStateUnivesity, OR, USA.
------2002. “¿Representan las mujeres de Mastretta la emancipación del poder sexual femenino?” Journal La Torre24 (7): 209-24.U. de Puerto Rico.
Núñez-Méndez, E. 2006. “Translated poems of Hazel Hall”. Journal Shadows and Echoes4 (1): 9-11, Pacific Lutheran U., WA, USA.
Book Reviews in Peer Reviewed journals:
Núñez-Méndez, E.2008. Dieter Wanner. The Power of Analogy: An Essay on Historical Linguistics. Linguistica e Filologia 25: 266-267. University
of Bologne, Italy. In English.
----- 2007 Adrian Holliday. The Struggle to Teach English as an International Language.Studies in Second Language Acquisition
29 (3): 495-497. CambridgeU. Press. In English.
----- 2005. Christopher Ross. Spain 1812-2004: Modern History for Modern Languages, Language, Culture and Curriculum18 (2): 222-24.
Linguistic Instituteof Ireland. In English.
-----2005. Bonny Norton (ed.) et al. Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition27 (4):
635-36. CambridgeU. Press. In English.
----- 2005. Christine Henseler.Contemporary Spanish Women’s Narrative and the Publishing Industry. Hispanic Journal Indiana 25: 265-67. University of Pennsylvania.In English.
----- 2005. Review of Marysia Johnson. A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition. Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature. WashingtonState U 59 (1): 81-83. In English.
----- 2004. Review of Lisa Wollendord’s (ed.) Recovering Spain’s Feminist Tradition.Journal Ojáncano 25:95-99.U. of Georgia. InEnglish.
----- 2004. Review of P. Eckert & J. Rickford ‘s Style and Sociolinguistic Variation.American Speech 79 (1): 98-101. Duke U. Press.In English.
----- 2003. Review of M. L. Reyes & J. Halcón’s The Best for our Children. Linguistics Education 13 (4): 565-67. U. of Pennsylvania. In English.
----- 2003. Review of S. G. Kellman’s The Translingual Imagination. South Central Review 20 (1): 155-58. TexasA & MUniversity. In English.
----- 2002. Review of M. Stanley Whitley’s et al. Gramática para la composición. Rilce, Revista de Filología Hispánica 18 (1): 141-43. U. of Navarra, Spain.In Spanish.
----- 2002. Review of George Yule’s The Study of Language, and its Spanish translation El lenguaje. Journal Rilce18 (1): 143-46. In Spanish.
----- 2001. Review of Rod Ellis. Second Language Acquisition. Journal Lingua: International Review of General Linguistics 111(12): 895-98.University
of Leiden, The Netherlands. In English.
----- 2001. Review of Bernard Spolky’s, Sociolinguistics. Southwest Journal of Linguistics 20 (1): 125-27. U. of Texas at Commerce. In English.
----- 2000. Review of R. Haidt’s, Embodying Enlightenment: Knowing the Body in Eighteenth C. Spanish Lit. & Culture.Journal of the History of Sexuality9 (4): 509-13. History Dept., San FranciscoStateUniversity. In English.
----- 1999. Review of C. Newton’s, Understanding F. García Lorca.Journal Explicación de textos literarios 27 (1): 71-72.California State U., Sacramento. In Spanish.
----- 1999. Review of Manuel Antonio Arango’s Símbolo y simbología en la obra de Federico García Lorca. Journal Explicación de textos literarios
27 (2): 98-99. In Spanish
Other Book Reviews:
----- 2005. Review of Leena Huss (ed.) et al. Transcending Monolingualism, Linguistic Revitalisation in Education.International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 8 (2 & 3): 249-51.Temple U., PA. In English.
----- 2004. Review of Jim Cummins’s Language, Power and Pedagogy.Language Magazine Vol. 3 (6), p. 37. Language Media LLC, CA. In English.
----- 2002. Review of W. H. Calvin & D. Bickerton’s Lingua ex Machina. Linguistica Antverpiensia 1: 437-40. Independent Journal in Linguistics, Belgium. In English.
----- 1999. Review of E. Baron Turk’s, Hollywood Diva: A Biography of J. MacDonald. Scope, On-line Journal of Film Studies (8)99. University of Nottingham. U. K. In English.
Research in progress
Currently, I am formatting my bookFundamentos teóricos y prácticos de historia de la lenguafor publication with Yale University Press.
I’m also working in one article coauthored with one of my graduate students about Sicilian and Spanish linguistic differences.
Research interests and areas of concentration
Primary: Theoretical linguistics: phonetics - phonology, syntax, history of Spanish Language.
Secondary: Translation from English into Spanish. Woman studies in modern Hispanic literature.
Editorial & Translation consulting
Translation of books (children’s books)
Author Nanette Lockwood. Noche, kitten of the Night. Portland: Lyndhurst Lectorum Publishers, 2004.
----- El viejecito y la gatita anaranjada. Portland: Lyndhurst Lectorum Publishers, 2005.
Scientific Translations
Linguistic consultant for Legacy Emanuel Hospital TNTT (Trauma Nurses Talk Tough) Program (2006-08).
Translation of Portuguese book
Author Carla Marina Vieira. La feminidad sagrada.Lisbon: Ediciones Viadarmonia, 2007. (Not published yet).
International Conferences
Abstract reviewer for the RMMLA (Rocky Moutain MLA) in sessions: Spanish Linguistics (2006, 2004); Second Language Acquisition (2005); and Representation of Woman in XX cent. Latino-American Literature (2006).
Volume editor
Manuscript reviewer for Bob Gould’s and Liliana Pache’s, Proyecto España: Spanish for Professional Purposes. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1995
Editor of the Spanish Connection Newsletter, published by the Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, at PSU, OR (2003).
Papers presented in refereed conferences & symposia
2010 “Error correction in the 2L classroom”.NWALLT / SWALLT Conference on Sustainable Lang. Learning and Technology,ReedCollege,
Portland, OR. Oct. 15-17.
2007 “Lenguaje y simbología en ‘La vida secreta de las palabras’ de Isabel Coixet”. Cine-Lit, Portland State University, OR. Feb. 21-24
“The Iberian Linguistic heritage of Sephardic Jews: ancient melodies”.13th Annual Western Jewish Studies Association Conference, Portland State University, OR. March 18-19.
2006“¿Dialéctica subversiva o burguesa en el mundo femenino de Mastretta?” At Rocky Mountain MLA, U. Of Arizona, Tucson. Oct. 12-14.
2005 “Cómo enseñar preguntando en la clase de español lengua extranjera”. At Rocky Mountain MLA, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Oct. 20-22.
2004“Mística de los trabajadores en la prosa chilena de Eltit”. Pacific MLA, Reed College, OR, Nov. 5-7.
“Mastretta y sus protagonistas: ejemplos de emancipación femenina”. At Rocky Mountain MLA, U. Of Colorado, at Boulder, Sept. 30- 2 Nov.
“La Dianela Eltit de Mano de obra: mística de los trabajadores”. Conference on Transatlantic Studies, Brown University, April, 15-17.
2003“¿Cómo enmendar lo errado en la clase de español como lengua extranjera?” Rocky Mountain MLA, U. of Montana. Oct. 9-11
“Poeta en el exilio, el Juan Ramón Jiménez de Dios deseado y deseante.” International Conference on Hispanic Literature, CaliforniaState
University at Sacramento, CA. March 21-22.
“Refleja Belle Epoque la emancipación femenina bajo la realidad sociopolítica de la España de los años treinta? Cine-Lit. V. Conference on
Spanish cinema and literature. Portland State U., Portland, OR. Feb. 26- March 1.
2002 “¿Tienen los bilingües ventajas cognitivas sobre los monolingües?” Rocky Mountain MLA, Scottsdale, ArizonaStateUniversity. Oct. 10-12.
2001“Es ‘para’ marca de complemento indirecto”.South Central MLA, Conference on Linguistics, Oklahoma State U., Tulsa, USA. Nov. 1-3.
“Do bilinguals have cognitive advantages over monolinguals”. LASSO, Linguistic Assoc. of the Southwest, U. of New Mexico, Alburquerque, USA. Sept. 28-30.
“Corregir o no los errores en la clase de español como LE”. Symposium on Social Comunication, Centro de lingüística aplicada, U. of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Jan. 22-26.
2000“¿Montar a “cabello” o a caballo? ¿Cómo enmendar lo errado?” LASSO, Linguistic Assoc. of the Southwest, U. Autónoma de Puebla, México. Oct. 13-15.
“Sobre el complemento indirecto introducido por ‘para’”. La Chispa, Conference on Hispanic Langs.Lit., Louisiana State U., Baton Rouge, USA. March 2-4.
1999“La integridad del español americano”. Latin American Conference,Interconsortial Conference of ACM, ACS & GLCA. WabashCollege, Indianapolis, USA. Nov. 5-7.
1996“Translation issues in stanza 43 of Troilus & Criseyde”. 1st Intern. Conference on Literary Translation to & from the Languages of Spain, MiddlesexU., London, U. K. Dec. 5-7.
Spanish:Mother Tongue. English: Second Language (Diploma in English Studies, U. of Portsmouth, U. K. Erasmus Exchange Program, 1992-93).Portuguese: Intermediate level (Diploma in Portuguese Language, University of Lisbon, 1990). French Italian: beginner level.
Language Coordinating & Advising Experience
PortlandStateUniversity: Third year Spanish coordinator, Span 301-3, (2003-07), 5 / 6 sections.
Advisor for the GTEP, Graduate Teacher Education Program (Spanish), in the Graduate School of Education (2007-present).
Advisor for the Graduate Programs in Spanish in the Dept. of Foreign Languages, PSU (2007-09).
Head Spanish Section (2009-2011).
MiddleburyCollege: Graduate Advanced Grammar Classes, Span 505 (summer 2001-04), 5 sections.
Written Composition Coordinator, Span 601 (summer 2004), 3 sections.
Advanced Spanish coordinator, Span 401 – 403 (summer 2005), 3 sections.
HopeCollege: Second year Spanish coordinator, level 200, (1999-01), 5 sections.
Third year Spanish coordinator, level 300, (2000-01), 2 sections.
Coordinator of activities in the Spanish Club (2000-02).
Advising First Year Students (2000-02).
Supervisor of Study Abroad Program in Salamanca, Spain (2001-02).
Supervising teacher students at local schools (2000-01).
U. of Houston: Co-director of the UH Summer Abroad Program in Spain. Duties included: advising students, administering budget, housing, working with Spanish faculty and staff and teaching linguistics (May-July 1999).
Teaching in USA
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Portland State University, OR, USA
Graduate (Master): History of the Spanish Lang. (4/590), Spanish Syntax (4/598), Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (4/594), Applied Linguistics (4/597), Peninsular Prose (4/521), Advanced Grammar (4/514, 4/511).
Undergraduate: Advanced Composition (301/ 2), Phonology and Phonetics (325), Morfosemantics of Subjunctive (399).
MiddleburyCollege, VT¸ USA
Graduate (Ph.D. & Master): Phonetics and Phonology (6694), Applied
Linguistics (6691), Advanced Spanish Writing (505), Composition & Stylistics (601), and Methodology of Teaching Spanish as a SL (695).
Undergraduate: Spanish language (401-403)
Hope College,MI, USA
Undergraduate: Spanish Lang. (levels 200, 300), Teaching Foreign Lang. (384) & an Interdisciplinary Seminar (freshman).
University of Houston,TX, USA
Graduate (Ph. D. & Master): Spanish Syntax (6356), Teaching Spanish for SLA & New Tendencies in Language Acquisition (6395), Dialectology & Bilingualism (4/6396).
Undergraduate: Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (4355) & Advanced Composition (3302).
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Teaching in Europe
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National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
Graduate (M.A. in Applied Linguistics): Translation into Spanish.
Undergraduate: Spanish Lang. (levels 100, 200). Introduction to
Spanish Lyrical Poetry: Bécquer, Machado & Lorca.
Modern Novel: Unamuno, Niebla; Baroja, El árbol de la cienciaLa busca; & Cela, La familia de Pascual Duarte.
Cervantes and Golden Age Theatre: L. de Vega, Peribáñez; T. de Molina, El burlador de Sevilla; and Calderón, El alcalde de Zalamea.
University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U. K.
Graduate (Master): Spanish Lang. to PGCE students (Postgraduate Certificate in Education).
Undergraduate: Spanish Grammar (beginners). General Language (intermediate-advanced). Translation into Spanish to Erasmus Students. Business Spanish at the BusinessSchool to EBP students (European Business Program).
U. of Santiago de Compostela, Cursos Internacionales, Spain.
Undergraduate: Spanish language (beginner level).
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Governance Activities for the University, College & Department
Academic Committee Service:
Elected member of Promotion and Tenure Committee (2006-07, 2010-2011).
Elected member of the Advisory Department CouncilCommittee (2003-04, 2007-08).
Member of the Curricular Committee (2009-10)
Member of the Latino Student Task Force, Advisory Board (2009 – present).
Member of the Election Committee (2004-05).
Member of Spanish Search Committee for an Asst. Professor in Spanish, (Dec.– Feb. 2002-03, 2005-06, 2009-10, 2010-2011).
Member of the Internationalization Minigrant Committee (2006-08).
Member of Internationalization Action Council Committee (IAC) (2006-07).
Dept. service:
Head of Spanish Section. Faculty: 6 professors, 4 instructors, 8 adjuncts, 13 TAs,(62 sections 1st y., 48 sections, 2nd y, 24 sections 3rd y.)with 201 majors, 293 minors, and 17 graduates(as Oct. 2010). Duties include: general advising, schedulling, budget, staff, monitor enrollments, answer general inquiries, update MA committees, evaluate Study Abroad creditation, run meetings, update bulletin, website, major and minors requirements, orientation of new graduate students, administrative duties, promoting and developing networks for students and faculty, organizing public events, etc.
Member, Selection Committee for Fulbright Research and Teaching Assistantship grants in Oregon, Portland (2007-9, 2010)
Library Liason for the Spanish-Portuguese section (2003-2009).
Member, Selection Committee for the Hulda de Vaughn Scholarship, awarded to a Spanish Major, once a year (2006-present).
Member of Committee for PSU Weekend (Italian theme, Nov. 2003).
Assisted welcoming prospective students the Preview Day (Nov. 2002, 2005-07) and the International Week (Nov. 2003-05)
Representative of the Dept. of FLL for the Viking Scholars reception, a program to recognize high achieving students in OR (April 12, 2005).
Professionally-Related Service
At National Conferences, chair and alternate chair:
2010At NWALLT / SWALLT, Conference on Sustainable Lang. Learning and Technology, ReedCollege, Portland, OR.Oct. 15-16 Chair at the
Session of Spanish as a 2L: learning and teaching in context.
2007 At Cine-Lit VI, One of the Coordinatorsof the Cinema and Literature Conference. Portland State U., Portland, OR. Feb. 22-24.
2006 At Rocky Mountain MLA, U. of Arizona, Tucson. Oct. 12-14. Chair at the Session of Linguistics: Spanish and Portuguese, and Chair at the sessionof Representation of Women in XX cent. Latin American Literature
2005 At Rocky Mountain MLA, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Oct. 20-22.Chair at the Session of Second Language Acquisition and alternate Chair at the Session of Representation of Women in XX cent. Latin American Literature.
2004At Rocky Mountain MLA, U. Of Colorado, Boulder, Sept. 30- 2 Nov. Chair at the Session of Spanish Linguistics and alternate Chair at the
Session of Second Language Acquisition.
2003 At Rocky Mountain MLA, U. of Montana. Oct. 9-11. Alternate Chair at the Session of Spanish Linguistics.
AtCine-Lit. V, Portland State U., Portland, OR. Feb. 26- March 1. Chair at the session 54: Modern Spanish Cinema.
2002At South Central MLA., U. of Austin, TX. Chair of Special Session “Fundaments of Bilingual Education & Bilingualism in Global Context”. And Secretary of the Spanish Linguistic Session V.
At PortlandStateUniversity:
Assisted in the interview for the lecturer position of the course AJ 510 “Interpreting Spanish for Administration of Justice” (Feb. 03).
At the U. of Portsmouth:
Representative of the U. of Portsmouth at the “European Education & Lang. Fair” in Madrid to promote degrees, courses and student enrollment (Jan. 13-14, 96).
Community Outreach Service
Quoted before the public
Quoted on Newsweek, Oct. 17th, 2005, in an article about second language adquisition research.
Invited Speaker
For the Latin American Film Festival, Portland, OR, Oct 14-20.
For the Spanish Film Festival, organised by the NW Film Center & Pragda, sporsored by PSU and ReedCollege, Portland, OR, Oct. 8-16, 2010
For the poetry video on Nicolás Guillén in the PSU online literary magazine:, Dept. of English, PSU,2007.
Invited speaker at Second Annual Latina Conference. Portland, OR, USA.2007. March 1.
Invited guest to Radio Program “Buscando America”, KBOO 90.7, 9 Feb., 2007.
Invited guest to Radio Program “Mujeres Bravas”, KBOO 90.7, 11 Feb., 2007.
Outreach atPortland Community
Nov. 2005 – Nov. 2009: Board member of Beaverton Arts Commission, Beaverton, OR, USA.
Oct. 2003 - 04:Volunteer for the PortlandMuseum of Modern Art, Portland, OR, USA.
Oct. 2002 – June 04: Volunteer at Puentes, project of Insights Teen Parent Program that manages outreach services to parenting young Latino families across the Portland area.
Ap. – Dec. 2003: Columnist for the local newspaper “Latino de hoy”, founded for the Latino Community of OR (1991). Weekly circulation: 15,000.
Curricular Achievements
Award from Beaverton Arts Commission forservice to the Beaverton community (2006-09).
Award from “Las Mujeres” (PSU Chicano-Latino study organization), for outstanding positive impact in the community, March 2008.
NCSA, Northwest Council on Study Abroad appointment to teach at the Universityof Oviedo in Spain, Winter 2006.
Invited professor at Middlebury College, Spanish Summer School, VT, (2000-05 & 2008).
U. of HoustonCoordinator for the Summer Abroad Program in Spain in Cursos Internacionales at the University of Salamanca (May-Jul. 99).
Grants received
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PSU Research Funding
2008AIM: Academic Portfolio Development Minigrant. $500
2007AIM: Hybrid Undergraduate Course Redesign Minigrant. $ 500.
2006 & 05 Scholarship of Teaching & Research Team (STRT). $500.
2004Civic Engagement Grant. $500.
2003Summer Grant. $ 4,000.
PSU Travel Grants:
2006 Presentation at the RMMLA, Tucson, Arizona. $ 200.
2005 Presentation at the RMMLA,Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. $ 200.
2004Presentation at the RMMLA, U. of Colorado, Boulder. $300.
2004Presentation at the Conference of Trans-Atlantic Studies, BrownUniversity, Providence, RI. $ 987.
2003Presentation at the International Conference on Hispanic Literature, CSUS, Sacramento, CA. $400
2002 Presentation at RMMLA, Arizona State U., Scottsdale. $372.
External funding
2002Middlebury College Summer Grant to be trained in OPI. $400.
2000 HopeCollege Summer Research Grant. $ 3,000.
1992-93 European C. U. Erasmus Grant to study in U. K. $ 1,000.
1990Summer Grant from U. of Salamanca to study at U. of Lisbon. $1,000.
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