C.E.R.V. Meeting Minutes ~ August 10, 2008

In attendance: Joan Bray, Alana Czechowski, LouAnne Nason, Bill Nicolai, Debbie Nicolai, Brenda McManaman, Pat McManaman

Motion to accept minutes from last meeting – Bill, 2nd – Debbie, Passed

Discussed forms – Mileage, info sheet, request form. Alana to put on website.

Mileage change on July 1st from 50.5 cents to 58.5 cents. Alana to put info on website.

Pat and Debbie going to go to the non-profit class on September 25, 2008. Brenda will send in the check. $100

Piston Rotation was discussed: We chose 110, 112, 125, 115. Joan to send in form.

Treasurer’s report:

$11594.92 incoming

$1898.54 Due to come in soon

$9323.04 Money already distributed.

Audit Items:

15 checks issued

Amounts disbursed are greater than what has been taken in.

Receipts were not audited.

Payment dates were discussed. Bill motioned to pay out once a month. LouAnne 2nd. It was voted on and passed to go to payments once a month on the 15th of each month.

Payout Aug. 15th Pay through End of June etc. (with clause that states we will only payout up to the money that has been received by Center Plate.)

Brenda and Debbie to work together to produce checks and sheets (email or by hand) until program is ready to handle this.

Brenda has asked us to think about reoccurring expenses and to discuss this next mtg.

To do’s:

·  Brenda to send $100 next week to cover the expense of the non-profit class.

·  Brenda to destroy debit cards.

Will bring to meeting. Wants to do this in front of people.

·  Bill to continue enhancing workbook.

Has done all requests and will continue as needed.

·  Alana to put all 3 forms on the website immediately. Completed.

·  Joan to send mass email. Completed.

·  Alana to put new mileage info on website.

·  Joan to send in Piston rotation form. Completed.

·  Alana to put payout schedule on website.

·  Alana to type bylaws.

Next meeting: Thursday, September 11, 2008