Council Offices, Station Road, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6RJ

23 September 2015

You are hereby summoned to attend a Meeting of the Town Council, to be held in the Council Chamber on Monday 28 September2015, on the rising of the Meeting of the Planning Committee, which commences at 7.00p.m. The Agenda is set out below.

Mrs J E Vanstone

Clerk to the Council


1.Public Speaking Time (15 minutes max)

Members of the public are invited to address the Council.

  • Each individual person exercising the right to speak during this public time is restricted to speaking for a total of 3 minutes.
  • Any questions put to the Council must be put through the Chairman.
  • The Chairman has the right and discretion to control speaking time to avoid disruption, repetition and to make best use of the meeting time.

2.To receive any Apologies for Absence

3.Declarations of Interests in Items on the Agenda

NB!! You must declare any personal and/or disclosable pecuniary interest in an item before it is discussed. Make sure you say the reason for your interest, as this has to be noted. If your interest is of a disclosable pecuniary nature you must leave the room.

You must also declare any gifts/hospitality you have accepted in excess of £25.


To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting of the Town Council held on 17 August 2015.

5.Report of Neighbourhood Beat Manager

6.Chairman’s Comments

7.Clerk’s Report

8.Reports of Council Representatives on Other Bodies

9.Reports of County and District Councillors

10.Cheques for Signature/Finance Inspection

(i)To approve payment of cheques for the months of August and September 2015,in accordance with Appendix A.

(ii)To note that the Chairman of the Finance Committee has carried out the monthly internal finance inspection.

11.Bank Account

To agree a new cheque signatory for the Council’s bank account as Cllr Mrs C A Sismore-Hunt no longer wishes to be included.

12.Neighbourhood Plan

(i)To receive a progress report from the Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr C A Kitson following the first full meeting of the Steering Group.

(ii)To consider making a financial contribution of £2000 to match funds already received from East Devon District Council.

13.Budleigh Salterton Ladies’ Choir – Request for Grant Aid 2015/16

(i)To agree whether or not to make a donation to the Choir.

(ii)To agree the amount of any donation.

14.Audit of Accounts: Year Ended 31 March 2015

To note that the Audit has been successfully completed.

15.“Be Prepared for Winter” Leaflet

To discuss the redrafted version of the leaflet and agree how many should be printed, as well as how it should be distributed.

16.Correspondence Received

Beach Hut Proposal: Letter of objection to EDDC proposals

East Devon District Council: Forward Plan 1 October 2015 to 31 January 2016

Budleigh Film Society: Portable Appliance Testing Certificate

DALC: Details of AGM and Conference October 2015

Devon County Council: (1) Devon Highways Grass Cutting information (2) Devon Highways Self Help & Community Support information

BictonCollege: Stakeholder Document, detailing merger of BictonCollege with the Cornwall College Group

Clerks & Councils Direct: September 2015

SLCC: Notice of AGM October 2015

British Weights & Measures: Units of measurement – garden allotments

17.Any Other Business at the Chairman’s Discretion

NB!! No decisions may lawfully be made under this Agenda item.

18.Dates of Next Meetings

Planning Committee:12 October 2015 at 7.00pm

Public Hall Committee:12 October 2015 on the rising of the Planning Committee

CommunityGardens Committee:12 October 2015on the rising of the Public Hall Committee

Planning Committee:26 October2015 at 7.00pm

Town Council:26 October2015 on the rising of the Planning Committee