standard B-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of cells and their organelles.
Time needed: (3.5 Weeks on 4x4 Block)
Content Indicators:
B-2.1 Recall the three major tenets of cell theory (all living things are composed of one or more cells; cells are the
basic units of structure and function in living things; and all presently existing cells arose from previously
existing cells).
B-2.2 Summarize the structures and functions of organelles found in a eukaryotic cell (including the nucleus,
mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, vacuoles, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi apparatus,
cilia, flagella, cell membrane, nuclear membrane, cell wall, and cytoplasm).
B-2.3 Compare the structures and organelles or prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
B-2.4 Explain the process of cell differentiation as the basis for the hierarchal organization of organisms
(including cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems).
B-2.5 Explain how active, passive, and facilitated transport serve to maintain the homeostasis of the cell.
B-2.6 Summarize the characteristics of the cell cycle: interphase (called G1, S, G2); the phases of mitosis (called
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase); and plant and animal cytokinesis.
B-2.7 Summarize how cell regulation controls and coordinates cell growth and division and allows cells to respond
to the environment, and recognize the consequences of uncontrolled cell division.
Inquiry Indicators:
B-1.1Generate hypotheses based on credible, accurate, and relevant sources of scientific information.
B-1.2Use appropriate laboratory apparatuses, technology, and techniques safely and accurately when conducting a scientific investigation.
B-1.3Use scientific instruments to record measurement data in appropriate metric units that reflect the precision and accuracy of each particular instrument.
B-1.4Design a scientific investigation with appropriate methods of control to test a hypothesis (including independent and dependent variables), and evaluate the designs of sample investigations.
B-1.5Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics, graphs, models, and/or technology.
B-1.6Evaluate the results of a controlled scientific investigation in terms of whether they refute or verify the hypothesis.
B-1.7Evaluate a technological design or product on the basis of designated criteria (including cost, time, and materials).
B-1.8Compare the processes of scientific investigation and technological design.
B-1.9Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations.
Investigations / Teaching Periods /
  • Key Concepts & Processes
/ Additional Resources / Assessment / Alignment to HCS Core Curriculum
Week 1 / Teacher created lesson (Cell Theory and prokaryotic/ eukaryotic cells)
Comparing Cells Investigation
(P 92 text)
Teacher created activity (Microscope introduction)
Modeling of cell P. 93 (or teacher substitution)
(Pp 11-15 Lab binder) / 3
2 /
  • 3 parts of the cell theory
  • Compare prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
  • Measuring microscopic objects
  • Demonstrate similarities and differences within eukaryotic cells.
  • Summarize the function of organelles in plant and animal cells
  • Describe the internal structures of eukaryotic cells
/ Study Guide pp 1-2
Interactive Reader Ch 3 / Recall origin and scientists involved
Compare structure
ID scope parts and understand magnifi-
Relate the structure of organelles with function / B 2.1
B 2.2
B 1.2
B 1.9
B 2.2
B 2.3
Week 2 / Teacher created activity (Compare cells & tissues lab using slides)
Quick lab p. 83 text modeling cell membranes
Diffusion Across a Membrane p. 88 / 1
4 /
  • Cell differentiation relating hierarchical organization of organisms
  • Demonstrate how the cell membrane is a barrier that separates a cell from the external environment
  • Study the structure of the cell membrane
  • Explain how active, passive, and facilitated transport works to maintain homeostasis
/ Ch 1 pp 7-11
Interactive Reader Ch 1
Interactive Reader Ch 3
Lab Binder pp 1-3 / Explain the process of cell differentiation as the basis for the hierarchical organization of organisms
Explain how active, passive, and facilitated transport serves to maintain the homeostasis of the cell. / B 2.4
B 2.5
B 2.5
B 1.1
B 1.2
B 1.4
B 1.5
B 1.6
B 1.9
Week 3 / Modeling cell surface area to volume ratio p. 156
Onion Root Lab p 143
*Animating mitosis
lab binder p. 37-39/classzone / 4-5 /
  • Identify factors that limit cell size
  • Compare rates of division in different cell types
  • Describe the stages of the cell cycle
/ Understand why cells divide at different rates
List major events in each phase of the cell cycle / B 2.6
B 1.2
B 1.5
B 1.6
B 1.9
Week 4 / Cancer Cells p147 Quick Lab/microscopes / 2 /
  • Understand how normal cell regulation works in comparison to the consequences of uncontrolled cell growth
/ Identify differences between normal and abnormal cells / B 2.7
B 1.2
B 1.3
B 1.9
Standard B-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the flow of energy within and between living systems.
Time Needed: (3 Weeks on 4x4 Block)
Content Indicators:
B-2.8Explain the factors that affect the rates of biochemical reactions (including pH, temperature, and the role of enzymes as catalysts).
B-3.1Summarize the overall process by which photosynthesis converts solar energy into chemical energy and interpret the chemical equation for the process.
B-3.2Summarize the basic aerobic and anaerobic processes of cellular respiration and interpret the chemical equation for cellular respiration.
B-3.3Recognize the overall structure of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)—namely, adenine, the sugar ribose, and three phosphate groups—and summarize its function (including the ATP-ADP [adenosine diphosphate] cycle).
B-3.4Summarize how the structures of organic molecules (including proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) are related to their relative caloric values.
B-3.5Summarize the functions of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the human body.
Inquiry Indicators:
B-1.1Generate hypotheses based on credible, accurate, and relevant sources of scientific information.
B-1.2Use appropriate laboratory apparatuses, technology, and techniques safely and accurately when conducting a scientific investigation.
B-1.3Use scientific instruments to record measurement data in appropriate metric units that reflect the precision and accuracy of each particular instrument.
B-1.4Design a scientific investigation with appropriate methods of control to test a hypothesis (including independent and dependent variables), and evaluate the designs of sample investigations.
B-1.5Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics, graphs, models, and/or technology.
B-1.6Evaluate the results of a controlled scientific investigation in terms of whether they refute or verify the hypothesis.
B-1.7Evaluate a technological design or product on the basis of designated criteria (including cost, time, and materials).
B-1.8Compare the processes of scientific investigation and technological design.
B-1.9Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations.
Investigations / Teaching Periods / Key Concepts & Processes / Additional Resources / Assessment / Alignment to HCS Core Curriculum
Week 1 / Teacher created activity (model organic molecules including ATP)
Teacher created activity Identifying organic compounds lab and caloric values
Calorimetry lab (virtual lab p 59)
Enzyme lab p 57 / 1
1 /
  • Differentiate the structure of organic molecules
  • Determine the source of organic compounds in living tissues
  • Measuring the caloric value of organic molecules
  • Factors that affect the rate of biochemical reactions
/ ETV Streamline
Proteins, Lipids, and carbohydrate structure and function.
(3 separate videos)

Page 59 (book) Lab Sheet: page 57 lab manual
Pg. 17 lab manual / Illustrate the structure of various organic molecules including ATP
Summarize the source of organic compounds in living tissues
and the relative caloric values of organic molecules
Explain the factors that influence the rate of biochemical reactions / B 3.3
B 3.4
B 3.5
B 3.4
Week 2 / Teacher created activity/
Photosynthesis Lab p 106
Cellular respiration lab p 126 (p 17 lab binder unit 2) / 3
2 /
  • Relate light intensity to the rate of photosynthesis
  • The chemical processes of aerobic cellular respiration
/ Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis ETV Streamline
Page 13 unit 2 lab manual
The Effects of Light intensity and wavelength on the rate of photosynthesis

Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
/ Summarize the overall process of photosynthesis and interpret the chemical equation.
Summarize the process of aerobic cellular respiration / B-3.1
Week 3 / Investigate Fermentation in foods p 127 (p 20 lab binder)
Cellular respiration virtual lab p 127
Reteach /Review / 1
1-2 /
  • The chemical processes of anaerobic cellular respiration
  • Linking photosynthesis and cellular respiration
/ Energy and the Chemistry of Life
Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Streamline SC
Elements of Biology: Matter and Energy: Organization in Living Systems
Glycolysis and Cellular Respiration Streamline ETV / Summarize the process of anaerobic cellular respiration
Explain the biological relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration / B-3.2
standarD B-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the molecular basis of heredity.
Time Needed: (4 Weeks on 4x4 Block)
Content Indicators:
B-4.1 Compare DNA and RNA in terms of structure, nucleotides, and base pairs.
B-4.2 Summarize the relationship among DNA, genes, and chromosomes.
B-4.3 Explain how DNA functions as the code of life and the blueprint for proteins
B-4.4 Summarize the basic processes involved in protein synthesis (including transcription and translation).
B-4.5 Summarize the characteristics of the phases of meiosis I and II.
B-4.6 Predict inherited traits by using the principles of Mendelian genetics (including segregation, independent
assortment, and dominance).
B-4.7 Summarize the chromosome theory of inheritance and relate that theory to Gregor Mendel’s principles of
B-4.8 Compare the consequences of mutations in body cells with those in gametes.
B-4.9 Exemplify ways that introduce new genetic characteristics into an organism or a population by applying the
principles of modern genetics.
Inquiry Indicators:
B-1.1Generate hypotheses based on credible, accurate, and relevant sources of scientific information.
B-1.2Use appropriate laboratory apparatuses, technology, and techniques safely and accurately when conducting a scientific investigation.
B-1.3Use scientific instruments to record measurement data in appropriate metric units that reflect the precision and accuracy of each particular instrument.
B-1.4Design a scientific investigation with appropriate methods of control to test a hypothesis (including independent and dependent variables), and evaluate the designs of sample investigations.
B-1.5Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics, graphs, models, and/or technology.
B-1.6Evaluate the results of a controlled scientific investigation in terms of whether they refute or verify the hypothesis.
B-1.7Evaluate a technological design or product on the basis of designated criteria (including cost, time, and materials).
B-1.8Compare the processes of scientific investigation and technological design.
B-1.9Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations.
Investigations / Teaching Periods / Key Concepts & Processes / Additional Resources / Assessment / Alignment to HCS Core Curriculum
Week 1 / Teacher created lesson: DNA structure and function
*Students should build a model of DNA with manipulatives
DNA extraction, pg. 229
Transcription & Translation
Modeling Transcription Investigation, pg. 257
Animated Biology Classzone: Build a Protein / 2
2 /
  • Identifying DNA as the genetic material
  • Nucleotide components and complimentary base pairing
  • Identifying overall structure of DNA
  • Differences in structure and function of RNA, codon translation to amino acids
/ PBS NOVA DNA workshop
/ Illustrate 3 parts of the nucleotide.
Construct DNA compliment.
Explain the function of detergents and enzymes in DNA extraction
Recall differences in DNA & RNA, Translate RNA into amino acid chain / B4.1
Week 2 / Mutation mechanisms & cancer
Introduce carcinogens and their effects on DNA. Complete UV Light and Skin Cancer, pg. 256
Meiosis and the formation of haploid cells: Teacher Created
Complete Modeling Meiosis Investigation, pg. 192
Introduction of Mendel & heredity
Teacher created lesson
Complete Probability Practice Investigation, pg. 193 / 1
1 /
  • Identifying mistakes in DNA and the resulting effects on the genome.
  • Summarize phase I & II of Meiosis
  • Summarize Mendel’s experiments and his theories of heredity
  • Using Mendel’s Law of Segregation to predict inheritance of traits
/ Hands-on activity using snap-beads, pg. 253 Teacher edition.
Meiosis video clip from McDougal Littel power presentation
Classzone: Mendel’s experiments classzone.com / Relate changes in DNA to cell cycle
Relate gametogenesis to inheritance of traits
Explain the relationship among Mendel’s laws.
Demonstrate ability to use Punnett Squares and probability to predict offspring / B4.4
Week 3 / Traits and Probability
Complete Dihybrid Cross activity on pg. 188
Extending Mendelian principles
Introduce codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, polygenic inheritance. Complete codominance investigation pg. 208
Pg. 202 quick lab: Sex-linked inheritance
Human Genetics and Pedigrees
Pedigree analysis pg. 218 / 1
1 /
  • Using Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment
  • What are the other patterns of inheritance?
  • How are chromosomes organized in a Karyotype?
  • The chromosomes on which genes are located can affect the expression of phenotype
/ Make a baby lab / Demonstrate ability to use Punnett Squares and probability to predict offspring
What are the complex patterns of inheritance?
Predict inheritance patterns / B4.6
Week 4 / Genetic Disorders: Teacher created lesson
DNA Manipulation
Complete investigation: Modeling Genetic Engineering on pg. 286 / 2
2 /
  • Learn about various genetic disorders,their transmission patterns, and the Human Genome Project
  • Introduce process of recombinant DNA.
/ PBS NOVA’s “Cracking the Code”
ETV streaming video:Genetic Technology & Transgenic Plants
GATTACA (movie)
Modeling Forensics pg. 268 / Summarize the cause and effect of various genetic disorders
How do scientists manipulate DNA? What controversies exist? / B4.8
Standard B-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of biological evolution and the diversity of life.
Standard B-6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among organisms and the biotic and abiotic components of their environments.
Time Needed: (4 Weeks on 4x4 Block)
Content Indicators:
B-5.1 Summarize the process of natural selection.
B-5.2 Explain how genetic processes result in the continuity of life-forms over time.
B-5.3 Explain how diversity within a species increases the chances of its survival.
B-5.4 Explain how genetic variability and environmental factors lead to biological evolution.
B-5.5 Exemplify scientific evidence in the fields of anatomy, embryology, biochemistry, and paleontology that
underlies the theory of biological evolution.
B-5.6 Summarize ways that scientists use data from a variety of sources to investigate and critically analyze
aspects of evolutionary theory.
B-5.7 Use a phylogenetic three to identify the evolutionary relationships among different groups of organisms.
B-3.6 Illustrate the flow of energy through ecosystems (including food chains, food webs, energy pyramids,
number of pyramids, and biomass pyramids)
B-6.1 Explain how the interrelationships among organisms (including predation, competition, parasitism,
mutualism, and commensalism) generate stability within ecosystems.
B-6.2 Explain how populations are affected by limiting factors
B-6.3 Illustrate the processes of succession in ecosystems.
B-6.4 Exemplify the role of organisms in the geochemical cycles (including the cycles of carbon, nitrogen, and
B-6.5 Explain how ecosystems maintain themselves through naturally occurring processes (including maintaining
the quality of the atmosphere, generating soils, controlling the hydrologic cycle, disposing of wastes, and
recycling nutrients).
B-6.6 Explain how human activities (including population growth, technology, and consumption of resources
Inquiry Indicators:
B-1.1Generate hypotheses based on credible, accurate, and relevant sources of scientific information.
B-1.2Use appropriate laboratory apparatuses, technology, and techniques safely and accurately when conducting a scientific investigation.
B-1.3Use scientific instruments to record measurement data in appropriate metric units that reflect the precision and accuracy of each particular instrument.
B-1.4Design a scientific investigation with appropriate methods of control to test a hypothesis (including independent and dependent variables), and evaluate the designs of sample investigations.
B-1.5Organize and interpret the data from a controlled scientific investigation by using mathematics, graphs, models, and/or technology.
B-1.6Evaluate the results of a controlled scientific investigation in terms of whether they refute or verify the hypothesis.
B-1.7Evaluate a technological design or product on the basis of designated criteria (including cost, time, and materials).
B-1.8Compare the processes of scientific investigation and technological design.
B-1.9Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations.
Investigations / Teaching Periods / Key Concepts & Processes / Additional Resources / Assessment / Alignment to HCS Core Curriculum
Week 1 / Principles and Evidence of Evolution
Teacher Created Lesson,
Quick Lab/Inferring: Piecing Together Evidence (p. 313)
Evolutionary Relationships
Construct a Cladogram (p.525)
Theory of Natural Selection
Investigation: Predator-Prey Pursuit (p. 315)
Investigation: Adaptations in Beaks (p. 321) / 2
1 /
  • Introduce basis of evolution and the scientists that led to the discovery of evolution including evidence.
  • Overview of classification based on evolutionary relationships.
  • Investigate Darwin’s contributions to Natural Selection
- relationship to evolution
- effect on populations / ETV Streamline SC: Icons of Science (Full Video-Darwin)
PBS Evolution
Classzone: Animated-Natural Selection / Describe how the fields of Anatomy, Embryology, Paleontology, and Biochemistry contribute to the evidence that scientists use to determine evolutionary theory.
Summarize the process of natural selection
Explain how diversity within a species increases the chances of its survival. / B 5.5
B 5.6
B 1.5
B 5.6
B 5.7
B 1.5
B 5.1
B 5.3
Week 2 / The Evolution of Populations
Investigation: Natural Selection in African Swallow Tails (p. 334)
Investigation: Genetic Drift (p. 337)
Patterns in Sexual Selection (P. 339) / 3-4 /
  • Investigate Evolution of Populations
  • How genetic variations
occur within a
population and create
diversity among
organisms / Classzone: Animated Evolutionary Arms Race
Teacher Domain-BT Corn Video / Explain how genetic processes result in the continuity of life-forms over time. / B 5.1
B 5.2
B 5.3
B 5.5
B 5.4
B 5.6
B 1.5
Week 3 / Principles of Ecology
Investigation: Limiting Nutrients for Algae (p. 448)
Energy flow and distribution in ecosystems
Classzone Animation: Build a Food Web
Teacher created lesson
Interactions in Ecosystems
Investigation: Modeling Predation (p. 435)
Population Growth Patterns
Virtual Lab: Estimating
Population Size / 2
1 /
  • Introduction: Basics of Ecology
-Levels of Organization
  • Cycles in Nature
-Ecological Succession
  • Movement of Energy
-Food Chains/FoodWebs
-Feeding Relationships
-Biomass Pyramids
  • Interactions in Ecosystems
-Symbiotic Relationships
  • Population Density, limiting factors and carrying capacity
/ Carbon Cycle activity

Classzone: Animated-What Limits Population Growth? / Distinguish and summarize biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem
Illustrate the flow of energy through ecosystems.
Explain how the interrelationships among organisms generate stability within ecosystems.
Explain how populations are affected by limiting factors. / B 6.2
B 6.4
B 6.5
B 1.2
B 1.3
B 1.5
B 1.6
B 1.9
B 3.6
B 6.1
B 6.1
B 6.3
B 1.5
B 1.6
B 6.2
B 1.2
B 1.5
B 1.6
Week 4
4 / Human Impact on Ecosystems
Teacher Created Lesson
Investigation: Water Quality Testing (p. 506)
Reteach/Review / 1
1 /
  • Human Impact on Ecosystems
-Natural Resources
-Air Quality
-Water Quality
  • Threats to BiodiversityConservation
/ Classzone: Animates (Human Effects on a Food Web)
Classzone: Invasive Species WebQuest (p. 507) / Explain how human activities affect the physical and chemical cycles and processes of Earth. / B 6.6
B 1.5
B 1.6
B 1.9