London Doggies Ltd., 375 Helmsley Place, London E8 3SB

Tel. 020 7704 8286 Mob. 07919 605316


Services Agreement

Owner’s name


Telephone Mobile


Emergency Contact Details

Name of Vet

Contact Details of Vet

Consent given for your pet(s) to occupy a communal run with other dogs? YES  NO 

House key with London Doggies? YES  NO 

1st Pet’s Name



Microchip No.

Age Date of Birth

Sex Neutered/Spayed

Medical History

Current Medications

Date of last Vaccinations: Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine adenovirus), Leptospirosis (L. Canicola and L incterhaemorrhagicae).

Due Dateof next Vaccinations: Canine Distemper, Infectious Canine Hepatitis (Canine adenovirus), Leptospirosis (L. Canicola and L incterhaemorrhagicae).

Although not required, we strongly recommend the intra-nasal Bordetella vaccine against kennel cough given the communal nature of our doggy daycareDate of last Vaccinations: Canine Parvocirus, Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis (Bordetella Bronchiseptica)

Have the vaccine records been seen by London Doggies YES  NO 

Date of last worm & flea treatments

Date of next worm & flea treatmentsdue

Veterinarian Release Form read and signed YES  NO 

Dog’s Temperament (please include any negative behavioural traits)

Eating & Feeding Habits

Behaviour with other dogs

Consent given for off-lead walking in parks? YES  NO 

This agreement will remain valid for future service.

The client hereto agrees to the following:

1)London Doggies Ltd and its employees agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the client expressly waives any and all claims against London Doggies Ltd or its employees, unless arising from negligence on the part of London Doggies Ltd.

2)London Doggies Ltd or its employees shall not be held responsible for the loss, injury, death, or actions of any pet that the client has let outside or has instructed the sitter to allow outside while sitter is not there. This includes pets with doggy doors and outdoor pets.

3)The client understands that all pets must be registered with a veterinarian and must be up to date on all treatments & vaccinations.

4)London Doggies Ltd does not diagnose, prognose, or make therapy decisions, nor does it offer veterinary services. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a veterinarian.

5)London Doggies Ltd does not accept aggressive dogs, unruly or untrained dogs or dogs that choke themselves on their leash.

6)London Doggies Ltd does not accept liability for any loss, injury, death or actions of any pet whilst in their care, this includes boarding.

7)London Doggies Ltd can only accept time specific calls with a two hour window and cannot guarantee specific times accurately.

8)London Doggies Ltd will not be responsible for any keys the client has asked to be mailed.

9)London Doggies Ltd reserves the right to take pet(s) to vet if necessary. The client is responsible for all applicable charges.

10)London Doggies Ltd requires you to have a responsible party to take care of your pet(s) in the event of unforeseen emergency circumstances, such as illness or death to either pet sitter or self, or in the event of a natural disaster. It is best your emergency contact is a neighbour so they can reach your home. London Doggies Ltd is not responsible for pet(s) in these circumstances.

11)London Doggies Ltd does not accept any liability for loss or damage to the dog’s belongings whilst in our care. London Doggies Ltd shall endeavour to return the dog’s belongings in a clean condition as they are wished to be received.

12)London Doggies Ltd reserves the right to move your dog into an isolation area should he display unwanted behaviour such as incontinence, chewing furniture, scratching floors and doors, howling or whining, aggression to other dogs and humans. If he is moved into an isolation area, you as the owner will be required to make appropriate arrangements to him collected from the premises.

13)Payment is expected before services are rendered. In the event of additional unforeseen visits or other costs (such as supplies or vet fees), payment is expected within 14 days of the completion of services.

14)Cancellations for walking or day care services must be received 1 day prior to scheduled service or a £10 cancellation fee will apply.

15)Cancellations for boarding services received within one week of start date will receive no refund of charges. Cancellations received one week or more prior to start date will be refunded 100% of charges.

16)I______undertake to make full disclosure of any quality or characteristic which might make my dog not suitable for boarding including behavioural or health problems, anti-social behaviour including aggression, incontinence/lack of housetraining or excessive loud barking/whining. Failure on my part to disclose any matter which might render my dog unsuitable for boarding will be deemed a material omission amounting to a fundamental breach of our agreement.

17)I______give consent that my dog will be boarding/doggy day care at a premises where he/she will be mixing with other dogs from different households.

By signing below the client fully understands and agrees to the contents of this contract:

Client’s signature Date

London Doggies Limited, Registered in England No. 6870930 Reg. Office Flat 3, 8 Islington Green, London N1 2XR