Orange & Cardamom cakes with cream cheese icing

375g butter

2 ¼ cups caster sugar

6 oranges

6 eggs

375g self-raising flour

6 teaspoons ground cardamom

Cream Cheese Icing

180g pure icing sugar

180g cream cheese

90g butter

  1. Preheat oven to 190°C. Place cupcake cases into each hole in the muffin tins.
  2. Cut butter into small cubes and place into food processor. Add sugar and run food processor for 1 minute
  3. Grate zest from oranges and place in medium mixing bowl. Juice oranges and add juice to zest in the bowl.
  4. Crack eggs into the same bowl and lightly whisk to combine.
  5. Sift flour and ground cardamom into another medium mixing bowl.
  6. With food processor running and working quickly, add one third of egg and orange juice mixture, then add one-third of sifted flour.
  7. Immediately add another one-third of the egg mixture and another one-third of the flour, then the remaining egg mixture and flour and process until smooth and creamy.
  8. Spoon the batter evenly into the prepared muffin tin, filling each hole about two-thirds full.
  9. Bake for 15 minutes or until cooked. Test to see if they are cooked with a skewer or a knife. If it comes out clean, the cakes are done.

Cream cheese Icing

  1. Wash and dry food processor bowl. Place a sieve over the top. Tip icing sugar into sieve and using a spoon push the icing sugar through.
  2. Cut cream cheese into small cubes, then tip into the food processor, along with the butter, and process until smooth and creamy.
  1. Remove the cakes from the oven. Allow them to cool for 1 minute in the tin, then turn the tin upside-down and bang the bottom of the tray to release the cakes.
  1. Place cakes right side up on cooling rack until completely cooled.
  1. When cakes are completely cooled, use a spatula or knife to spread a little icing on top of each cake.
  1. Serve