2010-2011 Youth CouncilNOMINATION FORM

The Officers are responsible for the nomination and selection process of the Michigan Youth Council. Please use this form to if interested to serve on the first ever March of DimesMichigan Youth Council.

Completion of form must be received within a week of receivingto allow the officers’ sufficient time to evaluate each member...To be a part of this prestigious Council, you are asked of the following:

  • Demonstrates dedication and support to the mission.
  • Willingness to give proper attention to committee(s), events and activities.
  • Ability to provide leadership. Self-Motivated and organized. Serve on local board if space is allowed.
  • Participate in monthly Sunday conference calls from 5 -5:30pm ; Attend one yearly face to face meeting if applicable
  • Key Projects: Coin Campaign, March for Babies and Prematurity Awareness
  • Recruit or form a March for Babies Team within your school/college and/or a wrap event.
  • Participate in Public Affairs if project is available… Prematurity Awareness Day (PAD).
  • Completed YOUTH Volunteer Profile form is needed (obtain from local division or Chapter).
  • High School & College Students invited to serve (13-22 years of age); High Schools and Colleges make up the Michigan Youth Council (goal is to have 20 young people on board.)
  • Commitment of at least 3-5 hours a month (could be less or more pending if activities are taking place)
  • A personal donation to the March of Dimes upon joining the Council (any amount is acceptable)
  • If interested in a leadership role (chair, vice chair or secretary – 3 GPA), please explain why you feel you could lead the Chapter Youth…Please forward at least two letters of recommendations as well.

I would like to be considered to serve on the Michigan Youth Council. (Please make additional copies as needed.)

NAME: ______NICKNAME:______

ADDRESS: ______

CITY:______STATE: ______ZIP: ______

TELEPHONE:(Home) ______(Cell) ______(Email) ______

[Please include area code.][Please include area code.]


Please let us know why you feel you would be a valuable asset to the March of Dimes. (Feel free to attach additional paper and a resume.)


Team Youth Department

27600 Northwestern Highway, Suite #150

Southfield, MI 48034-8400

PHONE: 248-359-1556 FAX #: (248) 213-4923