Update Report for Planning Committee(East): 13 July 2015

Committee Planning Manager: Liz Nicholson

Update for All items:

Update on Recommended Weighting of Core Strategy Policies

Following a full Council meeting on 22.06.2015, the Council has resolved to endorse the Cabinet recommendation of 01.06.2015 to adopt the following development management planning policies as set out in emerging Core Strategy (As submitted September 2014 showing subsequent proposed modifications) June 2015 on an interim basis:

  • CS.1 Sustainable Development;
  • CS.2 to CS.9 inclusive (District Resources policies);
  • CS.10 to CS.14 inclusive (District Designation policies);
  • CS.20 Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople;
  • CS.21 to 26 inclusive (Economic Development and Infrastructure related policies);
  • Proposals ALC.3, REDD.1 and REDD.2 (employment land allocations).

The Core Strategy policies specified within the reports on this agenda and listed above are to be given some weight in the determination of the planning application before members. Having considered each application on the agenda, this additional weight to the specified policies does not alter the officer recommendations contained within the agenda.

15/01035/OUT –Land off Banbury Road, Ettington
1 addition letter of objection was received on 12.07.2015. Objections are raised on the following grounds:
  • The applicant has not engaged with local residents prior to the submission of the application.
  • Concerns about oversupply of dwellings in Ettington in relation to the housing numbers within emerging policy CS.16 of the Core Strategy and that 54 houses is not sustainable development.
  • The neighbourhood plan will be submitted for approval later this year, and potential sites for housing development will be identified.
  • Reference is made to other applications that have been refused in Oxhill (currently subject to appeal) on the basis that those proposals would result in significant adverse visual impact to the rural character and appearance of the locality and the settlement as a whole.
  • Concerns about obstructions, such as parked cars and wheelie bins, adjacent to the proposed access and the impact on visibility splays, resulting in conflict and collision risks. Concerns are also raised in relation to vehicles reversing onto the highway.
  • Concerns about loss of residential amenity such as overshadowing from new buildings.
  • Concerns that a surface water attenuation pond would be unsuccessful due to soils, wells and the water table being high.
  • Concerns regarding the loss of Grade 3 agricultural land
  • Concerns about the impact on heritage assets.
Appeal decision received for land east of Rogers Lane, Ettington (PINS Appeal Ref 2227958)
The appeal against the Council’s refusal of planning permission for the erection of 80 dwellings under reference 14/00118/OUT, dated 14 January 2014 was dismissed on appeal on 3 July 2015.
14/01680/FUL –Holt Farm, Welsh Road East, Southam
WCC Fire and Rescue Services –No objection subject to a condition. (01.07.2015)
Additional condition - 20 –(Pre-commencement condition) - Fire hydrant and water supply scheme
Additional Condition 21 –(Pre-occupation condition) –External lighting
15/00681/FUL –Tree House Farm, Fulready, Ettington
No updates to report.
15/01130/FUL –Land at Hillside, Harbury
Amended Site Location Plan
Since the report was written an amended red line location plan has been received slightly reducing the overall size of the site. The plan is shown in the officer’s presentation. Due to the receipt of this amended red line plan re-consultation has taken place.
Ward Member
Councillor Jacqui Harris: Objects to the proposal due to the development detracting from the character and beauty of the area. The proposal does not address the lack of connections between people and places and the integration of the new development into the natural, built and historic environment. (10.07.2015)
The assessment of the visual impact of the proposal has been covered within the committee report. In terms of the connectivity of the site, the development would be located on the outskirts of the village but in close proximity to the necessary footway links to provide access to the services within the village.
Parish Council
Harbury Parish Council notes the recent amendments but has reiterated its previous objections. (29.06.2015)
Third Party Consultation
Additional comments have been received from neighbours and Harbury Society reiterating their previous concerns. However, no new material planning considerations have been received.
Affordable Housing
The proposal would normally attract a requirement for affordable housing. However, due to the fallback position of the approved outline planning permission it was not considered as reasonable to require any off-site affordable housing contributions in this case.
Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDs)
SUDS are no longer dealt with as part of a legal agreement and would be conditioned instead. Condition 14 would therefore read as:
The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied until surface water drainage works have been implemented in accordance with details that have first been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Before these details are submitted an assessment shall be carried out of the potential for disposing of surface water by means of a sustainable drainage system and the results of the assessment provided to the local planning authority. Where a sustainable drainage scheme is to be provided, the submitted details shall:
  1. provide information about the design storm period and intensity, the method employed to delay and control the surface water discharged from the site and the measures taken to prevent pollution of the receiving groundwater and/or surface waters;
  2. include a timetable for its implementation; and
  3. provide a management and maintenance plan for the lifetime of the development which shall include the arrangements for adoption by any public authority or statutory undertaker and any other arrangements to secure the operation of the scheme throughout its lifetime.
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and the sustainable drainage scheme shall be managed and maintained thereafter in accordance with the agreed management and maintenance plan.
Reason: To ensure that the development is provided with a satisfactory means of drainage as well as to reduce the risk of creating or exacerbating a flooding problem and to minimise the risk of pollution in accordance with Policies DEV. 7 and PR. 8 of the Stratford-on-Avon DistrictLocal Plan Review 1996-2011 and the National Planning Policy Framework.
Note for clarification
The separation distance between No. 5 Hillside and proposed plot 7 would be 12m. Although a13m separation distanceis detailed within the Extending Your Home planning advice note, due to the ground level lowering towards the application site the 12m separation distance is sufficient to ensure that satisfactory residential amenity would be provided to the existing occupiers to ensure that the development would not be overbearing.
Revised recommendation
GRANT subject to the expiry of the consultation period and publicity, which expires on 7th August 2015, and no new material planning considerations being raised.
15/01585/FUL –Harrow Hill Farm, Shipston Road, Long Compton
Note for clarification
Plan no. 2568-7 states that the floor area of the proposed dwelling is 148.06m2, however, Officers have calculated the size to be nearer 172m2.
15/01161/OUT –Ferndale, Warwick Road, Gaydon
No updates to report.

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