Working Group D - Reporting
Progress report October 2011 – May 2012

for the Strategic Co-ordination Group of 10-11 May 2012

Author: Sarah France (WRc)/Jorge Rodriguez-Romero (DG Env)/Balázs Horváth (DG Env)/Beate Werner (EEA)/Bo Jacobsen (EEA)/ Cecile Gözler (FR)


  • Meeting of the Working Group D on 28 March 2012
  • WISE GIS/IT Workshop 7-8 May 2012
  • WISE Technical Group 7-8 May 2012 (back to back with a WISE Workshop, see under Activity 4)


  • Meeting of the Working Group D on 26 September 2012.


Activity 1 – WFD Reporting

The deadline for reporting under Article 13 of the WFD was 22 March 2010. As of April 2012, 23 Member States have adopted the plans. All Member States had uploaded some data to WISE, although for some Member States this reflects the information contained within the draft plans. Member States are expected to upload more information in the coming months.

The Water Directors agreed in principle to COM’s proposals to publish the data reported by Member States in WISE as part of the implementation of WFD at their meeting in Warsaw in December 2011. An initial discussion on the details of the data and information that is going to be published and the way they will be published was discussed at the March meeting of WG D on Reporting. COM plans to publish these data together with the Blueprint in November 2012 and further consultation on the content and format of the information will be held with WGD. The data published will be based on the aggregated reports that are available at (user: wfduser; password: Dir200060ec). These reports will evolve further in the coming months to support the findings of the Implementation Report. COM is aware of the difficulties in presenting information on good status of water due to the situation of WB with an unknown status and is consulting with WG D on the best way to address this.

COM has sent feedback letters bilaterally to 17 Member States and has already received a response from 8 of these. Letters will be sent to some other Member States in the near future. Feedback from the Member States on the content of these letters is an important step for COM in the validation of the findings of the WFD Implementation Report. Member States have the possibility to provide updated information but are requested to do this as soon as possible.

WG D held an initial exchange of view on the revision of the WFD reporting sheets and schemas for 2016 reporting. It is anticipated that this work will continue in 2013.

Activity 2 – Exchange views on compliance checking including the development of compliance indicators

An update and extension of the WISE map viewer on WFD took place in November 2011. The amount of information available has increased significantly and it now includes the information on status of water bodies as provided in the WFD reporting, bathing water, SoE water quality of river, lakes and groundwaters, urban waste water. The map viewer is now using a more powerful and user-friendly technology which makes it easier for users to extract and download information. A further release will take place in November 2012 to support the publication of the Blueprint.

Activity 3 – Co-ordinate and streamline WFD with other reporting streams from other Directives and with SoE and other reporting streams reporting statistical data

A draft Concept Paper on streamlining of monitoring and reporting of monitoring results under the NiD, WFD and SoE has been prepared. The SCG is invited to discuss and agree to forward to Water Directors this paper and to comment on and provide expertise to the second stage of work that is proposed.

The reporting sheets for 2012 reporting under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive have been prepared and the Guidance Document will be sent to the Marine SCG and Marine Directors for endorsement in June.

The deadline for reporting under Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive was 31 December 2011. All MemberStates plus Norway have reported.

The deadline for reporting under the Drinking Water Directive was 29 March 2012. As of 1 May 2012, twentyone Member States had reported.

Reporting under Floods directive was 22 March 2012. As of 28 March, 22 MS had reported.

Activity 4 – Participate, collaborate and contribute to WISE Development

A workshop to discuss the future development of WISE was held on 7-8 May 2012 at the EEA to update Member States on the recent changes to WISE, the development of Reference Datasets and the latest position in respect of INSPIRE. The development of WISE as a distributed system was also discussed.

Activity 5 – State of the Environment Reporting

Work is ongoing to develop the State of the Environment report that will be published in 2012 to support the Blueprint.


An improved draft version of WISE Main Rivers from ECRINS has been made publicly available[1]. Improvements took place in dialogue process via WG D. Further help from SCG for the linking of water bodies to missing river system codes would be appreciated.


  • Continue to monitor RBMP reporting and discuss preliminary findings
  • Discuss the details of publishing MS WFD reporting data and information
  • Implement WISE Implementation Plan
  • Revise the WFD reporting sheets and schemas for 2016 reporting.

