

General Comments:

1.  By completing this form about yourself, you will be describing what you like to do on the job and how you like to do it.

2.  This is not a test – there are no right or wrong answers.

3.  Although not timed, this form usually takes 15 or 20 minutes to complete.

4.  Please feel free to use a dictionary if you are unsure of a word or phrase.

How to Complete this Form:

There are twenty-one groups of words or statements. Rank each word or statement according to how it best describes you. (The first answer that comes to your mind is probably the best.)

A = most descriptive behavior

B = second most descriptive behavior

C = third most descriptive behavior

D = least descriptive behavior

There should only be one A, one B, one C, and one D for each set.


competitive C_
positive A_
calm B_
cooperative D_ / competitive A_
positive A_
calm B_
cooperative B_



C Franchise Name: ______

Candidate Name: ______

Position: ______

Date: ______

Rank these words or statements according to:

How you think other people think of you in your current role”

strong-willed ___
full of enthusiasm ___
dependable ___
easily influenced ___ / believable ___
composed ___
wary ___
relentless ___ / restful ___
safety first ___
will to win ___
liking people ___
giving to others ___
putting on pressure ___
socially skilled ___
temperate ___ / make things happen ___
make friends easily ___
reliable ___
pliant ___ / motivating others ___
stable ___
grateful ___
dauntless ___
conservative ___
flexible ___
fighting spirit ___
happy ___ / kind hearted ___
enterprising ___
spellbinder ___
steadfast ___ / fearless ___
making friends ___
predictable ___
devoted ___
liked by others ___
methodical ___
yielding to others ___
tenacious ___ / unchanging ___
faith in others ___
plenty of fight ___
influencing others ___ / thankful ___
stubborn ___
extroverted ___
unhurried ___
person of action ___
articulate ___
unemotional ___
perfectionist ___ / fluent talker ___
comfortable ___
easy on others ___
plenty of drive ___ / unruffled ___
appreciative ___
individualist ___
personality plus ___
obeying orders ___
pushing for results ___
entertaining ___
enjoying routine ___ / very ambitious ___
affable ___
good humored ___
following the rules ___ / mixing with people ___
easily pleased ___
willing to help ___
taking command ___
faithful ___
systematic ___
leader ___
genial ___ / thorough ___
venturesome ___
lively ___
constant ___ / opportunist ___
expressive ___
free and easy ___
good follower ___

When you have completed these rankings, continue on next page


Rank these words or statements according to: “what you are really like”

fearless ___
making friends ___
predictable ___
devoted ___ / liked by others ___
methodical ___
yielding to others ___
tenacious ___ / unchanging ___
faith in others ___
plenty of fight ___
influencing others ___
kind hearted ___
enterprising ___
spellbinder ___
steadfast ___ / strong-willed ___
full of enthusiasm ___
dependable ___
easily influenced ___ / believable ___
composed ___
wary ___
relentless ___
unruffled ___
appreciative ___
individualist ___
personality plus ___ / thorough ___
venturesome ___
lively ___
constant ___ / opportunist ___
expressive ___
free and easy ___
good follower ___
fluent talker ___
comfortable ___
easy on others ___
plenty of drive ___ / faithful ___
systematic ___
leader ___
genial ___ / obeying orders ___
pushing for results ___
entertaining ___
enjoying routine ___
very ambitious ___
affable ___
good humored ___
following the rules ___ / mixing with people ___
easily pleased ___
willing to help ___
taking command ___ / conservative ___
flexible ___
fighting spirit ___
happy ___
thankful ___
stubborn ___
extroverted ___
unhurried ___ / person of action ___
articulate ___
unemotional ___
perfectionist ___ / motivating others ___
stable ___
grateful ___
dauntless ___
restful ___
safety first ___
will to win ___
liking people ___ / giving to others ___
putting on pressure ___
socially skilled ___
temperate ___ / make things happen ___
make friends easily ___
reliable ___
pliant ___

Fax completed survey to Tammy Ruffin at 301-229-3185